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<html lang="en-US"><head><script>
** Copyright (c) 2008, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

* This is the loopback script to process the url before the real page loads. It introduces
* a separate round trip. During this first roundtrip, we currently do two things:
* - check the url hash portion, this is for the PPR Navigation.
* - do the new window detection
* the above two are both controled by parameters in web.xml
* Since it's very lightweight, so the network latency is the only impact.
* here are the list of will-pass-in parameters (these will replace the param in this whole
* pattern:
* viewIdLength view Id length (characters),
* loopbackIdParam loopback Id param name,
* loopbackId loopback Id,
* windowModeIdParam window mode param name,
* clientWindowIdParam client window Id param name,
* windowId window Id,
* initPageLaunch initPageLaunch,
* enableNewWindowDetect whether we want to enable new window detection
* jsessionId session Id that needs to be appended to the redirect URL
* adfHashMarker A string udentifying the start of PPR Navigation hash
* mediaFontSize font size used. For em related calculations.
* mediaType Type of media. screen, tv etc
* mediaFeatureWidth Width of the view port
* mediaFeatureHeight Height of the view port
* mediaFeatureDeviceWidth Width of the device
* mediaFeatureDeviceHeight Height of the device
* mediaFeatureColor number of bits per color component of the device
* mediaFeatureColorIndex color index media feature
* mediaFeatureMonochrome Whether the device is monochrome
* mediaFeatureResolution resolution of the device.
* mediaFeatureGrid Whether device is a grid device
* mediaFeatureScan Scanning process of television devices
* mediaFeatureOrientation Screen orientation. landscape or portrait
* enablePPRNav whether we want to enable PPR Navigation
* internalParamsObj an object whose keys are the names of the internal
* parameters and whose values evaluate as true
* noLoopbackViewId View Id used where the page should be redirected when
* the session cannot be established due to the browser with
* disabled cookies accessing a server with URL rewriting disabled
* extraParams a name-value map of extra query parameters that should be placed
* on the URL

function _addParam(queryString, paramName, value)
var hasValue = (value != null && value !== '');

if (hasValue)
if (queryString == null || queryString === '')
queryString = "?";
queryString += "&";
queryString = queryString + paramName + '=' + value;
catch (e)
//If a single param addition fails, continue
//so that other params addition can be continueds
return queryString;

function _cookiesEnabled()
return (navigator && navigator.cookieEnabled);

var internalParams = {'_afrLoop':1,'_afrWindowMode':1,'_afrWindowId':1,'_afrMT':1,'_afrFS':1,'_afrMFW':1,'_afrMFH':1,'_afrMFDH':1,'_afrMFDW':1,'_afrMFC':1,'_afrMFCI':1,'_afrMFM':1,'_afrMFR':1,'_afrMFG':1,'_afrMFS':1,'_afrMFO':1,'_afrRedirect':1};
var extraParams = {};
var queryParamNames = [];
var queryParamValues = [];

function _addQS(pname, pvalue)
if (!internalParams[pname])

function _replaceCallback(p0, pname, p2, pvalue)
_addQS(pname, pvalue);

* Finds a feature value with binary search.
* The search is based on window.matchmedia function call on min-feature.
* e.g. window.matchMedia("(min-resolution: 400dpi)").matches) will be true
* when the resolution is at least 400 dpi.
var _findWithBinarySearch = function (feature, minVal, maxVal, unit)
if (maxVal <= minVal)
return minVal;

var median = Math.ceil((maxVal + minVal) / 2);

while (true)
if (minVal == median || maxVal == median)
return minVal;

if (window.matchMedia("( min-" + feature + ": " + median + unit + ")").matches)
minVal = median;
maxVal = median;

median = Math.ceil((maxVal + minVal) / 2);

* Compute font size and add font size param
var _addFontSizeParam = function (query)
var fontSize = "16";

//Check the font size so that em to px conversion can be done at server.
fontSize = window.getComputedStyle(document.createElement("div")).fontSize ||
fontSize = fontSize.substring(0, fontSize.indexOf("px"));
catch (e)
//reset to default value in case of any exception
fontsize = "16";

query = _addParam(query, "_afrFS", fontSize);
return query;

* Derives media type by calling window.matchmedia on a list of
* possible media types and adds the matched media type as a query param
var _addMediaTypeParam = function (query)
var mediaTypes = ["screen", "print", "handheld", "aural", "braille", "embossed", "tv", "projection", "tty"];
var agentMediaType = "all";

for (var mt = 0;mt < mediaTypes.length;mt++)
var mediaQuery = mediaTypes[mt];

if (window.matchMedia(mediaQuery).matches)
agentMediaType = mediaTypes[mt];
catch (e)
//reset to default value in case of any exception
agentMediaType = "all";

query = _addParam(query, "_afrMT", agentMediaType);
return query;

* Adds various media features to query string based on agent properties.
* The input query string is the URL generated by this script and the output is the
* URL with appended media features as query params
var _addMediaFeatures = function (query)
query = _addFontSizeParam(query);

query = _addMediaTypeParam(query);

query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFW", window.innerWidth);

query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFH", window.innerHeight);

query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFDW", screen.width);

query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFDH", screen.height);

//query color on a scale of 0 - 50.
var mediaFeatureColor = _findWithBinarySearch("color", 0, 50, "");
query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFC", mediaFeatureColor);

//query color-index on a scale of 0 - 50.
var mediaFeatureColorIndex = _findWithBinarySearch("color-index", 0, 50, "");
query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFCI", mediaFeatureColorIndex);

//query monochrome on a scale of 0 - 20.
var mediaFeatureMonochrome = _findWithBinarySearch("monochrome", 0, 20, "");
query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFM", mediaFeatureMonochrome);

//query resolution on a scale of 0 - 1000dpi. Conversion to other usits are to be
//done at the server side.
var mediaFeatureResolution = _findWithBinarySearch("resolution", 0, 1000, "dpi");
query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFR", mediaFeatureResolution);

//query whether the device supports grid.
var mediaFeatureGrid = window.matchMedia("(grid)").matches;
query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFG", mediaFeatureGrid ? 1 : 0);

//scan returns a true only for tv media type.
var mediaFeatureScan = window.matchMedia("(scan: progressive)").matches;
query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFS", mediaFeatureScan ? 1 : 0);

//query whether orientation is landscape or portrait
var mediaFeatureOrientation = window.matchMedia("(orientation: portrait)").matches;
query = _addParam(query, "_afrMFO", mediaFeatureOrientation ? 1 : 0);

return query;

var _getTouchFeature = function()
var touchCapability = "none";

if (navigator.maxTouchPoints)
// touch enabled
touchCapability = (navigator.maxTouchPoints > 1) ? "multiple" : "single";

return touchCapability;

var _addTouchCapabilityParam = function(query)
var touchParam = "_afrTC";
if(touchParam == "null")
var touchFeature = _getTouchFeature();
query = _addParam(query, "null" , touchFeature);
return query;

var id = null;
var query = null;
var anchor = null;
var href = document.location.href;
var hashIndex = href.indexOf("#");
var hash = (hashIndex > 0) ? href.substring(hashIndex + 1) : null;
href = (hashIndex > 0) ? href.substring(0, hashIndex) : href;
var oldUri = href;

var marker = '!';

/* process the hash part of the url, split the url */
if (hashIndex > 0)
if (hash.indexOf(marker) == 0)
var adfHash = decodeURIComponent(hash.substring(marker.length));

var state = adfHash.split("@");
var len = state.length;

if (len >= 2)
id = state[1];
if (len >= 3)
query = state[2];
if (len >= 4)
anchor = state[3];
anchor = decodeURIComponent(hash);
// Check for legacy PPR navigation Hash format
if ( false && (anchor.indexOf('/') >= 0 || anchor.indexOf('@') >= 0))
var astate = anchor.split("@");
var alen = astate.length;
if (alen >= 1)
id = astate[0];
if (alen >= 2)
query = astate[1];
anchor = null;

/* process the query part */
var queryIndex = href.indexOf("?");
if (queryIndex > 0)
// only when pprNav is on, we take in the query from the hash portion
query = (query || (id && id.length > 0)) ? query : href.substring(queryIndex);
href = href.substring(0, queryIndex);

if (query != null && query.length > 0)
// extract all query parameters
query.replace(/([^?=&]+)(=([^&]*))?/g, _replaceCallback);

query = null;
if (queryParamNames.length > 0)
query = '';

for (var i = 0;i < queryParamNames.length;i++)
var n = queryParamNames[i];
var v = queryParamValues[i];

// Check for overrides in the extraParams map
if (extraParams[n] != undefined)
v = extraParams[n];
delete extraParams[n];

query = query + ((i == 0) ? '?' : '&') + n + '=' + ((v == null) ? '' : v);

var jsessionIndex = href.indexOf(';');
if (jsessionIndex > 0)
href = href.substring(0, jsessionIndex);

// Check whether HTTP session can be established by verifying that cookies are enabled or URL rewriting is on.
// If not, abort processing and redirect to an error page
if (!'' && !_cookiesEnabled())
window.location.replace(href.substring(0, href.length - 12 ) + '/_noloopbackerror_');
/* we will replace the viewId only when pprNav is turned on */
if ( false )
if (id != null && id.length > 0)
href = href.substring(0, href.length - 12 ) + id;

query = _addParam(query, "_afrLoop", "3799852284419632");

/* below is the new window detection logic */
var initWindowName = "_afr_init_";// temporary window name set to a new window
var windowName =;

// if the window name is "_afr_init_", treat it as redirect case of a new window
if (( true ) && (!windowName || windowName == initWindowName || windowName != "7oz19urj4"))
/* append the _afrWindowMode param */
var windowMode;
if ( false )
/* this is the initial page launch case,
also this could be that we couldn't detect the real windowId from the server side */
windowMode = 0;
else if ((href.indexOf("/__ADFvDlg__") > 0) || (query.indexOf("__ADFvDlg__") >= 0))
/* this is the dialog case */
windowMode = 1;
/* this is the ctrl-N case */
windowMode = 2;

query = _addParam(query, "_afrWindowMode", windowMode);

/* append the _afrWindowId param */
var clientWindowId;
/* in case we couldn't detect the windowId from the server side */
if (!windowName || windowName == initWindowName)
clientWindowId = "null";

// set window name to an initial name so we can figure out whether a page is loaded from
// cache when doing Ctrl+N with IE = initWindowName;
clientWindowId = windowName;

query = _addParam(query, "_afrWindowId", clientWindowId);


// Add extra query parameters
for (var n in extraParams)
query = _addParam(query, n, extraParams[n]);

var sess = "";

if (sess)
/* here we check the jsessionId, if we ask the container to send jsessionId as */
/* a parameter then it will look like "?jsessionid=xxx". */
if (sess.indexOf(";") == 0)
href += sess;
else if (sess.indexOf("?") == 0)
/* at this time query should already be non-empty */
query += "&" + sess.substr(1);

//add media features params to query string
if (typeof window.matchMedia === 'function')
query = _addMediaFeatures(query);

// Add touch capability param
query = _addTouchCapabilityParam(query);

var newHref = href + ((query == null) ? '' : query);

var newHash = (anchor != null && anchor.length > 0) ? encodeURIComponent(anchor) : null;

var loc = window.location;

// Workaround for the Firebug bug, where the cached version of the loopback script is served
var isOldFirebug = false;

if (window.console != null && window.console.firebug != null)
var ver = parseFloat(window.console.firebug);
isOldFirebug = !isNaN(ver) && ver < 1.9;

// Browser won't reload the page if the base URL is the same, and the new URL has hash
if (newHref == oldUri && (newHash != null || isOldFirebug))
if (hash != newHash)
loc.replace(newHash == null ? "#" + marker : '#' + newHash);
loc.replace(newHash == null ? newHref : newHref + '#' + newHash);
</script><noscript>This page uses JavaScript and requires a JavaScript enabled browser.Your browser is not JavaScript enabled.</noscript></head></html>

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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Looding Image
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