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F22. Please say if reading! This is a dramatic roleplay involving a woman and her brother in law. I would be most compatible with a more dominant male roleplay partner.

My name is Annie, I stand tall at 5'9'', my slim build accentuated by my broad shoulders and long limbs. My auburn eyes are my most striking feature. My hair is dark, a shade of brown that borders on black, and falls in loose waves just past my shoulders. I keep it tied back in a messy bun most days, out of practicality rather than fashion. My face is angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. My nose is straight and my lips are full. As for sexual details, my breasts are a generous handful and my ass is fit and toned.

Your brother, Tom, and I have been together for three years and got married last year. I work as a nurse in the emergency department, and he is an office manager. Ever since we got married, our relationship has changed. Tom has been drinking and gained a lot of weight over the year. You and I haven't spoken much, but we used to be closer when Tom and I were just dating. Tonight, Tom invited you to watch the Super Bowl.

I come home around halftime after a long and grueling shift at work. I unlock the front door and step inside, greeted by the familiar smell of home. I take a deep breath, relieved to be back after a long and tiring shift at the hospital. As I kick off my shoes and hang up my coat, I hear the sound of a bottle clinking against glass. My heart sinks as I realize that my husband is already drunk. "Annie, you're home," he slurs, stumbling into the living room. "Finally. We're starving!" I try to keep my cool as he continues to speak, his words slurring together and barely making sense. "I'll go fix something up." I sigh in defeat. I'm wearing dark blue scrubs and
a black turtleneck underneath for obvious reasons. I barely say hi to you and just go to cook you both something to eat.

(Please continue with a description of yourself and some background information about your character! If you're into non con, feel free to play as Tom to fill any needs. After a few replies we can move to discord if we are compatible.))

Stranger: Reading.

You: Thanks

Stranger: I'm Archie, white guy, 6'7 with short, dark brown hair and short beard, and grey-blue eyes. Said eyes are a little small, enough so that people have asked if I have any Asian in me (I don't, as far as I know). I've got a muscular build, but not really like chiselled from marble like a bodybuilder, more stocky like a bear with a bit of a gut. I've got a pretty manly amount of chest hair, and body hair in general everywhere except on my groin, as I manscape enough that my orbs and shaft look tidy. My cock is a bit over 6 inches when erect.

I greet you with a smile, though feel a little bit disheartened by you practically ignoring me. All of a sudden I feel kinda guilty about having brought whisky. Stepping over to Tom, I place a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, bro, how about I fix us something? Annie's been working her ass off all day I bet, and you've managed to survive my cooking before," I joke. And what n ass it was...

You: I greet you with a mutter, a small nod in your direction before disappearing to the kitchen. I rush into the kitchen, scanning the fridge and pantry for ingredients to throw together a quick meal. I grab a package of pasta and set a pot of water to boil on the stove. While the water heats up, I chop up some garlic and onions, tossing them into a skillet with a splash of olive oil.

Stranger: I try to guide Tom over to the living room and get him to sit down, but he pushes me off and heads back to the kitchen. Not my place, I think, and sit on the couch. Tom sways over and comes up behind you, putting his glass away. You soon feel his hands on your hips. "Hello nurse," he slurs with his booze reeking breath, smirking as he sloppily kisses your neck and feels up your hips.

You: I wince and try to keep cooking while he touches me "Tom.. not while your brother is here" I try to push him off, hating the smell of alcohol. I don't drink myself.

Stranger: "Naah, he don't mind. He's cool," he slurs. And he had a point. Well, to him I was cool, at least. I was older than him at 33, and I'd always been the "cool big brother" in his eyes. Helped that I was very physical and would often protect him from bullies. I was big into martial arts and had tried to get him in too, but he'd been always half-hearted about it. Especially with his current alcoholism.

"Gimme some sugar," he continues, sticking to you as his hands, surprisingly dexterous still, move to pull down your pants.

You: I freeze up and then turn around quickly "You are missing your game" I swat his hands away. "If you want dinner, you will leave me alone to make it" I warn, my eyebrows furrowed

Stranger: The warning gets lost in the alcohol fugue, his hands going back to your waist. "Come ooon Annie," he says, pressing his body against you. You can feel his erection press against you through the fabric of his pants. "Just gimme a little kiss."

You: I lean in to kiss my husband, the taste of alcohol on his lips making me hesitate. But I know he needs comfort, even if it's just a small gesture. As our lips touch, I can feel the warmth of his body and the weight of his head resting on my shoulder. "Now please go"

Stranger: His hands move down and he proceeds to give your ass a firm squeeze, his fingers digging hard into your flesh. "You can kiss me somewhere else after the game," he chuckles before finally releasing your ass from his grip, turning and stumbling back to the living room.

You: Over the past few months, I've lost a noticeable amount of weight. My clothes fit loosely on my slim frame, and my face has a more defined jawline. I'm grateful for the weight loss, but I know it's not from a healthy place. I haven't been eating anywhere near the amount I should be. I plate two dinners for you and Tom and none for myself. I give you your portion and I hand deliver Tom's plate to his lap.

Stranger: As you put the plate down, Tom doesn't respond. His head is hanging low, a long strand of drool hanging from his bottom lip. I look at him, and then you. I pick his plate back up and stand from the couch, holding the plate back to you. "He could do with missing a dinner or two. How about you have this? God know you work for it, and you should take care of yourself more." I eye you up and down, having noticed your weight loss from how I remember you looking in the past.

You: I hold the plate in my hands and sigh. I put it on the table and cover Tom up with a blanket. "I am sorry you have to see him like this.. he's had better days". I get a form for myself and have a few bites. I am exhausted

Stranger: "Yeah, don't I know it," I reply as I eat with you. "Hard day at work, I guess? You nurses are real life supeheroes, I swear." After eating some more, I come up with a suggestion. "Hey, would you like a massage? You seem really tense and exhausted. I swear, I'll work on your neck for fifteen minutes and you'll feel ten years younger."

You: I touch my neck, anxious. I feel like you know that he's been hurting me and you're just waiting for me to admit it. "I'm a bit sensitive there... Maybe another time" I frown, feeling defeated

Stranger: My expression turns a bit colder. I look over to my brother, my baby brother. The same kid I used to shield from bullies has now become the worst kind of bully himself. I put the plate down and look at you before standing up. I offer my hand out to you. "Annie. I love my brother, but I'm not blind. You're my family now too. Will you let me help you?"

You: "He.. he's just in a rough spot. He lost his job last month... I am sure this won't last forever" I squeeze your hand to reassure you but I am lying to you and myself. I get anxious, scared he will jerk awake any moment. I pull my hand away, scared he will see

Stranger: I give you a gentle squeeze back. As you pull you hand away, I kneel down next to you. "Annie... I've taught self defense to several women who just got out of an abusive relationship. You sound just like them. Yeah, this probably won't last forever, but the change has to come from him," I nod at Tom. "And unless you force it out of him, it'll never happen."

You: I look into your eyes, my own filling with tears. I haven't admitted to myself that he's been hurting me. I hide my face in my hands, heartbroken. My shoulders shake as I try to compose myself "It's not your burden to bare"

Stranger: I shake my head. "Am I not my brother's keeper? Tom knows that I'd always protect his family when he can't. Even if it means protection from himself." I wrap and arm around your shoulder. "Come on. Let's get you out of here, somewhere you can gather your thoughts at, okay?" I start helping you up from, my hands strong and firm but gentle as a breeze.

You: I hesitate for a moment before accepting. My body tenses as we embrace, the memory of a recent bruise on my ribcage still fresh in my mind. I try to hug back, but the pain from the bruising prevents me from doing so fully. I feel a wave of sadness wash over me as I realize how much my life has changed since I married Tom. "Where are we going?" I wipe my face with my hands, I hate crying

Stranger: Escorting you from the living room, I come to a stop at the front door. "Put your shoes on and get your coat," I guide you, doing the same myself. "I'm putting you up in a hotel for a night, so you can have a safe night of sleep. Come morning, we'll talk about what you want to do. I can hook you up with a shelter, if need be."

You: "Just give me a moment" I go upstairs and I pack some clothing into a bag as well as my tooth brush. I seem shell shocked and broken as I come downstairs. I look at Tom, feeling sorry for him, but eventually I put on my shoes and jacket and come with you. I stay quiet

Stranger: Moving out, I let you in my car and make sure you're strapped in. I give you your space, not talking during the drive unless you initiate it. Driving through the city, I get you a room in a nice but not extravagant hotel and escort you to the room. It has a nice double bed, bath tub, and a fully stacked minibar.

You: I wonder if you will stay with me. I look completely lost and uncomfortable. I sit on the edge of the bed awkwardly, staring at my lap. It's nearly imposible for me to gather my thoughts
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