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All I could see were red and blue flashing lights racing down the street I was in. I was locked in a dark basement with a little girl in my arms. The house I was locked in was getting hot and on fire. I screamed at the top of my lungs for help. Then the sirens stopped and that's when I heard a deep male voice call out Chicago fire yell out. I yelled ‘WERE LOCKED IN THE BASEMENT HELP US’ and I kept repeating that until I heard ‘stand back we're kicking the door down to get you out’ we stood as far away from the door as we could then I said ‘whereas far away as we can be’ I said. When the door came down, I saw 2 firefighters in full gear. They came up to me and helped me and rose out of the burning building. Hi, my name is Olivia and I'm 20 years old. This is the story of how I was kidnaped and stuck locked in a basement with a little girl for 6 months. Then the house we were in was set on fire. Let's start from the day I got kidnaped and go in order of events.
It was Monday the 30th of September at 11.21am. I was walking back to work after going to lunch and pulled up a black Lamborghini with 2 masked men in it then they got out and taped my mouth shut. I have bad anxiety, so I started to shake. I got the tap off my mouth and said, "Please don't hurt me," they said we don’t hurt women, we just keep them safe from the outside world. Then I said ‘I am safe, I have my boyfriend with me most of the time. He's just not with me today because his unwell’ I told them I was scared but a tiny bit excited because I was in a Lamborghini, my dream car. We were in the car for about 45 minutes to an hour then we turned and went to a gate that leads to a beautiful house.
As soon as we were out of the car, I got locked into a dark basement that had a mattress to sleep in with a blanket. Next to the mattress there was a table and a small room next door with a shower and toilet. I was very grateful to be getting clean clothes but also a little bit scared because they smelled funny. After about 2 hours I got my first meal which was a cheese sandwich, an apple and tall glass of milk. I was very grateful to be fed but I was really scared.
On a table next to the mattress was a notebook with a pen and I started to write in it to kill time and to help me with my anxiety. I began a diary that I wrote in for hours. Every time I heard something I put it back in a flash so then the men didn’t suspect a thing.
After a bit when it was time for every meal, they would make me cook for them. I was happy to be doing what I love but also scared because I was being watched every second. I asked the men what they wanted me to call them and the said master and that’s what I kept calling them until I got told over whys which didn’t happen.
One night I was lying in bed, I heard a little girl crying in the corner. I went up to her and asked, ‘What’s your name and what are you doing here’. What she said next broke my heart, ‘my name is Rose, and 2 clown men came and took me when I was asleep and I’m here now. I just hugged her and asked her how old she is. She said, ‘I’m 10,’ I took her by her hand and said I’m Olivia and I’m going to look after you I promise’ we went to bed and just talked. She fell asleep in my arms. In the morning I made bacon and eggs for our masters and pancakes for me and Rose. It was Rose’s 11Th birthday in a week, and I knew exactly what to do for her. I made her a copy of a book we wrote called the unicorn who survived a kidnapping and found a never unicorn friend so basically the story is our story but we're unicorns.
Rose had now been here 3 months and I’ve been here 6 months, so things were getting scary. Then one night me and Rose heard the fire detector going off like crazy so we both started to freak out. What made it worse was that we heard fire trucks racing down our street. There’s this little window in the basement where we store the fire trucks, police cars and ambulances. I turned to Rose and said, ‘it’s going to be ok just keep down low and hold my hand,’ I told her.
We were both shaking in fear but also really existed to be rescued. We heard a male voice yell out "Chicago fire department yell out where you are in the building,’ I yelled out ‘we're locked in the basement we can’t get out; I kept repeating it until I heard ‘stand back we're kicking the door down to get you guys out of here. We won’t kick the door down until you yell out, you’re a safe dissident away from the door.’ He spoke like he really wanted to help us get out. I grabbed Rose and stood as far away from the door as we could. Then I yell out ‘you can kick the door down whereas far away as we can be. Then I yell out ‘we're as far away as we can be’. The door came down and 2 fire fighters came in and 1 of them picked up Rose and the one took me by the hand to lead me out.
Once we were out, we were taken to our seaport ambulance. I was all on my own, but Rose was with her family again. I was having a panic attack as this was happening so one of the firefighters came up to me and said, ‘I process you your safe and none is going to get you,’ I looked up because I recorded the voice. ‘Tyler is that you,’ I said, and he said, ‘of course it's me and you're not on your own anymore,’ said Tyler. Me and Tyler were both firefighters in training and would go on rescues once in a little bit we would go out with the squad to a fire. My anxiety was really playing up, so I was shaking like crazy, but Tyler managed to get my anxiety under control. I had to be taken to Chicago med to be checked out because I had some pretty bad injuries on me. I was about to be loaded in the ambulance and then the chief said, “Tyler you have to go with Olivia, she needs you and will take it from here and meet you at med,” I was really happy I didn't have to go in the ambulance on my own even though I know gabby it was easter for me to stay calm having Tyler by my side. Pulling up to med was pretty scary but I know that everyone here was going to help me. I got my favourite doctor of all time. Her name is Doctor Addison. She was working with her team to keep me as calm and comfortable as possible. Once I got cleaned up more and more of my injuries were discovered. I was so scared that I wouldn't let anyone touch me or anything unless I had a police officer at my door because I was scared that the kidnappers were going to come back and take me.
I got told I needed surgery, and I had a panic attack because of that one of the mental health specialists came in to explain to me that I was going to be ok and explained what was going to happen. I asked her if she could stay with me to make me feel more comfortable and so when I woke up, I didn't freak out. She stayed with me and asked me the same questions about the kidnapping. I heard a cold black then there was a police officer in my room and said that I was going to be ok, but I needed to stay calm and quiet. I didn't stay calm and got out of bed to face the kidnappers myself. Everyone tried to hold me back, but I didn't let them. This is the more friendly thing that I said to them “you men keep me, and Rose hidden from our families. You made me scared of leaving the sight of the police without having a panic attack. You are monsters. I hope you ever die, or you get life in prison. Let’s see if you would like it,”’ I scream at them at the top of my lungs. Tyler was the only one that could calm me down and back in bed so I could be prepped for surgery. I was about to be pulled out of my room to go to the operating room when there was a code blue in Rose’s room. All I sore was her parents crying. I began to worry about her but before I could say anything they said “Time of death 10:45 pm on the 30th of February 2017 at Chicago med emergency department’” said a doctor there. “no’” I screamed at the top of my lungs. I was devastated. I tried to get out of bed, but I wasn't allowed to. I was crying and screaming. My emotions got over my head. I was lucky that Tyler knew how to calm me down.

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