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You: F22. Please say if reading! This is a dramatic roleplay involving a woman and her brother in law. I would be most compatible with a more dominant male roleplay partner.

My name is Annie, I stand tall at 5'9'', my slim build accentuated by my broad shoulders and long limbs. My auburn eyes are my most striking feature. My hair is dark, a shade of brown that borders on black, and falls in loose waves just past my shoulders. I keep it tied back in a messy bun most days, out of practicality rather than fashion. My face is angular, with high cheekbones and a strong jawline. My nose is straight and my lips are full. As for sexual details, my breasts are a generous handful and my ass is fit and toned.

Your brother, Tom, and I have been together for three years and got married last year. I work as a nurse in the emergency department, and he is an office manager. Ever since we got married, our relationship has changed. Tom has been drinking and gained a lot of weight over the year. You and I haven't spoken much, but we used to be closer when Tom and I were just dating. Tonight, Tom invited you to watch the Super Bowl.

I come home around halftime after a long and grueling shift at work. I unlock the front door and step inside, greeted by the familiar smell of home. I take a deep breath, relieved to be back after a long and tiring shift at the hospital. As I kick off my shoes and hang up my coat, I hear the sound of a bottle clinking against glass. My heart sinks as I realize that my husband is already drunk. "Annie, you're home," he slurs, stumbling into the living room. "Finally. We're starving!" I try to keep my cool as he continues to speak, his words slurring together and barely making sense. "I'll go fix something up." I sigh in defeat. I'm wearing dark blue scrubs and
a black turtleneck underneath for obvious reasons. I barely say hi to you and just go to cook you both something to eat.

(Please continue with a description of yourself and some background information about your character! If you're into non con, feel free to play as Tom to fill any needs. After a few replies we can move to discord if we are compatible.))

Stranger: Hey! 25 male. I’m reading!

You: Thanks

Stranger: It’s great to meet you! I’m Tylor. Just give me a moment to type up my description and continue.

You: Sweet :)

Stranger: I am 6’1” tall. I have short dirty blonde hair that is just long enough to grab ahold of. My eyes are a very light shade of blue with some green flakes in them. I have a little bit of a round face, though my cheeks and chin are defined. I am athletic and slightly muscular from years of playing football and baseball as well as continuing to run daily. I don’t have any tattoos or piercings. Feel free to ask about anything else you’d like to know!

Stranger: I had been hanging out for most of the day at your house, though I hadn’t really been drinking unlike Tom. I knew he was drunk off his ass, but I couldn’t convince him to stop drinking. I look up from the couch, wearing a pair of dark blue jeans and a red hoodie as you walked in. I give you a bit of a smile, which quickly fades as I listen to your interaction. I had asked him if he wanted food shortly before you got home and he had simply said no. I get up after a couple minutes, walking into the kitchen to get myself a bottle of water. “I’m sorry about him. I tried getting him to slow down at least…” I say softly, wanting to make sure he doesn’t hear the conversation and get upset.

You: I greet you with a mutter, a small nod in your direction before disappearing to the kitchen. I rush into the kitchen, scanning the fridge and pantry for ingredients to throw together a quick meal. I grab a package of pasta and set a pot of water to boil on the stove. While the water heats up, I chop up some garlic and onions, tossing them into a skillet with a splash of olive oil.

I flinch and look back over my shoulder. It's been a while since we've seen each other, and I've missed you. Despite the tense atmosphere with Tom, I feel a spark of warmth seeing a familiar face. "It's great to see you. Don't worry about him" I say with a tired smile

Stranger: “Why don’t you let me finish this up?” I ask you, stepping close next to you. “Take yourself upstairs, get cleaned up and changed.” I add, seeing just how tired your eyes looked. “I’ll cover for you, tell him you’re needed to go to the bathroom or something.” I say and shrug. “He’s too drunk to understand anyway.” I chuckle, reaching to take the spoon from your hand and gently hip bump you aside. “Go on.” I add, flashing a smile at you once again.

You: "You're sure?" I smile a bit more genuinely. "You are the best" I leave out the ingredients left to chop. "Thank you". I sneak out to go upstairs and shower. head to the bathroom and turn on the water, letting the sound of the shower drown out my thoughts. I feel insecure and sad, wishing things were different, but not sure how to make a change.

Stranger: I look up into the kitchen as I was cooking, seeing him finish off the beer in his hand before he stands and stumbles into the kitchen. “Where the hell did Annie go?” He asks a bit angrily, seeing me cooking. “Dude, she just fucking worked a 12 hour shift. Take your drunk ass back to the couch before she decides to kick you out for being so worthless.” I say to him, showing my frustration about the way he had been treating you recently. He just laughs and shakes his head. “She’s mine and she knows it.” He says, his words sending a bit of a chill down my spine. “You don’t own her. You’re lucky she’s still with you.” I say and roll my eyes a bit, watching as he started to stumble up the stairs.

You: I quickly dry off and change into my pajamas, trying to ignore the knot in my stomach. I get dressed into long pajama pants and a long sleeve shirt, Tom calls it 'dressing like a nun' but I dress this way to avoid any attention. As I'm getting into bed, Tom bursts into the room, and I jump, startled. He towers over me, and I can feel the fear rising inside me as I wonder what he's going to say or do.

Stranger: He smirks as he looks down at you, reaching out to pull your shirt off of your body without saying anything. “Show them to me.” He demands, pulling his hands back before lifting his shirt off. He turns around, deciding he wanted to lay down and get a blowjob from you. He didn’t think he even needed to say what he wanted, assuming you’d know exactly what was on his mind. What he didn’t take into account was that he’d pass out within moments of laying down. His pants were undone and he reached over to grab one of your breasts, though his eyes started to go dark as he was about to pass out.

Stranger: (I have discord if you want to move there at some point)

You: (Let's stay on here a little longer)

Stranger: (Sounds good!)

You: (What did you want to happen? Didn't expect him to pass out)

Stranger: (I was thinking it would be an excuse for you to come down and hang out a bit, doesn’t have to get sexual right away or anything like that, maybe a bit compassionate though)

You: (Got it)

You: I was tormented by his actions, trying to pry his hands off of me. I felt so grateful that he passed out. I slip from the bed and fix my clothing. I leave him there in the bed and sneak downstairs. Over the past few months, I've lost a noticeable amount of weight. My clothes fit loosely on my slim frame, and my face has a more defined jawline. I'm grateful for the weight loss, but I know it's not from a healthy place. I haven't been eating anywhere near the amount I should be.

Stranger: I had just finished coomi

Stranger: (Oops, sorry!)

Stranger: I had just finished cooking the pasta that you had started. I heard some footsteps coming down the stairs behind me, lifting my head but immediately recognizing that they were much softer than Tom’s would be. I look over my shoulder, giving you a smile. “Come over here.” I say, motioning to the seat at the table in the dining room. “You look like you need some food.” I add, pulling out two bowls and filling them. I bring them to the table, setting one in front of you before I move to sit across from you. “How was work?” I ask you, trying to see if you’d open up at all to me.

You: I feel a lump form in my throat and the urge to spill everything that's been happening overwhelms me, but my anxiety gets the best of me. "Work?" I sit down and hold the warm bowl in my hands, enjoying. "Well you know... the hospitals are pretty over run these days. I am rather exhausted. But I still like what I do" I shrug and take a bite of the food. "It's very tasty, thank you"

Stranger: “Yeah, I can imagine so.” I say to you. “Are you constantly working overtime just to keep the hospital staffed?” I ask you curiously. I could see the hesitation on your face before you answered my first question, signaling to me that you had decided to hold something back. I didn’t want to push it just yet, but I wanted to find out exactly what your relationship with Tom was like as it seemed like he was being abusive towards you. “Don’t thank you, you’re the one who got it started and thought of it.” I say to you and smile widely as I eat from my bowl.

Stranger: *Don’t thank me

You: "Yeah, sometimes, but I don't mind". I seem to relax my shoulders more, my hair is down and damp in waves from the shower. I eat and finally feel like I have an appetite, enjoying every bite. It's been months since I ate a meal I haven't had to make myself. "How are you?"

Stranger: I had turned my attention to my meal as you said you didn’t mind. There was a comfortable silence between us as we ate. I glance up, smiling at the sound of your voice. “I’ve been okay. I’ve been keeping myself busy with my work, but not nearly as busy as you’ve been.” I tell you and shrug. “I haven’t really had much of a social life lately, but that’s okay.” I add, standing to take my bowl to the sink and rinse it out once I was done. I place it in the dishwasher before I begin to clean the pot I used to cook it.

You: I felt a surge of gratitude towards you for helping out, especially when my husband was not in the best shape. I immediately joined in to help, feeling a sense of camaraderie and appreciation for your gesture. "You don't have to clean.." I dry the dishes you wash

Stranger: “I know I don’t have to.” I say to you and shrug. “But I feel like I should. I made the mess so I can help clean it up.” I say to you, finishing with the last of the dishes. I turn and lean back against the counter, looking at you. “Are you okay? Physically and mentally?” I ask you bluntly, my eyes scanning over your face. “You’ve been much more quiet, you’ve lost a lot of weight, and you’ve been dressing to cover as much of your body as possible.”

You: My cheeks go pale as you confront me so point blank. You watch me stutter and trip over my words as I try to not make Tom look bad. "Oh.. me? I.." I bite my tongue. "Tom lost his job a month back.. I am just trying to keep up with my savings goals so I've been working a lot". I lie and we both know it's only part of the truth. I feel cornered and I hug my stomach to comfort myself, getting reminded of my bruised ribs

Stranger: I frown a bit as you spoke. I knew about him losing his job, and we both knew that I knew so I was wondering what you’d bring that up. “Annie, you can talk to me about anything. It stays between us. I know he doesn’t treat you the best, but if you need help, you have to tell me.” I say to you, stepping towards you. “Come on, come sit on the couch.” I tell you, walking by and going to the living room.

You: I follow you hesitantly and sit down, still hugging my arms, my body language making me look small and broken. I hold my tongue for a while. "I don't want to ruin your relationship with him. You already come here so infrequently. If he cuts you off, I won't be allowed to see you. he's cut off a lot of our friends"

Stranger: I look over at you, giving you a bit of a frown as my eyes narrow. “He will cut me off?” I ask you curiously. “Annie, I don’t know what he’s told you or what he’s done, but he doesn’t own you. He doesn’t control you.” I say. “You get to decide who you go hang out with, when you go hang out, what you do, not him.” I add, my voice clearly being frustrated as I heard that was how he treated you. “Plus, I can cut him off without cutting you off.”

You: I shake my head "You don't know how he gets..." I falter and hand my head. "I can't talk to people he doesn't approve of. It's just what marriage is" I find myself completely cornered. "He does control me... he controls my bank, my clothes, my life... he holds me in his grip and if I step out of line.. he..." I stop myself. "You should go before he wakes up"

Stranger: I listened to your words, but the more you spoke the angrier I became. “Annie…” I say to you and pause, gritting my teeth a bit. “I’ll beat hit ass. You deserve so much better.” I tell you. “You don’t deserve to be treated like that by a sack of shit.” I say. He was still my brother, but I wasn’t going to defend him for treating you that way. I stood up, pacing in the living room a bit out of anger. I heard a couple noises upstairs, then a door closing signaling he had gotten up and made his way into the bathroom.

Stranger: *beat his ass

You: "You need to leave... if you do something rash he is just going to take it out on me" I quickly get up and try to hurry you to the door "Please, I will call you later. But you have to go!" I warn

Stranger: I stop at the door, not letting you push me out. “I can’t just leave and let you stay here with him if he’s treating you that way.” I say to you, hearing him at the top of the steps. “Annie, come on!” He says, slurring his words more than ever

You: (Does playing Tom interest you?)

Stranger: (I can do that, just gotta give me an idea of what is and isn’t fair game)

You: (Just no scat, urine. That's pretty much my only limit)

Stranger: (Haha alright, I can handle that)

You: "You have to go", my eyes are wide and scared. I look shell shocked, my whole body tense. "Coming!" I yell back and push you out, locking the door. I quickly run to grab a glass of water and go upstairs to greet Tom.

Stranger: I stood outside of the front door for a couple moments, being in shock about what just happened. I send you a text as I get to my truck. “Just say the words and I can be over here to pick you up if you ever need to get away.” I send to you. There was only so much I could do to help you if you weren’t willing to accept the help. He roughly grabs your waist, pushing you into the bedroom as he leans in and sloppily kisses you. “I didn’t get my blowjob.” He says to you and shoves you against the wall before he turns to walk towards the bed

You: I whimper in pain. "Tom.." I fix my shirt "I am not doing that tonight. I don't feel well. Lets go to bed. I brought you a glass of water" I reach my hand out to him, trying to give him the water.

Stranger: He knocks it out of your hand, the cup flying against the wall and splashing water all over. Luckily it was just a plastic cup so it didn’t shatter. He glared at you, not saying a word but telling you exactly what he thought of that response just through the look in his eyes. He never let you say no, no matter what. “I don’t give a fuck.” He finally says and pushes his pants off.

You: I jump in fear, terrified of him. I back away, we circle the bed. "I am not having any sort of intimacy with you when you are like this... You promised me! You promised you wouldn't drink tonight" I cry out in frustration and throw a pillow at him "Get out of the bedroom!" I Yell

Stranger: He looks at you as you started to cry, his only reaction being to laugh. “And you promised you’d fucking cook me dinner!” He yells, grabbing your wrist and shoving you towards the bed. “Fucking blow me.” I say to you angrily, reaching to try to take your shirt off, but he just ends up tearing it a bit

You: I am topless now. I try to cover my breasts and look up at you, my eyes teary. I look terrified. I press my legs together, not wanting to give him any ideas. "I said no, Tom" I whisper, wishing I left with Tylor.

Stranger: He looks down at you, his eyes being narrow and seemingly looking right through your eyes. He reaches down, grabbing your throat firmly. “You don’t have a fucking choice. You live in my house. You do as I say.” He says to you before his hand strikes your cheek, him hitting you seemingly being very natural to him.

You: Before I have a chance to react, Tom reaches out and grabs me by the throat, squeezing so tightly that I can barely breathe. I gasp for air, feeling the panic and fear wash over me as I struggle to free myself. Finally, he releases his grip, and I fall back against the pillows, coughing and gasping for air. "Please stop...". There was no negotiating with him, I reach for my phone, scared but he is much quicker in making sure I am far from it

Stranger: As you reached for your phone, he grabbed it and tossed it towards the bedroom door, it being on the floor between him and the door. He smirks at you, grabbing your pants and tugging them off of you. “No blowjob, fine. I’m fucking you instead.” He tells you, pulling at your legs as you tried keeping them shut. He reaches for your throat again, shoving your body down into the bed as he squeezes it. “I’m not letting go until you spread them.” He says angrily to you

You: I cry out as he tackles me in the bed and my face is forced to press into the mattress. I sob uncontrollably. My ass is up from being pushed down into position and my pants are easily ripped off my body. I squirm and cry but it's no use. I beg him not to but he pays no attention

Stranger: He thought of this as a game, enjoying you struggling and saying no like you currently were. As you begged him to not do anything, he slips his fully length inside of you. He grabs a handful of your hair, starting to fucking you rough and fast immediately. He was a bit off balance from being so drunk, but he was still strong enough to manhandle you and keep you from fighting back against him.

You: I wasn't turned on, I wasn't ready. It feels like he is ripping me in half. I am held to submit, eventually I stop the squirming and fighting, having an empty stare as he uses me. Some people treat sex toys better than how Tom treats me. he definitely wouldn't clean me after fishing. My thighs get bruised and red from all the gripping and my throat burns from being chocked earlier

Stranger: He continued to thrust, not caring how it felt for you. He spanked you as roughly as he could, frustrated with the lack of want and wetness from you. He lets out loud grunts, his cue that he was getting close to finishing, though he had no intention of actually pulling out of you. His hand rubs roughly on your hair, lifting your head off the bed as he pushes in fully and start to cum, filling you in his drunken state.

You: I let out a whimper as he forces me to take all in and holds me in the most painful position possible, humiliating me more. I am laying on the ground, cum spilling on to my inner thighs. I sob quietly and hug my knees. I am completely shattered

Stranger: He pulls back, smirking. “Fucking baby.” He says to you as you curl up and cry. He then moved to lay on the bed, leaving you crying on the floor as he goes to sleep without thinking twice about what had just happened.

You: (Is it okay if I say you texted me?)

Stranger: (Sure!)

You: After some time I make it to my phone, the screen is broken and I cut my thumb on the glass. I see a text from you asking if I am alright. Through tears I reply to you "Please help me". I wasn't sure how to convey what happened. All I know is I need to get out of the house

Stranger: I read your text, not replying at all. I had been in bed, but got up immediately. I get dressed, getting in my truck and driving back toward your home. I was there within ten minutes, texting you I was here as I get out and come to the front door, finding it was still locked from when you pushed me out of the house. “I can’t help you if I can’t get inside.” I send

You: I open the door weakly, in some ripped up pajamas and a small bag of clothing. My left cheek is a deep shade of red that will definetly bruise by tomorrow morning. I can't bring myself to look at you, I stumble myself to your car and get into the passenger seat, my face is stained with endless tears and my hands are shaking

Stranger: I look down at you as you opened the door, surprised by how rough your appearance looked. I reach for your bag, taking it from you and walking close behind you before I help you up into the seat. I don’t say anything, just knowing it’ll make things worse. I get in the drivers seat, looking at you. “Just making sure you’re wanting to go to my house?” I ask you softly as I start to back out of the driveway.

You: I nod in reply, staring out the window. going to the police would not make sense, they wouldn't believe me. I am devastatingly quiet as you drive, just giving nods or head shakes when you ask me something. Soon you help me out of your car and I walk, clearly in pain. In your house I just stand awkwardly, I can feel his cum still inside me, dripping from me. Not in a lit room you see just how tortured I look

Stranger: I step in front of you, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face. “Do you want me to get the shower going for you? A bath?” I ask you softly. You looked so broken to me and I was just looking for some way to help you as best as I could. “You can get cleaned up and I can get the guest bed ready for you.”

Stranger: I step in front of you, gently brushing a strand of hair from your face. “Do you want me to get the shower going for you? A bath?” I ask you softly. You looked so broken to me and I was just looking for some way to help you as best as I could. “You can get cleaned up and I can get the guest bed ready for you.”

You: (got it :))

Stranger: (Sorry, it was just seeming like it never went through)

You: It's incredibly awkward and I don't know how to ask you for a towel or clothing to sleep in so I stand there, speechless for a minute. "Yes.. please" I whisper as you show me to your bathroom. I can't bring myself to look at you. I eventually undress in private and shower for a while, trying to calm myself. When I finish I wrap the towel under my arms and try to find the clothing you promised. I open the bathroom door to see you on the edge of the bed. folding the clothing. I awkwardly stand there, some of my bruises visible now

Stranger: I had placed one of my old t shirts, a hoodie, and a pair of sweatpants on the bed for you. I knew it would all be very big on you, but I figured it would be comfortable clothing for you. I turn when I heard the door open, looking away quickly as I see you’re just in the towel. “Sorry, I couldn’t find a shirt for a bit.” I say, looking at you again and noticing the bruising on your biceps, your neck, and your legs. “Let me step out. Do you need anything else?” I ask you as you step into the room and I go out into the hallway, pulling the door shut so you could have privacy again.

You: I carefully sit down and look at my knees, not recognizing my own body at this point. I pull the clothing into my lap, being quiet and just careful with my movements, like I am scared of you. "N-no ... this is great thank you" You can barely hear me since I am whispering, keeping my voice from straining. It takes me a moment but I get dressed in what you set for me "I.. I'm decent" I tell you

Stranger: I heard your voice through the door, gently opening it. I come into the room slowly, reaching to help you up to your feet. I move the blankets aside, guiding you onto the bed before I gently tuck you in. “Do you need water or anything?” I ask you softly after tucking you in. “Do you need anything else?” I ask you

You: I look up at you and lay on my side, wondering what tomorrow will bring. I look pale "C-can you stay?" I ask shyly. I am terrified of Tom finding me, I'd feel safer knowing you were here but I can't tell you this, I don't know how to tell you

Stranger: (Did you reply? It’s said you’ve been typing for awhile now)

You: I look up at you and lay on my side, wondering what tomorrow will bring. I look pale "C-can you stay?" I ask shyly. I am terrified of Tom finding me, I'd feel safer knowing you were here but I can't tell you this, I don't know how to tell you

You: (get it?)

Stranger: (Yeah!)

Stranger: “I’m not going anywhere, I’ll be right across the hall in my bed.” I tell you. “My door will even be open.” I add. I didn’t think you meant for me to stay in the room with you, and really wasn’t thinking you’d want me to be in the same bed. “I promise I’m not leaving.” I add.

Stranger: (What do you think about going to discord?)

Stranger: (You there?)

You: I look sad when you say you are in the next room and I nod in understanding. "Can you keep my door open too?" I ask for a compromise. I can't bring myself to ask you to stay in the room with me

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