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How to Use an AI Writing Assistant
If you're looking for a new writing assistant, there are many different options. You can try CoAuthor, Article Forge, TextSpark, or Writecream. These tools can help you write and edit articles faster. However, you should be aware of a few things before using one. These tools can be confusing and require a bit of training.

Article Forge

Article Forge is a tool that uses artificial intelligence (AI) to create articles. The AI works to produce high-quality content. It allows users to control the AI's performance. They can tell it which keywords to focus on and can even mix sub-keywords together for variety. It can write an article in a matter of minutes.

You can tell Article Forge which keywords you want to target, what word count you need, and other specifications. Within 60 seconds, the AI will generate an original article based on these parameters. Then, you can make final edits before publishing. You can also specify subheadings and main keywords, which will help steer the article in the right direction.


If you're looking to write faster, the TextSpark AI Writing Assistant may be the perfect tool for you. It's a simple, distraction-free writing assistant that will help you come up with creative ideas. The AI tool will plan the structure of your work and generate hundreds of character and plot ideas. It can even help you organize your writing by creating connections between words and phrases.

It can even help you overcome writer's block. It uses machine learning to learn what you're writing about and will offer suggestions based on your mood and feelings. As a bonus, the AI writing assistant can even check your work for plagiarism.


The CoAuthor for AI Writing Assistant project is a collaboration between writers and AI. It captures the rich interaction between 63 human writers and four instances of GPT-3 across 1445 writing sessions in English. The dataset provides a comprehensive view of how writing systems work and how writers use them to produce texts.

The CoAuthor for AI Writing Assistant allows you to access the skills and expertise of an experienced content writer, but at the same time, it enables you to stay on topic while you write. The software generates a full article outline and creates a unique, on-topic article. Moreover, it offers you the ability to edit and expand on the content, if necessary.

The CoAuthor for AI Writing Assistant has several features that help authors generate high-quality content quickly. Its patented AI system analyzes the content in real time and makes suggestions to enhance its INK SEO Score. A high INK SEO Score means that the content has a high chance of being ranked in search results. Google ranks content with an INK SEO Score of four times higher than content with a low score. Moreover, Sudowrite's AI system can help writers edit their writing or generate plot ideas.

ai writing assistant is an AI writing assistant that can help you create marketing content, sales emails, and blog content. It also produces personalized voice-overs for videos. You can get a free trial of Writecream to test out all its tools. You can choose from three different plans: Standard, Unlimited, and Professional. Each plan has different features and prices. For example, the Standard plan comes with 200 credits, which is enough to create 20 blog articles. Other plans give you access to more tools, which can be expensive if you use them infrequently.

Writecream is not cheap, but it produces high-quality content. The software is quite effective and offers a support system. It is a bit expensive, so you might want to look for a cheaper option.


Scalenut is an AI writing assistant that can help you generate content in an instant. You can use it to write long-form content and short-form content for websites, social media posts, and more. You can set the type of content you want the AI assistant to create, as well as target keywords.

The interface is simple and easy to follow. You input information, such as a keyword, and the AI writing assistant will come up with several options. After selecting the most relevant one, you can copy and paste the content into an Editor. You can also ask for more content if necessary, but you should always validate its generated content before using it. This AI writing assistant helps you save time and money. It also offers a number of advanced features.

The AI writing assistant uses deep learning to write content that's unique and compelling. It generates ideas fast, and it can do so as many times as you want. It can also change sentence structure and tones of voice based on the topic. You can also export the ideas to your favorite editor. The AI writing assistant also supports various platforms, including WordPress and Shopify.
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