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How Much Does Orbera Cost?
If you are considering getting Orbera, but are worried about the price, the best thing to do is to speak with one of the knowledgeable staff members at ORBERA. They will be able to answer your questions and help you determine a budget that suits your needs. The staff is very patient and knowledgeable, and they will help you decide how much you can spend.
Cost of Orbera

The cost of Orbera balloon surgery varies from state to state, but is usually between $3,000 and $8,000, depending on the surgeon and the location of the procedure. The cost of the balloon procedure includes all patient care, including follow-up visits and the surgeon's fee. The procedure isn't covered by medical insurance. If you'd like to finance your procedure, you'll have to choose a financing plan, which can vary depending on your financial situation and the surgeon. However, select financing plans offer no payments for the first 3-6 months, making the cost of the Orbera balloon procedure affordable.

While the FDA approved Orbera in 2015, most insurance plans don't cover the procedure. However, some insurance companies in other countries may fund the procedure for a reduced cost. In addition, most bariatric centers offer financing options and a flexible spending account that can help patients pay for the procedure.
Insurance coverage

If you're interested in getting Orbera weight loss surgery, but worried about the cost, know that the procedure isn't covered by medical insurance. Major insurance companies, including Medicare, are not yet on board with weight loss procedures using intragastric balloons. The reason is that these procedures are considered aesthetic rather than medical. Insurance companies are taking their time to catch up with the latest advances in medical technology. In the meantime, you can take advantage of financing options that allow you to pay for the procedure yourself. In some cases, you can even use a flexible spending account to cover the costs.
Insurance coverage for Obalon balloon

The Obalon balloon is an innovative non-surgical weight loss treatment that can help you lose weight. In addition to its non-surgical nature, the Obalon balloon is a tax-deductible medical procedure. In fact, some insurance plans cover the entire procedure, and you can even save up to 30% of the cost through your tax-advantaged account. This procedure is suitable for those who are overweight and have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight through diets and exercise.

In most cases, the procedure takes less than 15 minutes, and patients are not sedated. Patients are instructed to follow a diet and exercise plan after the procedure. Once the balloon is in place, it can last as long as six months. The process can be completed on the same day, but you may have to make arrangements for transportation.

Patients with a BMI of 30 to 40 are ideal candidates for the Obalon balloon. People with excessive BMIs or previous stomach surgeries should not undergo the treatment. Patients who are taking stomach-provoking medications should consult with their doctor before undergoing Obalon.
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