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There were a few things to note. Hadi called Kieran for Kiran on purpose between him and Brett. He'd keep up the petty nickname for months into Brett's and Kieran's relationship. Brett had given up on correcting him once he realized Hadi was doing it on purpose. Hadi wanted respect regardless. He expected Kieran to understand the role he had in his life. Hadi was there first, he had dealt with Brett the longest and knew him better than Brett knew himself. Hadi had the duty and right to meddle with his life, especially his love life. Brett wouldn't meet anyone who wasn't up to his standards. If Hadi saw any reasons for Brett to not settle for anyone, he'd pester the brunet.

His and Kiran's acquaintanceship was complicated. He got into a fight with the man about whose right it was to take care of Brett during the tough times. Hadi denied Kiran the right of knowing how he was doing or withhold information from him revolving around Brett's well-being. He didn't give a shit if it were childish. He did tell Brett's roommate about it, whom he had approved beforehand during visits. Hadi was self-righteous, but he had all the good reasons for it. He had all the grounds to decide to be an influence in Brett's life. Kiran could hate him for it. No, Kiran should be at his feet and pray for him. Without Hadi, Brett wouldn't have been the man Kiran apparently likes so much. Hadi expected nothing but respect from the blond.

Hadi could admit he was being petty with Kiran. After getting over the hatred once they had solved problems one by one, Hadi was purely petty. Meeting Kiran in real life after deciding to consider tolerating him was slightly awkward, to say the least. Brett was actively trying to find things they had in common. Of course, that very fight was lingering between the two. Hadi hadn't told him shit about his and Kiran's fight. Brett just knew that Hadi didn't like him. It was fair to tell him straight up because Hadi was an honest person. He wasn't going to bullshit kindness toward Kiran at any point. There was no point in acting nice - but he wasn't a cunt either. Hadi would avoid talking excessively to Kiran, that's all.

There was a shift in their dynamic once Brett had his very shitty days. Hadi, for the first time, had sent screenshots of Brett's very shitty thoughts he had shared over text. The severe thoughts of life being hard, the exposure therapy going to shit, feeling urges to drink for bad reasons, etc. Now, Hadi was cornered with Kiran since Brett needed proper comfort from someone he was in love with.

Hadi, for the first time, could vouch for Brett and explain that the brunet simply feared the weight of his issues being too much. For once, he explained how THEY knew Brett's protective nature. He had the decency to acknowledge that Kiran knew SOMETHING about Brett at least. They could have a proper conversation regarding how to deal with it and how to approach it. Eventually, Hadi had just texted him something along the lines of: "Brett needs you. He's depending on you. He's trusting you with his sanity. Don't take that shit for granted."
"Don't fuckin disappoint ME either,"

The second message was important. It was a beginner message and had a weight in how soon Hadi would approve him. It would reflect how Kiran viewed Hadi as a part of Brett's life. Yes, he was a prick individually. Hadi fully acknowledged his anti-social, hateful, petty, dickhead, toxic, possessive nature. He was sure he had called the clown 'Kiran' right in their texting history. Hadi was somewhere between hateful and proud of it. Most of all, he was loyal. He'd never fuck anything up for Brett - which explained why Hadi tried to get along with Kiran eventually. Somewhere deep into his heart, Hadi acknowledged that Brett was in it for the long term. The moment he realized Kiran made an effort too, Hadi was disappointed to realize Kiran would become his brother-in-law eventually. Which meant that he would have to tolerate him.

It was to be noted that Brett had given him a lot of reasons to tolerate Kiran. For instance, he noticed Brett's mood stabilizing with Kiran's presence. Kiran was making an effort to be assertive, more cautious, and observant of Brett's well-being and progress. Hadi would also actively ask Kiran about him. He didn't care whether it was hypocritical or if Kiran wanted to withhold information too. Kiran could try and test him. He could try if he had the guts to.

Hadi eventually interfered less once Brett started seeing the light after the tunnel. The brunet himself explained how he felt energetic and more uplifted. He would explain how he only walked past the crime scene feeling paranoid and anxious only in comparison to having a panic attack the first time. There were many examples, but most of them had something to do with the bitter name of Kiran. Hadi had to face all his demons to actually force the smallest smile toward him once they met with good intentions.

Yes, Hadi had good intentions with Kiran too. One day he had fairly weighed up the damage versus the blessings he had brought to the table. Hadi was thinking long-term because Brett was the type to value something serious. He also hated the fact that Kiran didn't strike him to be the guy who was fucking around and experimenting with Brett. He had known for a long time that Kiran was in fact a good guy. Hadi always distinguished trashy people by two categories: purposely dickheads, or fucking stupid. Kiran fell into the second category. However, Kiran worked on bettering himself for Brett. The brunet told him everything, so Hadi knew.

Thus, the realization kicked in. Fine, he would tolerate and perhaps approve Kiran today. He passed proving that he'd do assertive shit for Brett too. He had passed the test of being disgusting with Brett in public too. The two issues were solved themselves. Hadi had no reason to hate him now. It was awful. He couldn't make up an excuse to hate him either, other than their first fuckin argument. Brett and Hadi were a package deal. He wasn't going anywhere. He was approving Kiran, not the other way around. Today's meeting would be Kiran's lucky day if he said so himself.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be nice," Hadi scoffed and rolled his eyes at his and Brett's private pep talk. He could tell Brett was tired of trying to tame and soften him up before hanging out with him and Kiran. It was funny, actually. He just messed with Brett when he said he'd get petty. Hadi wouldn't sabotage the two. He was an asshole, but not a sabotaging prick. Brett and Kiran were serious. He could tell. Hadi appreciated and respected both of them for settling down and getting their shit together for once.

"If he's not boring as ever today," Hadi muttered after turning around and eventually leaving his room. Every beginning had a starting point. So, Hadi gave Kiran a glance of acknowledgment of his existence before waiting for Brett to trail behind him.

He definitely looked between him and Kiran.

"Chill," Hadi told him across the room, giving him a knowing look. He wasn't planning on being a prick. Brett's low expectations of him were getting annoying. His concerned and stern look was getting pathetic to look at. Hadi lifted an eyebrow and let out a chuckle. He raised his hands in surrender as if to convince his best friend that he'd, in fact, be nice.

Brett gave awkward glances between him and Kiran while driving again. Hadi had been merciful and kind to give the boyfriend the front seat for the first time. If Kiran wouldn't notice the smallest tokens of acknowledgment then he'd grow pissed. The blond was a smartass. Hadi had the impression that the dumbass was an observant idiot.

The background music was ironically lighthearted and chill. Hadi waited till their destination before he'd even make an effort. Too many hints and gestures at once made him uncomfortable. Hadi leaned back in his seat fully relaxed despite Brett being the exact opposite, and Kiran presumably feeling awkward. Hadi was having the fun of his life messing with the two of them.

Their arrival was quiet until Brett forced a tone that mimicked hype. He sought comfort in staring at Kiran and giving him the lovepuppy stare. Disgusting- ly relieving for Hadi to see. Now, his eyes were on the boyfriend to see if it was returned.

Kiran passed. This day was slowly drifting to Kiran's benefit. Hadi kept his mildly stern, yet amused expression as they'd enter a cafe with more of a fun concept. Something of a buffet, a cute chalkboard menu, and a greenery vegan theme. Hadi didn't mind it. Too mellow and extravagant for his taste, but they had a good coffee selection.

He loved the fact that the cafe was packed even more. Hadi led the way to find a table on his premises. In the corner where there were least people. Brett didn't mind where they sat. Hadi had an eye for aesthetic places to sit, too. He didn't blatantly choose a table to be a prick, though it seemed that way.

Again he showed another token of mercy as he sat on the opposite side of the boyfriends. He was being nice enough for Brett to look confused, though, pleased. Brett was starting to realize what was happening. At least, he looked hopeful.

Time would tell whether Kiran was understanding the full picture yet or not. Hadi thought he was far from discreet. It was embarrassing for him to do these gestures consecutively. It was as if he had unspoken words in the form of action. Hadi would keep it that way if it weren't for the fact that he would have to have the 'I'm your boyfriend's best friend' talk.

Hadi swiftly told Brett he knew what his order would be. Unsurprisingly, his faint smirk grew once Brett confidently guessed the exact coffee he was thinking. It went to show how well Brett knew his best friend. The action wasn't done carelessly. Once the couple got ready to order, Hadi looked at Brett and nodded toward the counter. He gave a knowing look as if to tell him he needed to talk with the boyfriend.

The Afghan could tell Brett's color drained from his face as if he dreaded this. However, he could tell Brett trusted him with his life. Their telepathic communication was intense. Brett was sending him hope and begging to be nice with the stern gaze, while Hadi didn't even react. He was confident in what he was going to say and do. Hadi had no bad intentions.

"Okay," Brett drew out more cautiously before getting out of his chair. Hadi almost rolled his eyes at the speed Brett brought up his phone to text one of them. Once Kiran's phone vibrated, Hadi allowed himself to scoff. He knew exactly what the text would be.

"Babyboy don't mind if my toxic, shitty, bad, trashy, possessive, annoying, mean best friend is rude or saying anything bad. I won't let him disrespect you >:( he's just toxic don't take anything seriously he's just trash, ignore him. Delete his number, block him, xoxo love you baby prettyboy the love of my life"

At least that was the message he assumed Brett to send. Something along the lines of that. Brett looked back from afar, with Hadi clearly sending him a sarcastic smile back. Brett was pissing him off already and he hadn't had his coffee yet.

"So, Kieran," Hadi was ever so calm when he spoke, leaning back on his seat with his arms crossed over his chest. He drew out the 'e' to let him know he was getting his name right least. Hadi got awkward in a split second. His confident exterior fell for a second before Hadi cleared his throat.

"We've both seen the dumbfuck grow. Brett's gotten much better lately," Hadi had no idea where this was going. He crossed his legs to avert any attention to his bouncing leg out of the very mild anxiousness from being in an awkward social interaction. Hadi hated the shit of starting conversations.

"Alright let's get it over with. You're obviously his boyfriend, but I'm his long-term best friend. Luckily for you I can admit that," Hadi stopped his words once he caught Brett jogging up as if to forcefully halt their conversation. His tone was sarcastic and lighthearted, but his message was very serious. Kiran should know that by his expression staying calmly solemn.

"We're having a talk, go to the bathroom shorty," Hadi told him rather than asking. He wasn't commanding often. Hadi didn't act like a prick on purpose, especially not with Brett. His expression remained constant as he was sternly telling Brett that he seriously had to chill. He eventually softened his glare to at least prove to Brett that he was being nice.

As Brett finally started trusting Hadi with Kieran, he walked back as if to look at the pastry once again. After he got Brett to shoo, Hadi could continue. He was still awkward, and one could see right through it. It was fucking embarrassing how Kieran had his shit together, listening intently while Hadi had no way of admitting it. He would conceal it with layers. It was the only way he could get it out. Hadi had to build confidence to grow back into himself.

"Anyway, you've gotten very good for him consistently. Brett's good with you. I have no reason to test and observe you anymore," Hadi sighed as his direct approach was far from a lie. He would just have to get it out.

"You and I'll be buddies for Brett now. I can tolerate you for a span of time," Hadi shrugged and tried to conceal the message he was trying to convey of 'I don't dislike you anymore'. His way of delivery was very interesting. If Kieran didn't take the solemn sentiment to heart, he'd admittedly feel offended.


"I'll be nice and give you one shot. You fuck it up with him once, and bam," Hadi snapped his fingers to visualize how fast his respect and effort would vanish.

"If you ever need help with the dumbfuck, I'll be happy to assist you confidentially. Without further to do, a token of a final truce, we'll tolerate each other," Hadi concluded for both of them. Brett despised and admired his 'my way or no way' attitude. His stature reeked with confidence and determination.

Hadi had made up his mind. He and Kieran would tolerate one another for Brett's benefit. They could team up and think out good things for his best friend. He'd be as loyal to Kieran as he was with Brett - meaning that if anyone fucked up with Kieran, they'd get decked.

He didn't want Kieran to reply or have a thank you speech. He already felt awkward and disgusting enough to let out warm feelings of empathy and friendliness with him. Hadi got his phone up and eventually got to his settings to find the sim card where his number could be displayed.

"Add it," Hadi slid over his phone toward Kieran to finally offer his damn phone number for faster contact. He wasn't giving Kieran a choice. Hadi would only stare between his phone and Kieran, waiting for him to add his number.

He raised his eyebrow as Kieran had an unreadable expression. This could go many ways. Hadi would only playfully roll his eyes and playfully scowl at him if Kieran dared give him a warm smile whatsoever cringe emotion he radiated. It would be somewhat fun to tell Kieran to fuck off and that he didn't invite Brett's boyfriend to be friendly or comfortable with him.

He would get a bonus for giving him an insult or acting like he didn't give a shit. Hadi could see himself being fond of the idiot someday in the future. While his pride told him he'd tolerate Kieran after dying, his realistic nature did imagine himself bullying Kieran with shit memes and using Brett as an excuse to text him sometime.

Eh, Kieran was right under okay.

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