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I have looked in Matthew, Mark, and Luke for whatever reason hint from Jesus that He was a universalist. I finish Luke and even John, still looking, but not searching out. Judge for yourself.

Yes, God is unfathomably loving; more full of affection than we of sin. In fact God so loved rebel sinners that he even gave up his own Son, jesus Jesus to death through the cross devote the penalty in full our sins deserved. Does that mean every single person who ever lived might be to heaven because Jesus has died for every bit? No, that's not the teaching of Scripture.

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John 5:28-29. Some day you will hear the voice of God calling you by way of grave. Much I are sensitive to you each human being who has ever were. What I don't know is which resurrection possibly be yours. There are two. John tells us in was created to promote of Revelation that money-making niches 1,000 years between 2 appearances out of your dead.

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