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It will surely take little to motivate you to exercise your chest, since the work of this area is usually among the priorities of most bodybuilders. It is not even rare that many devote more time to training the breastfeeding than any other group.
There are still gyms where you can see that old black and white photo of Arnold hanging from the wall with his famous side-side chest pose, because that image stimulates and provides the ardor to train the chest with maximum intensity.

In addition, more pictures of pectoral than any other group are always published in the bodybuilding magazines.

We will not promise you that with the following routines you will be able to achieve the professional level of development, but we can guarantee that each of them can provide a solution to the different problems that may arise in that group and that they will help you to develop your maximum genetic potential of the pectoral.

Rutin 1: Hipertrophy (anabolic) ^ To achieve complete development, this session covers all areas of your pectorals: the upper strip is stimulated with the press in tilted bank, the middle portion with the press in flat bench, the bottom with the openings in declined bench and the inner face with the pec-deck machine. After the first year's warming series (not included in the total volume of work), attack the maximum weight possible to cover the above repetitions, since at that time you are fresh and dispose of the maximum energy. Not to say it has that the more weight you can move with a correct mode of execution, the more muscle you will develop. *It does not include the warmup series. These series must be of low intensity. **Seek to choose a weight with which you can reach the fault in the number of repetitions planned. In the first series you will use the maximum weight and then if necessary you will reduce it enough to complete the planned repetitions. Rutin 2: Muscle Definition ^ To accentuate the definition and the details in the pectoral it is necessary to refine the skin by reducing subcutaneous adiposity and, in addition to the diet, to cause maximum energy spending on those muscles contributes greatly to the effect. This session therefore incorporates the superseries, and also slightly increases the volume of repetitions to maximize the skin. Also, reduce your normal rest periods between 20 and 30 seconds between series to further increase the intensity. ExerciseSeries* X Repeats**Press inclined on machine Smith4 x 10,10,12,15Superserie with Inclined openings with mancuers4 x 12,12,12,12Press on chest sitting3 x 10,12,15Abertures in flat bench3 x 12,12,12Cruces in polea down superserie with 3Flexions on the floor 123 These series must be of low intensity. **Seek to choose a weight with which you can reach the fault in the number of repetitions planned. Routine 3: Beginners ^ For newcomers to the gym it is convenient to use simple movements at the beginning. This routine is composed of machine exercises (except in the final movement), which favors you gradually entering into weight training: the machines guide the movement and thus you will learn to connect with the muscles and feel them working. ExerciseSeries* X Repeats**Press on a seated machine3 x 12, 12, 15Press inclined on machine2 x 12, 15Apertures in pec-deck3 x 12, 12, 15Apertures with mancuers2 x 12, 15* These series are of effective work, because when using a light weight you will not need warming. ** Beginners should not try to get to the bug in any of their series. Rutina 4: At home ^ There are occasions when you can't go to the gym, which is not enough to stop training, as with very little material you can enjoy a good session. But you may have chosen to exercise regularly in the privacy of the home. In any case, this training requires only one set of cashiers and a bank. Vari the superseries with which you start the work from one session to another, so that you focus on the upper and middle chests when you have the maximum strength and are fresh. * Does not include the warmup series. These series must be of low intensity. **Seek to choose a weight with which you can reach the fault in the number of repetitions planned. *** To make the variant in declined bench, place your feet on a flat bench and hands on the floor. Instead, in the inclined version, place your feet on the floor and hands on the bench. Routine 5: Specialized in upper pectoral ^ To stimulate the upper pectoral it is necessary to perform the chest exercises in an inclined bench so that the tension over the upper fibers of the muscle, closer to the collarbones. In this session we use the press and the inclined bank openings, as well as the reflections that also constitute stimulating exercises of the upper strip of the chest. ExerciseSeries* x Repeats**Press tilted with mancuernas5 x 6, 8, 10, 10Press tilted in machine4 x 8, 8, 10, 10Apertures in tilted pulley3 x 10, 10Flexes in soil, declined3 x until failure* It does not include the warmup series. These series must be of low intensity. **Seek to choose a weight with which you can reach the fault in the number of repetitions planned. In the first series you will use the maximum weight and then reduce it enough to complete the expected repetitions. Routine 6: Specialized in lower chest ^ In the same way that you emphasize the work of the upper chest with the movements in the sloping bank, to exercise the lower strip of the chest, you have to perform the exercises in a declined bench. With these movements you will gain volume and definition in the pectorals. ExerciseSeries* x Repetitions**Press declined with mancuernas5 x 6, 8, 10, 10Press declined on Smith4 x 8, 8, 10, 10High pulleys3 x 10, 10Fondos3 x until failure* It does not include the warmup series. These series must be of low intensity. ** Try to choose a weight with which you reach the fault in the number of repetitions planned. In the first series you will use the maximum weight and then if necessary you will reduce it enough to complete the planned repetitions. Rutin 7: Pre-exhaustion ^ The banking press is a composite movement in which the pectorals intervene, but also the previous triceps and deltoids. Often the series should be completed not because the pectorals (the greatest and the strongest) are exhausted, but because the small ‘helpants’ cannot follow them. Do your triceps get exhausted before your pectorals get to the wrong? If so, the method of pre-exhaustion is the solution. This is to exercise the muscle of the breastplate with an isolation movement in which the triceps will not intervene, and then you will continue with another compound. With your chest tired previously, you will not exhaust the triceps with the press and you will get the absolute muscle failure of your chest. Note: openings in pec deck are a final exercise of congestion, with which you will achieve the massive flow of nutrients to the muscles. ExerciseSeries* x Repetitions**High-size belts3 x 12, 12, 12Apertures with mancuers3 x 12, 12, 12Cards with bar4 x 6, 8, 8, 10Press tilted with mancuers4 x 8, 10, 10, 12Press declined on Smith4 x 8, 10, 10, 12Apertures x 25, pec-deck2 It does not include the warmup series. These series must be of low intensity. * Try to choose a weight with which you can reach the fault in the number of repetitions planned. In the first series you will use the maximum weight and then if necessary you will reduce it enough to complete the planned repetitions. Rutina 8: Strength ^ So far we have been reducing weight (and increasing repeats) because you perform the series with a lot of load at the beginning, when you are fresh and then you are reducing weight. anavar only before and after works well for mass gain, but to gain strength, however, studies have shown that athletes achieve this goal better when they gradually increase weight. ExerciseSeries* x Repeats**Power selection***3 x 3 5, 5, 5Press banking6 x 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 3Press tilted, with bar6 x 10, 8, 6, 5, 5, 3Fondos with weight3 x 10, 10, 10*****No warming series included. These series must be of low intensity. **Seek to choose a weight with which you can finish the number of repeats planned without reaching the fault. You'll only be able to make the mistake in the last series. *** This is conventional reflections, although in this case you will carry out the promotion explosively, so much so that you take off the hands of the soil in each repetition. This movement enhances strength and activates fast contraction muscle fibers. Don't get to muscle failure. In the last series after the failure with a tight belt, remove the ballast and perform repetitions with the body weight until the fault.
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