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The Benefits and Drawbacks of Burmese Massage
A professional can perform the Traditional Burmese massage. It's a wonderful method to unwind and pamper yourself. It is essential to know about the benefits of massage and the techniques before you begin. However, there are some disadvantages with this kind of massage. For avoiding these issues, adhere to these steps.

Traditional Burmese Massage

The traditions of Burmese massage have been practiced over thousands of years. Masseuses typically are professionals However, there are masseuses who provide massages to any person. This kind of massage is frequently accompanied by aromatherapy oil as well as the hands of the masseuse must find exactly the spot to apply just the right amount of pressure.

Traditional Burmese Massage is a great therapy with many advantages. Massage can ease backaches as well as other conditions through a massage that works on all the body. It is also beneficial by easing tension on the soles of feet. It also assists at reducing stress levels and increasing blood circulation. Many practitioners recommend exercise routines to be done at home after massage.

Burmese massage may be comparable to Thai massage in many ways. Also, it pays attention to the Thai Sen energy meridians and employs cross-fibre tension to alleviate tension in the body. Because of this, it's beneficial for all illnesses, from arthritis to high blood pressure. It has even become increasingly common for patients suffering from cancer.


Burmese massage concentrates on meridians and energy points in the body. This type of massage is often used to relieve tension and improve circulation. Traditional Burmese techniques for massage include kneading strokes and upward pressing on the body. Each session usually lasts about two hours and includes 80 minutes in lower body massage. Burmese massage can be rejuvenating and relaxing. This massage enhances your rest quality and eases stress.

Burmese massage may be compared to Thai massage however it is different from one aspect to another. Burmese massage is focused on the energy meridians across the body. It includes feet, legs and ankles. It also uses cross-fibre pressure, which facilitates fascial release.


Burmese massages are a well-known treatment for helping to ease muscle tension and various other ailments. It can reduce stress levels and increase circulation. But it's not the best choice for all. It's not the ideal alternative for people with serious back pain or any other physical injuries. The massage can be uncomfortable and create anxiety. So, it's crucial that you choose a massage therapist with experience working with Burmese massage.

A majority of primary research studies were influenced by bias. These studies were likely to have had significant biases due to the large amount of bias by caregivers or participants. Some studies had a limited number of participants which could lead to over-inflated treatment results. The majority of the studies included fewer than 25 people per arm. 용인오피 There were only eight participants in one of the smaller studies.

Health benefits

Burmese massage is a powerful way to relieve muscle pain and tension as well as improve flexibility and circulation. It also helps relieve tension that affects important organs, including the lungs and neck. Additionally, massages can help improve your sleep quality as well as reduce stress. But, it's important to remember that the Burmese massage is not right for all people.

This type of massage focuses on the feet and legs and feet, which is the reason it is so popular in Burma. It's extremely efficient and lowers the likelihood of injuries, as well as increasing circulation and improving the quality of rest. It is similar to Thai massage, but uses cross-fibres to press on the energy meridians in the body. It is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. characteristics that are beneficial for those who suffer from acne , as well as other skin problems.


Burmese massage is among the most popular types of massage, and there are a myriad of types to choose from. It is a technique that's identical to Swedish massage, and the costs of one are usually less than $20. However, there are some differences. For instance, Burmese massage does not use hundreds of kneading strokes to heal the body. This technique is less strenuous and doesn't require many years of education.

A 90-minute Burmese massage can cost around $20. This is a lot less than the cost of a Thai massage. Thai massages can be a good choice for those suffering from tight joints or limited blood flow. Also, it helps to improve overall skin condition and aids in better rest.

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