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**Canada covers approximately the northern third of North America, stretching from the Pacific to the Atlantic. It is made up of 3 territories and 10 provinces
**The western third of Canada is mountainous. Collisions between tectonic plates millions of years ago thrust up a series of sharp-peaked mountains called the Pacific Ranges. These ranges include the Cascade Range and the Coast Range. Mount Fairweather, on the border of Alaska and western British Columbia, at 15,300 feet (4,663 m) is one of the tallest coastal mountains in the world.
**At the eastern edge of the Interior Lowlands lies the Canadian Shield. The Canadian Shield is a giant core of rock anchoring the continent and centered on Hudson Bay and James Bay. This stony land makes up the eastern half of Canada and parts of the northeastern United States. Erosion and glacial ice from the last ice age have smoothed the surface and created lakes, rivers, and streams
**The Mackenzie River, which flows from the Great Slave Lake to the Arctic Ocean, drains much of Canada’s northern interior. The Fraser River flows southwest and drains into the Pacific Ocean just south of Vancouver.
The St. Lawrence River flows about 760 miles (1,223 km) from Lake Ontario to the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the Atlantic. It forms part of Canada’s border with the United States. The cities of Quebec, Montreal, and Ottawa grew up along the St. Lawrence and its tributaries
**In northern Canada, naturally occurring dams created by glacial ice formed Great Bear Lake and Great Slave Lake. Elsewhere, moving glaciers tore at the earth, leaving behind basins that became the Great Lakes.
**Canada is rarely affected by natural weather hazards....too cold
**The Gulf Stream, for example, is a warm, northward-flowing ocean current off the southeastern coast of Canada. It moderates coastal temperatures and carries nutrients as far north as Newfoundland. Merging with the colder air and water of the southward-flowing Labrador Current off eastern Canada, the potential for fog-bound coastal conditions is always present. Off the Pacific coast, the cold Alaska Current flows southward and parallel to British Columbia. It churns up nutrients from the ocean floor, inviting whales to follow a moving feast during their migrations.
**The Gulf Stream, for example, is a warm, northward-flowing ocean current off the southeastern coast of Canada. It moderates coastal temperatures and carries nutrients as far north as Newfoundland. Merging with the colder air and water of the southward-flowing Labrador Current off eastern Canada, the potential for fog-bound coastal conditions is always present. Off the Pacific coast, the cold Alaska Current flows southward and parallel to British Columbia. It churns up nutrients from the ocean floor, inviting whales to follow a moving feast during their migrations.
**The Gulf Stream, for example, is a warm, northward-flowing ocean current off the southeastern coast of Canada. It moderates coastal temperatures and carries nutrients as far north as Newfoundland. Merging with the colder air and water of the southward-flowing Labrador Current off eastern Canada, the potential for fog-bound coastal conditions is always present. Off the Pacific coast, the cold Alaska Current flows southward and parallel to British Columbia. It churns up nutrients from the ocean floor, inviting whales to follow a moving feast during their migrations.
** chinook-a seasonal warm wind that blows down the Rockies in late winter and early spring
------------------------Biomes Lesson 1 pg 4--------------------
------------------------Natural resources Lesson 1 pg 6------------
**The main indigenous groups that exist in Canada today are the Inuit, the Métis, and First Nations peoples. The Inuit are the indigenous people of the Canadian Arctic. Métis are persons who have both indigenous and French Canadian ancestry. First Nations is a term that refers to indigenous peoples of Canada who are neither Inuit nor Métis. The current population of First Nations peoples is about 700,000 of the 1.25 million indigenous people in Canada today.Nunavut is the cultural and economic homeland for the Inuit people
-----------------------Early canada history lesson 2 pg 1-4--------------
-----------------------Culture and economy lesson 2 pg 5-11-----------
----------------------Enviornment and more resources lesson 3-------------------
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