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What is Structural Integration?

Structural Integration is a kind of alternative medicine, which was first developed by Ida Rolf. It combines manual therapy and bodywork. This is an excellent way to treat joint dysfunction and pain. It can also be used to aid in rehabilitation for injuries and to improve flexibility and mobility.


Structural integration is a bodywork therapy that concentrates on the whole body. Their goal is to restore balance to the body below the ribs and its soft tissues. This includes the shoulders, hips, and spine. These areas are often imbalanced and cause stress on other parts of the body.

Structural bodywork can improve range of motion by releasing tightness and tension that has built up. It also helps clients experience an increased sense of freedom. The body is a repository for stress and trauma and structural work can help release these patterns that are entrapped and help promote equilibrium and fluidity.

Structural integration bodywork can be compared to myofascial massage or deep tissue release. Depending on the region that is being worked on, the client might feel an intense release sensation. The type of massage and the extent of previous injuries can affect the sensations. Structural integration is a great method to manage stress that is chronic. Many clients report feeling more balanced and have higher energy levels. After the session, chronic pain is often quickly eased.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy for structural integration (MTSI) is a form of physical therapy that targets the connective tissues and nervous system to restore body alignment. It involves enlarging and extending tensional lines in order to increase the range of motion and ensure that the body is balanced. In addition, it improves posture and helps people perform more natural, efficient movements. The method is typically executed in 10 sessions with each session building on the one before it.

Manual therapy for structural Integration is a hands-on, non-invasive treatment that improves mobility and flexibility. It works by reorienting the body's structure and also educating the nervous system. This method is effective in easing chronic pain and restoring overall health. This is a type of manual therapy that will help to realize your full potential.

A professional who is certified in structural integration can assist you to locate the best practitioner. The right practitioner will help you regain your posture and address the root causes of your discomfort. The practitioner can help you resolve a variety of longstanding issues, from chronic shortness of the hamstring to lumbar lordosis.

Movement education

Movement education for structural integration is a focus on the body's movement patterns and helps to increase awareness of soft tissues. It is the goal of structural integration to increase flexibility of movement and reduce postural issues. Practitioners of the approach use methods of manual therapy and movement education to aid patients in improving their living quality and achieve greater health.

The process of education for movement is a useful tool to assist patients in understanding and alter their habits of movement. It also includes exercises to improve alignment and posture. It is also helpful to maintain the gains made during treatment. The exercises can also include specific instructions on how to move your body in various positions. Training in movement can lead to more co-ordinated and comfortable life style.

Movement education for structural integration is distinct from massage. The program is taught in ten sessions spread over the course of. Each session addresses a different part of the body. The movement education program helps to create connections between the mind and body which is crucial for being able to perform at its best. It helps students to reorganize connective tissues, improve posture and improve gait.

Treatment protocol

Structural integration therapy is a kind of physical therapy that involves applying pressure to specific body parts to create more relaxation and increased movement patterns. Ida Rolf developed the method in the 1960s. It has been constantly refined. The treatment protocols typically consist of 12 sessions, each one building on the previous session.

The first step in structural integration is to examine the client's posture, gait, breathing, and movement patterns. This assessment will help the structural integrator determine the best method of address the individual needs of the client. The structural integrator will then formulate a treatment strategy for the session.

Structural integration is an approach that improves the biomechanical function of the body through the use of fascia. To ease restrictions and improve the body's structure the therapist will apply precise pressure and direction to fascial tissue. Each session is customized to the client and is designed to help the client achieve specific goals and achieve the ideal posture.
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