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Each god and goddess had power over a different aspect of life or the world.
Zeus had many children there names were Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite and Ares.
Zeus is the kings of gods .Zeus father was Cronus ,cruel giant. When Zeus was born his father tried to eat him but Zeus had the one-eyed giant Cyclop make him a thunderbolt that blasted Cronus. Then Zeus drew lots with his brothers Hades and Poseidon, to see who should be the new king. he obviously won.
Now men and gods fear Zeus thunderbolts, but Zeus fears no one except from his wife Hera. She's always accusing Zeus of sneaking to meet human girlfriend. Its not like Zeus would

Poseidon was known for carrying a trident, a large three pronged fork, and could send storms and earthquakes to shake the land. His brothers were Zeus and Hades
Poseidon rule the waves. Poseidon younger brother is Zeus, king of gods. But Poseidon is not jealous of him. Poseidon lives in a shiny golden palace under the ocean and when he shakes his pointed trident storms rage at the sea the earthquakes shiver the he's definitely not jealous. His son is the famous Greek hero Theseus. He killed the minotaur ,a bull-headed monster. And he is also the father of the flying horse Pegasus and Polyphemus the one-eyed giant. Poseidon jealous of

Hades rules the damp, dark underworld even the flowers there are grey. His land is filled with shades-you call them ghost.
The gates of the underworld are guarded by Cerberus, his fierce 3 headed dog. The Greek hero Heracles once stole him and took him to our world. To reach Hades kingdom you must cross the river Styx. Charon (the ferryman )will transport you over the dark water, but only for a fee.
Greek Goddess.
Zeus once had a terrible headache it was so bad he had his head split with an axe and Athena jumped out! Athena was fully grown, dressed in armour and carrying a spear .Athena is a warrior goddess and when heroes like Heracles and Jason gets in trouble, Athena helps them. But Athena is full of wisdom. her favourite bird is the wise owl and her favourite city is Athens ,with its clever people .Athena gave them the first olive tree and they grew rich from selling olive oil.
Hera is the queen of gods, Her husband is Zeus and there son is Ares (the god of war) but Zeus has other children who are not hers. Hera spent her days making their lives a misery! If you treat her well she will give you a reward
as she did with her watchman , Argus. He had 1 hundred eyes when he died Hera put his eyes into the tail of a peacock. You can still see them to this day. But be warned you should never make Hera angry. When prince Paris failed to pick Hera in a beauty contest, she destroyed his city of Troy.
Aphrodite is the goddess of love. she was born from the foam of the sea. She wears a golden belt that makes gods and men fall in love with her. Its so funny when that happens! but when SHE fell in love with Adonis a handsome young man that wasn't so funny he was killed by a wild boar when he was out hunting. Aphrodite wanted to make sure his memory would live on forever so she took drops of blood and turned them in anemones, beautiful flowers. When you see those red flowers remember my love!

The twin sister of Apollo and the love child of Zeus and Leto, Artemis is popularly known as the goddess of hunting and the natural environment, among other things. Where Apollo preferred playing with the strings of a lyre, she preferred plucking the strings of her bow and established herself as a gifted archer and skilled huntress. When she was born, she was capable enough to assist her mother Leto to then give birth to her brother Apollo and rightfully earned the title of protector of childbirth and Labor. Having seen all the hardships that her mother had to go through for having mothered the love children of Zeus, she vowed to practice eternal chastity for all her life and remained a virgin forever. For this reason, she was called the goddess of virginity – a rather neat trick for she was also the goddess of childbirth She never gave in to the advances of other gods and mortals, but it is said she eventually fell for her hunting companion Orion who was accidentally killed by Artemis herself or by Gaea.

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