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Accessible Web Browsers for People With Vision Impairment
People with vision impairments may find it difficult to navigate the internet, but dedicated hardware and software make it easier to find and use websites. However, these solutions are not universal and can come with a steep learning curve. To avoid a frustrating experience, it is best to use the tools available to you. Here are some examples of accessible web browsers:


Modern browsers offer a way to zoom in on web pages. On Windows, press the plus key (+) or the Command key on Mac to enlarge the page. Once you've enlarged the page, you can use the mouse or Control + 0 to return to its original size. Although most blind users can use a mouse to navigate the screen, input design considerations should be the same as those for other users. When enlarged, the screen only shows a small part of the overall design, so users may try to enhance contrast or reverse colors in order to better read the screen.


The Blind Browser WebbIE allows users with visual impairments to navigate the web. It works with all types of HTML, including links, images, and image maps. It also parses the HTML in the body of a web page and produces a text-only document. This way, redundant markup is removed.

WebbIE is free and has been around since 2001. It enables users to read web pages as simple text, navigate web pages using the arrow keys, and fill out forms. It supports RSS feeds, online email, and Google web search.


The eGuideDog project aims to create free software to benefit the blind and visually impaired community. This project primarily focuses on WebSpeech, Ekho TTS, WebAnywhere, and the eGuideDog Browser. The browser is voice-driven and focuses on presenting HTML content in speech. It is written in Perl and uses an eSpeak TTS engine for text to speech rendering. It re-constructs the HTML structure, summarizes content, filters ads, and presents it in speech format.

Ekho TTS supports Mandarin, Cantonese, and English. The first version of this browser was called egdspeak and later was renamed to Ekho. Later on, it was merged with eSpeak-Cantonese.


If you want to access the Internet using blind technology, the Blind Browser Lynx can help you out. This browser allows users to view websites using text and speech instead of images. It also has an accessible bookmarks file. The bookmarks file is similar to your address book, allowing you to bookmark the URL of any webpage you'd like to visit later. Pressing the = key will take you back to that page.

The latest version of Lynx supports several platforms, including Windows 95 and Windows NT. It also supports the Unix operating system. It has been available since 1992. It is the oldest web browser that is still maintained. It is best for older computer hardware and low-bandwidth Internet connections.


WebAnywhere is a free web-based screen reader that allows blind users to surf the internet. The program works by converting web content into text and reading it aloud. It can be installed in any browser window and makes web surfing easier for blind users. WebAnywhere is open source, which means that anyone can contribute to its development and further improve its capabilities.

Users of WebAnywhere can set up shortcut keys for navigation. They can also change how the application interprets the browser's controls. This way, the application mimics the functionality of commonly used desktop screen-reading software. The software consists of three components: a Javascript script on the client, a server-side web proxy, and a text-to-speech engine. It also maps domains to a unique subdomain and maintains a same-origin policy.


The Internet Browser QualiSURF is an excellent choice for physically impaired people, as it makes browsing the internet as easy as possible. Its menus are easy to read and the controls are easy to operate, although they do require good vision and eye-hand coordination. The presentation of web pages in Internet Explorer is not particularly useful for people with visual impairments, since the controls take up a large portion of the screen.

The Blind Browser QualiSURF features a variety of assistive technologies designed to improve navigation and support. It becomes an intelligent guide for visually impaired individuals and can offer voice-to-speech, screen readers, screen magnification, and screen zoom. It can also identify text and images and help users navigate websites.
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