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Notes -

* A program to carry on conversations with a human user.
* This version:
* Uses advanced search for keywords
* Will transform statements as well as react to keywords
* @author Laurie White
* @version April 2012

public class Magpie4
* Get a default greeting
* @return a greeting
public String getGreeting()
return "Hello, let's talk.";

* Gives a response to a user statement
* @param statement
* the user statement
* @return a response based on the rules given
public String getResponse(String statement)
String response = "";
if (statement.length() == 0)
response = "Say something, please.";

else if (findKeyword(statement, "no") >= 0)
response = "Why so negative?";
else if (findKeyword(statement, "mother") >= 0
|| findKeyword(statement, "father") >= 0
|| findKeyword(statement, "sister") >= 0
|| findKeyword(statement, "brother") >= 0)
response = "Tell me more about your family.";

// Responses which require transformations
else if (findKeyword(statement, "I want to", 0) >= 0)
response = transformIWantToStatement(statement);
else if (findKeyword(statement, "I want", 0) >= 0)
response = transformIWantStatement(statement);
else if (findKeyword(statement, "I", 0) >= 0)
response = transformIYouStatement(statement);
else if (findKeyword(statement, "netflix", 0) >= 0)
response = "Yes, let us netflix and chill.";
else if (findKeyword(statement, "stupid", 0) >= 0)
response = "What did you just call me?";
// Look for a two word (you <something> me)
// pattern
int psn = findKeyword(statement, "you", 0);

if (psn >= 0
&& findKeyword(statement, "me", psn) >= 0)
response = transformYouMeStatement(statement);
response = getRandomResponse();
return response;

* Take a statement with "I want to <something>." and transform it into
* "What would it mean to <something>?"
* @param statement the user statement, assumed to contain "I want to"
* @return the transformed statement
private String transformIWantToStatement(String statement)
// Remove the final period, if there is one
statement = statement.trim();
String lastChar = statement.substring(statement
.length() - 1);
if (lastChar.equals("."))
statement = statement.substring(0, statement
.length() - 1);
int psn = findKeyword (statement, "I want to", 0);
String restOfStatement = statement.substring(psn + 9).trim();
return "Would you really be happy if you had to " + restOfStatement + "?";

private String transformIWantStatement(String statement)
statement = statement.trim();
String lastChar = statement.substring(statement.length() - 1);
if (lastChar.equals("."))
statement = statement.substring(0, statement.length() - 1);
int psn = findKeyword(statement, "I want", 0);
String restOfStatement = statement.substring(psn + 6).trim();
return "Would you really be happy if you had " + restOfStatement + "?";
private String transformIYouStatement(String statement)
// Remove the final period, if there is one
statement = statement.trim();
String lastChar = statement.substring(statement
.length() - 1);
if (lastChar.equals("."))
statement = statement.substring(0, statement
.length() - 1);
int psnOfI = findKeyword (statement, "I", 0);
int psnOfYou = findKeyword (statement, "you", psnOfI + 1);

String restOfStatement = statement.substring(psnOfI + 1, psnOfYou).trim();
return "Why do you " + restOfStatement + " me?";

* Take a statement with "you <something> me" and transform it into
* "What makes you think that I <something> you?"
* @param statement the user statement, assumed to contain "you" followed by "me"
* @return the transformed statement
private String transformYouMeStatement(String statement)
// Remove the final period, if there is one
statement = statement.trim();
String lastChar = statement.substring(statement
.length() - 1);
if (lastChar.equals("."))
statement = statement.substring(0, statement
.length() - 1);

int psnOfYou = findKeyword (statement, "you", 0);
int psnOfMe = findKeyword (statement, "me", psnOfYou + 3);

String restOfStatement = statement.substring(psnOfYou + 3, psnOfMe).trim();
return "What makes you think that I " + restOfStatement + " you?";

* Search for one word in phrase. The search is not case sensitive.
* This method will check that the given goal is not a substring of a longer string
* (so, for example, "I know" does not contain "no").
* @param statement the string to search
* @param goal the string to search for
* @param startPos the character of the string to begin the search at
* @return the index of the first occurrence of goal in statement or -1 if it's not found
private int findKeyword(String statement, String goal, int startPos)
String phrase = statement.trim();
// The only change to incorporate the startPos is in the line below
int psn = phrase.toLowerCase().indexOf(goal.toLowerCase(), startPos);

// Refinement--make sure the goal isn't part of a word
while (psn >= 0)
// Find the string of length 1 before and after the word
String before = " ", after = " ";
if (psn > 0)
before = phrase.substring (psn - 1, psn).toLowerCase();
if (psn + goal.length() < phrase.length())
after = phrase.substring(psn + goal.length(), psn + goal.length() + 1).toLowerCase();

// If before and after aren't letters, we've found the word
if (((before.compareTo ("a") < 0 ) || (before.compareTo("z") > 0)) // before is not a letter
&& ((after.compareTo ("a") < 0 ) || (after.compareTo("z") > 0)))
return psn;

// The last position didn't work, so let's find the next, if there is one.
psn = phrase.indexOf(goal.toLowerCase(), psn + 1);


return -1;

* Search for one word in phrase. The search is not case sensitive.
* This method will check that the given goal is not a substring of a longer string
* (so, for example, "I know" does not contain "no"). The search begins at the beginning of the string.
* @param statement the string to search
* @param goal the string to search for
* @return the index of the first occurrence of goal in statement or -1 if it's not found
private int findKeyword(String statement, String goal)
return findKeyword (statement, goal, 0);

* Pick a default response to use if nothing else fits.
* @return a non-committal string
private String getRandomResponse()
final int NUMBER_OF_RESPONSES = 4;
double r = Math.random();
int whichResponse = (int)(r * NUMBER_OF_RESPONSES);
String response = "";

if (whichResponse == 0)
response = "Interesting, tell me more.";
else if (whichResponse == 1)
response = "Hmmm.";
else if (whichResponse == 2)
response = "Do you really think so?";
else if (whichResponse == 3)
response = "You don't say.";

return response;

what is is a web-based application for taking notes. You can take your notes and share with others people. If you like taking long notes, is designed for you. To date, over 8,000,000,000 notes created and continuing...


  • * You can take a note from anywhere and any device with internet connection.
  • * You can share the notes in social platforms (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, instagram etc.).
  • * You can quickly share your contents without website, blog and e-mail.
  • * You don't need to create any Account to share a note. As you wish you can use quick, easy and best shortened notes with sms, websites, e-mail, or messaging services (WhatsApp, iMessage, Telegram, Signal).
  • * has fabulous infrastructure design for a short link and allows you to share the note as an easy and understandable link.

Fast: is built for speed and performance. You can take a notes quickly and browse your archive.

Easy: doesn’t require installation. Just write and share note!

Short:’s url just 8 character. You’ll get shorten link of your note when you want to share. (Ex: )

Free: works for 12 years and has been free since the day it was started.

You immediately create your first note and start sharing with the ones you wish. If you want to contact us, you can use the following communication channels;

Email: [email protected]




Regards; Team

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