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Dan sits at a workbench, his eyebrows furrowed, connecting wires, placing gears, and gluing parts. His face was that of pure concentration, absorbed in his work, oblivious to anything that could have been going on around him. The city of Ambrose never got any visitors. Not friendly ones, anyway. From what Dan could understand, there were lands other than this one, and the earth (despite popular belief), is /not/ flat. Of course, this is one of the reasons why he was an outcast. He didn't have many friends in Ambrose, but he at least had a few. Chris, a cook at the popular tavern called 'The Copper Mug', Pj, a waiter at the same tavern, Tyler, a clothing salesman of sorts (basically a merchant), and Catrina, a gun maker on the other side of the city. All of Dan's friends could vouch for the fact that he was a dreamer. He always had his mind somewhere else. He dreamed of places far beyond this one, of ships sailing the high seas, of kingdoms rising and falling, of empires fighting wars... but he was simply a mechanic. And so, he sat, hunched over his rough carved working table, crafting the new technology to be sold on the black market.
"Dan, Dan!" Pj comes running down the road, bursting into Dan's workshop, causing Dan to startle, scattering a can of gears and cogs across the ground and table. He stops once inside, panting for a moment, trying to catch his breath. Finally, he speaks. "Dan!" he says, brushing some of his curly sand colored hair out of his eyes, wiping some sweat off his brow. "What is it?" he questions, starting to pick up the gears and cogs from the ground, a dull clatter coming from the can every time he put one inside. "A ship has docked on the shore! Chris ran off to go take a look with the rest of the townsfolk!"
"What?!" Dan sits up, immediately grabbing his tweed hat and bronze colored gun, pulling on his long brown trenchcoat. "We're going to see it. Now." Dan says, determined, taking off out the door, already spotting the quite massive ship.
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