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Once upon a time there was a boy named Jack, Jack is 14 years old and lives in a place called Mapple, Mapple was a decently large town.
Jack isn't the most popular kid, he now goes to Redwood High it about 20 minutes from his house and he catches the bus there everyday because his mum has to leave for work early in the morning because they don't have much money and its tough having a family of 4 with one income of money, and his dad, well he has never met his dad his dad left before he was born , Jack also has 2 siblings Felix and Holly.
Today is Jacks first day in year 8 at a new school so as he arrived at school he had all his stuff in one bag his books, pencil case, computer, lunch box and water bottle so as you can imagine it is quite heavy especially considering he has to carry that around all day long and his school is pretty big considering there is 700 students there anyway Jack got kind of bored so he started to have a walk around to see if there where any kids he wanted to be friends with so of he went.
first he walked part the popular kids hey gu- go away loser (they all laugh) so he continues walking then there was josh he knew josh because he sat next to him in art class but josh didn't want to be his friend so he kept walking then he saw the Redwood Tigers basketball team and considering he played basketball he went up to them he was a bit nervous but he went anyway, hey guys and this time they didn't ignore him or make fun of him but instead they said hey so they all had a conversation introduced themselves talked a bit about themselves then then it was jacks turn "hi my names jack today is my first day and i play basketball then they all went quiet so then Andy said wait here for a sec, the whole team huddled up where asking each other if they should invite him to come tryout for the last spot on the team so they all said yes and told him about it he thought it would be good yeah ill have a go jack said so told him the details 3:30 today after school then of they went. it came to the end of the day he got in his sports gear got a practice ball and warmed up then the rest of the team showed up and they all had flashy shoes and there own balls, then the kids he was competing for the spot in the team started showing up then that's when he started to get nervous they all started to practice and he was watching the other and they where really good better than him maybe so then he started to doubt himself what is]f I don't make it, what if my new friends make fun of me for not making it, then the coach blew the whistle hey boys I'm Coach Angus today we will be doing a little training to see what your all up to this is also for the last spot in the team so a few of you wont make it so- firstly we will just be doing a small workout to warmup so can everyone grab a ball and stand on the base line

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