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Gambling Systems
I'd like to begin immediately by sharing a bit about me. I was employed in Las Vegas casinos for over 10 years. I was a boxman, floorman and pit boss during that time. I've been around almost every type of system player, and played every casino game. System players are easy to spot. They don't seem to have the same amount of fun as recreational gamblers. They take their work seriously and are meticulous about their work. Some even attempt to disguise or hide the activities they're engaged in to ensure that the rest of the family doesn't stumble on. This is quite funny. It's funny because the house enjoys playing games on systems. Why? Because no system is able to beat the casino games. There are methods to bet intelligently and remain ahead of the game, but that is not so much a system , as it is a process and discipline. We'll get to this later. Let me deal with three games that seem to be most played blackjack, craps and roulette.

Blackjack has the distinction , among those three games , that it is the only game in which you actually participate in making decisions regarding your game, and not only about betting, but also in the game itself. You can decide whether you want to hit or not divide, double down, split or even do nothing. You have some say over what happens during the game. The advantage the dealer has when playing blackjack is that the dealer has the option to bust his hand (go beyond 21) first. The dealer is not required to play a hand if all players bust their hands. This is an enormous benefit. The card counting system is the only blackjack technique worthy of mentioning. Card counting lets the player keep track of how many cards were dealt and, more precisely it is the total number of cards in the deck. If there is a large number of tens remaining in the deck and there are less (maybe just a fraction of of the deck) cards remaining, the deck is said to be wealthy. This is beneficial to the player, especially when there is a good number of aces left. The player's chances of getting blackjack increases with a rich deck. Counting also helps the player be aware of how many remaining cards could be in his hands and he could decide to play the hand in a way that is suitable. This is a good method. This could probably provide the player with an advantage or maybe at least make it easier for them to play. Actually, it can! If you are playing on one or two deck game, and you are more than halfway through the deck and you're aware that the deck is very rich and you are betting more, you will increase the amount that you are betting because the odds shift a bit in your favor. It is worth mentioning here that the odds of being able to get a blackjack have been boosted. When I first learned about card counting, it was thrilling. This was the chance to make some serious money. This was sensible since card counting is the only way to get an advantage. Why isn't there many people who are making money playing blackjack with card counting? The answer is straightforward. It's easy to identify card counters. Anyone who is a floorperson or pit boss also knows how to keep track of cards (at least they should to some degree). They can tell if the deck is worth a lot or low, and then adjust their bets accordingly. Three things that house players can do when it detects a counter. It is best to ignore the situation and continue playing and see what transpires. You can also inform the player politely that they will not permit the player to play in their casino. They have the right according to gaming commission rules. They may also instruct the dealer to play one or two hands, and then shuffle. This will eliminate any advantage that a counter might possess. Actually while I was working in the pits, this was exactly how I handled it when I spotted an opponent. I can remember one incident when I noticed a young woman walking towards the field and was extremely deliberate and serious. It was then that I knew to watch her play. I was tired of trying to cover up! I did watch the game she was playing on and she was the only player on the table. She increased her stake instantly when the deck was wealthy. I looked at the dealer with a smile, and requested her to shake my deck. It was so funny. The player actually yelled out, "Hey!" I looked at her and left telling the dealer to play 2 hands and then shuffle. It's not surprising that the player left with her money and most likely was the same way wherever she went. Over-rated is not counting. You will only be able to win a casino if you manage your money.

Let's take a look at roulette strategies. It is a ridiculous game, so I won't take too long. there is no possible way to know which way that white ball will fall on a wheel of roulette. I've seen people fumbling around tiny notepads and writing down what they think will help them predict the next hit. The wheel does not spin at the same rate. The dealer does not have the ball spinning using the exact same force or from the exact same location each time. It's all random. If the dealer removes the ball off the wheel, he gives it a slight twist to keep it spinning, hence the irregular rotation speed. And to think that the balls position can be influenced by the preceding spin is a complete blunder. Let's consider, for laptop that five hits twice in a row. How likely do you believe 5 will hit again when the next spin comes around? Chances of five winning the jackpot are 37-1, my friend. It doesn't matter what happened on previous spins the chances of any number hitting at any point are always 37-1. Most players aren't aware of this. You won't even be paid 37 - 1 when you hit a number. You get paid 35 -1 ! You are already beat! Therefore, quite simply there isn't a system in the world that can beat roulette. Yes, you could have luck and win the roulette table but that's just luck. No system can assure a successful session. play free games . Einstein stated that "robbery is the only way to win at a game" of roulette. He is correct. Don't ever pay anyone that claims that they will offer you a roulette system. They're complete frauds!

We have already dealt with blackjack and roulette. Now, we must tackle craps. Craps is a complicated game and there are literally hundreds of ways to wager on the game. I am not going to discuss any betting strategies since that isn't exactly what I am trying to explain here. I am worried about the person who believes or attempts to sell the notion that he can control how the dice roll. The players will position the dice in a particular manner, roll them in the exact manner, and claim they can influence the outcomes of the roll. Do you really require more? A craps table is 8 - 10 feet long, with an extremely hard surface beneath the layout of felt. The dice bounce off and bounce back off the surface at totally random angles and velocity. There is not a person in the world that can have that kind of control. Even the best magicians in Vegas cannot achieve it! This isn't something you've ever seen. It's not the case.

I want to conclude here that the only valid method I've ever encountered is one that minimizes losses and maximizes wins. This money management system demands a lot of discipline. This system can be applied to any game, not just poker. I have actually witnessed players employ this strategy and keep their heads up, every day. However, it's really a money management method and not really an entire system. I will write about that in my next post.

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