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Our Guide to CRUSHING the AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam
In our role as a new Senior Software Professional, I have used AWS daily. Our first experience along with AWS was throughout a previous part where I constructed Elastic Cloud Processing (EC2s) and in contrast them to computers hosted in of which company? s info center. I had been swiftly blown away by being able to provision servers on-the-fly in minutes rather than times. Recently, at Capital One, I had developed the particular opportunity to employ AWS to construct completely serverless apps, automate horizontal assistance scaling, automate support notification monitoring, handle pipeline infrastructure develops, and internally sponsor APIs. Consequently , We recognize how much effort it takes to understand new cloud ideas and build programs within AWS.

This particular past quarter, My partner and i became increasingly fascinated in taking the particular AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CCP) exam. This exam includes the basics of AWS Services and earning the certificate can certainly be used in order to showcase one? h knowledge to others. In my present role, there is a fun competitiveness amongst peers and even many of the colleagues had previously tackled the CCP Exam. Therefore, My partner and i made it our mission to move the AWS CCP exam and definitely crush it. I have combined our list of analysis resources and collected them together directly into a single manual for other technologists to follow whenever preparing to the CCP exam. Before carrying on, please note i am not affiliated with the companies and/or goods listed in my personal all-inclusive study source list. I are not sponsored by simply any of my personal listed exam solutions; however I will reference them, comprehensively, in my guide. The particular resources listed are personal recommendations plus are not representative of Capital One? t opinions.

Why did I want to build a guide to taking and passing the particular CCP exam? When I was preparing for my exam, at first I was overwhelmed with the amount of course material given by AWS whitepapers, plus the vast number of resources available online to choose from. I felt of which I needed to locate a structured solution to gather said elements. I bought an exam prep book, watched videos, in addition to completed various on-line practice tests. This particular blog provides guidance on how one can crush the particular AWS Certified Fog up Practitioner exam employing a list of my compiled review resources, showing wherever to find the best practice exams, offering how much period to spend on every single study resource, in addition to how to intentionally study for the particular exam utilizing a six step plan.

Typically the time to total my recommended resource materials is roughly 1-2 weeks, depending on how fast one particular can read by means of a comprehensive prep reserve using dedicated six hour time prevents. I dedicated a single weekend to exploration different practice tests and have provided my recommendations in my list of research resources. I timetabled my exam during the winter holiday seasons to dedicate particular uninterrupted time toward studying for it. One can create unintermitting[obs3]; unremitting, unrelenting time for them selves by blocking away specific nights plus weekends to devote towards studying.

Complete CCP Course Substance: 5 Steps (1-2 Weeks, Based on 6th Hour Timeblocks)
Typically the first recommended stage is to look at buying a course prepare book to reference like a study manual. It? s essential to be aware that right now there are several publications available online and I heavily researched these people before making my final decision on which book to be able to purchase. My suggestion is? AWS Qualified Cloud Practitioner Teaching Notes 2021? by simply Neal Davis.

Though online study manuals can be beneficial, it is even more beneficial to study having a physical publication with this specific exam. A tough copy associated with a book enables one to swiftly flip between the AWS services, compare diagrams on diverse pages, and quickly add notes coming from other sources; this kind of as video information and practice test out questions. I present this particular book extremely helpful because it contains detailed content regarding service pricing sketches and listed ideas in bullet point notation. Its advantages also includes the way the exam is cracked into four sections and how a lot each section will certainly be worth planning on the exam. The book is definitely roughly 200 web pages, which is about how much specialized reading I will be secure digesting in one provided day.

The first step : Annotate the Study Guideline (20 minutes)
When you receive the physical book you? ve selected, do not attempt to open it and immediately begin reading. It might be tempting with first, but rather, get the post-it records ready and label each section structured on the reserve? s table regarding contents. This will certainly help you quickly navigate through the book and notes as you check out videos and total practice exams inside the following methods.

annotated study guidebook
Photo of the book annotation.

Step 2: Videos & Training Exam (2-3 Days, Based on a few Hour Timeblocks)
Generally there is a wide range of free of charge and paid video content available on the web intended for the various AWS certification exams. Especially, I chose in order to watch the Cloud Guru videos for four major causes:

Typically the videos and my personal book followed a similar pattern, therefore it was easy to together take notes in the book while watching typically the videos.
Cloud Wizard contains several labs that show precisely how different AWS companies interact and operate together with genuine business use instances.
There are exercise tests at typically the end of every section and a final practice exam open to complete, and
There exists a video displaying how you can schedule your CCP Exam online.
Should you also decided to go with to use Impair Guru, navigate to their videos located within the? AWS Certified Cloud Specialist? dashboard. Whether an individual choose to make use of Cloud Guru delete word, the workflow keeps the same amidst similar companies giving content video content. While you watch the videos, open your book and adhere to along with the particular course objectives. Underline, highlight, and include any helpful content/context from the movies into the guide? s associated part sections. Make positive to complete typically the section tests plus the final practice exam. This score can help you gain the self confidence and background comprehending to start tackling the book about your own.

Step 3: Read the Book (4-7 Days)
feminine engineer reading in addition to studying at a white wine workplace
Photo simply by Christina Morillo ( from Pexels (

Now, it? s finally time regarding you to study the book a person? ve selected. Please note that the particular book I obtained required four times to see; it may well take you one more few days in order to complete reading the particular course content. In order to avoid feeling overwhelmed, I recommend dividing the reading in to sections. For the book I selected, this specific meant dividing the particular 200 pages into four sections that will I read above four days. Slowly read your set in place amount of pages (50 pages in our case) each day to be able to get through the entirety of the book? s concepts and complete each and every section? s section quizzes to retain you on monitor. Please remember that a person will need to be able to memorize diagrams, AWS services, and concepts as they will probably be included in analyze questions on the exam.

Within my reading, I paid close attention to diagrams containing: the S3 pricing model, the particular database options, typically the four AWS help plans, the AWS Shared Responsibility type. I feel having to pay close attention to be able to said diagrams assisted me crush the exam. I in addition made sure to remember the subsequent concepts coming from my book: the particular six advantages associated with cloud computing, the five Trusted Specialist categories, calculator varieties, and the dissimilarities between CloudWatch and even CloudTrail. Once once more, carrying this out served me well on my personal exam. Memorize these types of concepts cab to tailgate, compose them down, keep them up in your wall, help make flash cards, and even do everything that will you can to remember them because there will certainly be many questions about these matters covered in the particular exam.

Step four: Acquire Practice Exams (3 Days, Depending on 6 Hour Timeblocks)
Now that you include completed watching various hours of video clips, read through the particular book, and included notes into your own book? s margins, it's time and energy to start off taking practice examinations. I suggest using a minimum of three diverse exam resources to practice completing examinations of varying difficulties. In my circumstance, I used typically the following three training exam resources: Dojo, Udemy and DigitalCloud.

female engineer seated on grey bed and studying in her computer
Photo by Vlada Karpovich ( from Pexels (

Dojo? t? AWS Certified Fog up Practitioner Practice Assessment Sampler? contains 2 free exams when you sign way up with a new Dojo account. These exams usually are timed and have a moderate level of difficulty when compared with the final Foriegn Guru Practice Examination; which I felt, have been not as challenging. Also you will find a few flashcard diagrams situated at the ending of the exam that are useful to memorize going into your exam.

When there a wide range of Udemy practice exams available, I chose to get two specific Udemy practice exams that each contain six practice tests:? AWS Qualified Cloud Practitioner: 6th Full Practice Examinations 2021? and? AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner: 500 Practice Assessment Questions?. clf c01 contain a special feature that enables for your exams to be able to be paused and continued. I recommend that will you purchase these kinds of two exams due to the fact these questions acquired the highest levels of difficulty in comparison to all regarding the exam solutions I used. Please note that presently there are costs associated with these types of two exams, but also in my opinion these types of costs are entirely worth every penny because these kinds of questions were the most similar to be able to the questions in my AWS CCP Exam.

The third resource I used was DigitalCloud? t? AWS Certified Fog up Practitioner? and? Assessment Simulator for AWS Cloud Practitioner? exercise exams. These two timed exams are recommended since they have an interface that is the most much like what I actually experienced in the AWS CCP Exam. On exam completion, the overall score having a pass/fail message is displayed along with a breakdown of the results for every single knowledge area category. I assessed each of DigitalCloud? s exam difficulty levels as somewhere in among the Dojo and the Udemy practice exam questions.

I actually recommend putting collectively a plan regarding completing the training exams. In my situation, I allocated some sort of single day to accomplish the Dojo and even DigitalCloud practice examinations and took two days to complete just about all the other Udemy practice exams. When taking the training exams, remember that you will become able to halt the Udemy exams. Retake practice examinations until you get a score of 80 percent or higher upon each practice check and review wrong answers by looking at the correct reply explanations. It may also be useful to include handwritten records inside your book. Pay out close attention to be able to the actual questions are asking you and bear in mind to look with regard to specific keywords. A person will start to notice designs emerge and feel more comfortable filling out exams.

Step your five: Schedule the Assessment (1 Hour)
A person should now have got the confidence to be able to schedule your exam. I suggest re-watching the Cloud Guru video about organizing your exam. If you choose to schedule the exam that is not really at a testing center, then you will require typically the exam on the personal computer. It should not be taken on the iPad or cell phone. A thoroughly clean workspace with almost everything electronic has to be place away and from direct sight. There are no allotted bathroom breaks during typically the exam and a person must remain visible on the monitor for its entire duration. I replicate, make use of the bathroom prior to the exam, since you cannot depart your computer display or perhaps you will acquire an automatic fail. You may possess the opportunity to check-in 30 moments early to a slated exam.

womens palms holding pieces of paper along with calendar template about them
Photo by Anete Lusina ( from Pexels (

I have involved an exam countdown facts start using four days before to your exam date.

4 Times Before the Test - Take a single day to re-read the guide front to back again, paying attention to the diagrams and the difference between typically the services. I pennyless out my publication review into bits - 25 webpages, snack, 25 internet pages, lunch, 40 web pages, dinner - in addition to finished all of those other book before bedtime. Inside my opinion, an individual must get through typically the whole book within a day to remain to normal and greatest prepare yourself for typically the CCP Exam.

several Days Prior to the Assessment - For my study course, this meant retaking just about all of the Cloud Guru exams, the Dojo exams, plus the DigitalCloud tests, but it? s okay if your selected resources vary. I recommend you retake them until an individual get a 80 percent or higher, producing sure to hold critiquing the questions a person got incorrect.

2 Days Before the particular Exam - Retake each of the Udemy tests. And once again, focus upon getting a 80% or higher in addition to keep reviewing the particular incorrect questions and take notes in your book if required.

1 Day Ahead of the Exam : Reread the whole reserve again, solely concentrating on reviewing the particular questions that you got incorrect inside your practice exams. Maybe going thus far as in order to just give attention to the particular diagrams and major concepts only. It's helpful to evaluate groups of companies to one another; such as CloudHSM, KMS, Techniques Manager and ACM. These are a few of the questions I inquired myself before consuming the exam:

"What is a more cost effective option S3 One-Zone IA or Glacier? inches
"When do you really employ a dedicated host versus a dedicated instance? "
"Is it more price effective to go an area instance or an on-demand occasion when requests are unable to be interrupted? very well
"When in case you work with Dynamo DAX vs . ElastiCache versus Amanecer? "
"What solutions can I use for budget my providers before I get costs and precisely how can I set upward alerting? "
"How can I display that RDS is set up for availability? How about for elasticity? inches
"What is the particular difference between CloudWatch and CloudFront? "
"What can I work with for encryption? "
"What should i aws clf c01 exam dumps with and what does AWS manage? "
"What are the particular inherited factors through AWS?
? When it comes to RDS and EC2, that manages what? very well
"Which services are usually global? "
"Which services are on-prem? inches
"Which services are regional? inches
"Which services will be reserved? "
"How much data really does it take to make use of snowball vs snowmobile service? "
"What is scaling up vs. scaling out for RDS and EC2? "
"When/how can you get a TAM? inches
"What perform you get full access to Dependable Advisor? "
"Which services are serverless? "
Morning of the Exam - Only focus on essential tables and review your incorrect last practice exam queries. This should take a few hours to be able to complete. Let this particular be a self confidence booster right before the exam. Serve a fresh glass involving water and very clear your desk in addition to get within the best mentality -- a single where you experience confident and ready to take those exam. I cannot tension this enough, remember to use the bathroom before your exam!

Exam Time instructions Flag questions of which you aren't fully sure about. There will be concerns that you haven't noticed before, but a person should be capable to eliminate wrong options to offer oneself a higher potential for getting those questions correct. Good good fortune on the exam!

Last Thoughts
I hope of which you enjoyed our guide, learned coming from my tips, plus crushed your AWS CCP exam! Be sure to share the great news with your current manager, your group and your friends. Within 72 hrs of passing your current exam, you may receive an e-mail that lists your own exam score and allows you to be able to share your certificate on several sociable media platforms; like Facebook and Twitter. The AWS CCP Exam will be the 1st of many other AWS certifications of which are offered.

light up sign with block out letters saying "you got this" beside computer
Photo simply by Prateek Katyal ( from Pexels (

Hopefully passing the AWS CCP certification will spark your interest to full other AWS certification, enjoy it has for me. The following AWS certification to perform on the subject of my list is the AWS Certified Alternatives Architect Associate Test. I will get using Capital One? s Tech Weblog Advice on Taking AWS Solutions Builder Associate Exam By Someone Who Simply Passed by Quinn Vissak as the reference guide as I study along with the shown material for consultation.
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