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Valimai: Oh a random add.
Valimai: What fun. Who are you.
Tonsillitis: I got a random invite
Tonsillitis: and it was fucking terrifying
Tonsillitis: like the worst furry
Tonsillitis: I have ever seen
Valimai: Oh no.
Valimai: I wish you took a picture so I could've seen.
Tonsillitis: Me too
Tonsillitis: me
Tonsillitis: fucking
Tonsillitis: too
Tonsillitis: if loading this crashes me
Tonsillitis: ill kill you
Valimai: It's just a picture.
Tonsillitis: okok
Tonsillitis: omFG
Tonsillitis: 'Hye there WEIRDO
Valimai: PFT.
Valimai: I kinda wanna get into a chat with him, just out of curiosity.
Tonsillitis: do it
Tonsillitis: INVITE HIM HERE
Valimai: PFT oh god.
Valimai: Let me at least change rooms.
Valimai: Out of this hideous thing.
Tonsillitis: Okay okay
Valimai: And now I'm gonna creep up.
Tonsillitis: Ok one sec lemme bootify myself up
Valimai: Bootify it yupp yeeeeeee.
Valimai: Actually. Gonna gra----
Valimai: WHAT.
Tonsillitis: Perfect
Valimai: Oh yes. Sanic.
Valimai: ♥
Valimai: My true loev
Tonsillitis: <3 ily dad
Valimai: ♥
Valimai: Lemme grab food real fast.
Valimai: STARVING.
Tonsillitis: OKAY
Valimai: Okay. Back.
Tonsillitis: Hello, welcome.
toxischenVampir: Hallo. -he smiles-
Tonsillitis: //He winks
Tonsillitis: Hey there.
Valimai: /me smiled to him. "I invited you here, because I don't simply take random adds. May I ask why you decided to add me?"
toxischenVampir: I was trying to message you asking if you were still seeking a Master.
Tonsillitis: Nah, she's got me m8
toxischenVampir: Alright. That's all I wanted to know :)
toxischenVampir: Have a wonderful time you two
Tonsillitis: I'll take you on too if you want, kiddo
toxischenVampir: ???
Tonsillitis: You can sb for me too
Tonsillitis: sub*
Valimai: Sanic will treat you right, Vampir.
toxischenVampir: No. I'm not a Switch
Tonsillitis: With that little ass you'd be perfect.
Tonsillitis: Your loss.
toxischenVampir: Not a loss when you can't even pronouce "Sonic" correctly
Valimai: IT'S A MEME.
Tonsillitis: OMFG
Valimai: GET WITH IT.
Tonsillitis: CRIES
Valimai: #Sanic2015
Tonsillitis: fucking
Tonsillitis: CANT EVEN
Valimai: My throat hurts to bad.
Tonsillitis: PRONOUCNE
Tonsillitis: ICNA
Valimai: I'm saving this entire chat.
Valimai: I'm not sorry.
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Regards; Team

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