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Herbal Supplements and Health Products Supplements

Herbal health supplements and products have grown into a billion-dollar market. An herb, or botanical, is a plant or part of a plant which individuals use to keep healthy or to treat health conditions and diseases. A health supplement or herbal supplement (also known as a botanical product) is a type of nutritional supplement that has one or more herbs.

Ashwagandha can exert strong effects on the body. But, they aren't regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). They are offered in various varieties, such as tea bags, capsules, tablets as well as liquids and powders. Examples of typical herbal supplements and health products include black cohosh, echinacea garlic Ginkgo, saw palmetto and St. John's wort.

Path to improved health

Herbal products and supplements are designed to help maintain the health of a person or to treat ailments. They are not subject to FDA regulation but, as we have already stated. This is because the FDA believes that herbal supplements should as food and not drugs. A herbal supplement's label may explain how it may aid, but it is not able to claim to provide a solution for an illness or disease. According to the FDA, "Dietary supplements are not designed to treat diagnose or treat the symptoms of illnesses."

The National Institutes of Health has an excellent resource that explains how to use specific herbs and supplements. For instance, many people utilize the following herbs these ways:

American Ginseng is used to relieve stress, increase the immune system, improve digestion, and much more.

Chamomile can be used to improve sleep quality, decrease anxiety, and help digestive issues.

Cinnamon can be used to treat digestive problems such as loss of appetite and diabetes.

A variety of herbal products and supplements claim to be able to treat a variety of ailments. Before taking any new supplements, make sure you consult your physician. Do not exceed the dosage recommended according to the label. Also, always consult with your doctor to ensure that the supplement will not interfere with any medications you already take.

Things to consider

Are herbal health products and supplements are they safe?

Since herbal remedies are found in nature, they may not be as secure as over-the-counter and prescription medications. Actually, many prescription medications contain chemical compounds that have been naturally found and cleaned. Although herbal health supplements or supplements are advertised as "natural," their ingredients aren't always natural to the human body. They may have serious adverse consequences. They may also trigger unpleasant health effects (also known as adverse reactions). Certain herbal supplements and health products have been examined by scientists. Other products and supplements require further investigation.

Is the FDA regulating herbal supplements and health products?

FDA doesn't require proof of effectiveness or safety for dietary supplements to be used in the treatment, prevention or treatment of medical conditions. This is because the FDA considers dietary supplements to be food items, not drugs. The manufacturer must ensure that the health supplement or herbal remedy is safe before it is offered for sale.

If they're not safe, such as if they cause serious adverse reactions or contain harmful substances, the FDA may remove them from the market.

What are the most secure ways to use herbs or products for health?

Do not take any herbal health product or supplements without talking to your doctor of choice first. If you do use an herbal health supplement or product follow the directions on the label for information on how much to take and how often you should take it. Don't overdose on the daily recommended intake. Consult your physician if you have questions about the recommended amount.
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