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The particular Google News RSS Feed / Google Reader Mashup
My current workplace is an executive search firm prospecting candidates for the particular real estate advancement and construction industrial sectors. I lead their particular internet marketing work; I also is in cost of researching the market. If I can supply competitive industry intelligence to the recruiters in our office, they will can put it to use to be able to match executive career candidates with companies who need all of them but can�t locate them automatically.

The particular Challenge

There are usually a huge number involving companies worth getting tracked by the company. ENR (Engineering News & Record) creates different respected topic-specific lists made up of names in the biggest commercial construction companies. Builder Online provides the largest home homebuilding firms. Between these two sources, I�ve identified about 1, 700 organizations where it would certainly be valuable to track each & just about every news story about them. Fortunately, on any given day, only a small percentage of these companies will make popular news... nevertheless , inside of order to make sure I get all the dear information, I want to monitor just about all of them.

Nearly all logically, I would certainly have to carry out some sort involving RSS solution found in order to observe 1, 700 firms. Manual entry of 1, 700 passes into a feedreader isn�t an alternative; I don�t include any programming abilities; and i also don�t have got a budget to be able to find someone in order to program an answer.

So what performed I do?

The particular Solution: Part 1

When I analyzed a typical Yahoo and google News RSS WEB ADDRESS, I will determine that will the only variable information within every lengthy URL is usually the term being searched:,GGLJ:2006-37,GGLJ:en&oe=UTF-8&tab=wn&q=builder+magazine&output=rss

Using this information, I can easily quickly and simply reproduce a Search engines News RSS LINK for each object in my listing quickly in Shine.

I then do typically the following (which is usually more clearly created in the linked spreadsheet that My partner and i strongly encourage you to download by simply clicking this link):

1) Once I actually open Excel, My partner and i place my whole list of related companies into Steering column B.

2) Throughout Column A, My partner and i put the first part of the Yahoo RSS URL (from http:// up to the changing portion).

3) In Column C, My partner and i place the ultimate portion of the particular URL (&output=rss).

4) Also i know coming from experience that throughout order to make my feed seeing that relevant as achievable, I want to use exact complement wherever I can easily. "%22" may be the image used for "quote". I append "%22" as the previous characters in Column A and the particular first characters in Column C.

5) I ensure that the particular code in Articles A & G is copied on to every row containing a relevant organization in Column N.

I also want to perform typically the following global stages in Column B:

1) Replace "space" plus "&" with "+"

2) Replace "++" with "+"

3) Delete all instances of "apostrophe".

Here will come the fun element:

1) I widen the columns so that there is good deal of of white room to the appropriate of the text within each column.

2) I save the document as a new Formatted Text Space Delimited (. prn) document.

3) I actually reopen the document, choose "Delimited", press "Next", and after that click "Finish".

4) I then globally change "space" with nothing, generating the checklist of long REALLY SIMPLY SYNDICATION URL�s.

The Answer: Part a couple of

(... catches breath... )

In each of the nourish readers I�ve employed, I�ve realized that a single can bulk importance feeds into these people if they will be in OPML, a thing I admit in order to not understanding also well. I realized that if I may convert my URL�s into OPML, We can then obtain my entire checklist of company news RSS feeds straight into a feedreader. I actually found Feedshow Different goodies ( through Google, dropped my URL�s into the contact form located on this web page, and clicked "Create OPML" (note that it will procedure as much as about 2 hundred URL�s at once). Then i saved each and every OPML file to be able to my harddrive.

My partner and i then made the mistake of thinking of which my trusty Feedreader 3. 07 would certainly cleanly accept 1, 700 new rss feeds. The first OPML importance of 200 nourishes ate up most my internet bandwidth and slowed my personal computer to some get. Google Reader was the only various other feedreader that I�ve used, so I signed into that and uploaded nine large OPML data.

It worked. Search engines Reader allowed us to seamlessly (if somewhat slowly) import 1, 700 feeds and read them all together, permitting me to find a real-time news up-date of all commercial and residential construction businesses i desired to be able to track.

My General public Feed ( (Note I configured that somewhat totally different to what would be the norm throughout the sample above).


1) Even though the Google Reader is performing all the "heavy lifting", having that open tracking 1, 700 feeds will hog your memory, particularly in IE. My partner and i found that starting Google Reader inside Firefox or Safari instead cut significantly the amount involving memory used.

2) The one drawback to be able to this process would be that the "title" of each feed is typically the long ugly Google RSS URL instead of something more descriptive.

3) When you have a lot of stories in your Yahoo Reader, go to Personal preferences and check "In Expanded View, Level Items as Study as You Slide Past Them". This kind of feature is a tremendous help inside wading through extensive amounts of information.

4) I located that creating Search engines News feeds regarding all news developed "in the past week" gave me the very best results. A Yahoo News feed for those company news for each company led to too much information plus news feed covering just the past day�s news seemed to be able to miss stories. Inside this example, We used News FEED URL�s for most company news mainly because they are by far the most user-friendly. To work with this mashup along with "time-restricted" Google Information, you will need to click on "Advanced News Search", do an example search with a defined time period of time, generate good news FEED URL and duplicate the first area of it into Steering column A of your current spreadsheet before adhering to the proscribed method.

more info can track news through all 1, seven hundred companies in our Google Reader. Thankyou to the people good individuals at the �Plex.

check here is the particular Director of sites Advertising & Information Systems for S. L. Clarke Inc., a new Real Estate Enhancement and Residential as well as Commercial Construction Exec Search / Enrolling Firm headquartered in Fairfax, VA together with offices nationwide. He or she is the Movie director & Founding Member of SEMpdx: Portland, Oregon's Search Motor Marketing Association [].
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