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Reasons for moving blocks:
Maths- I'm happy with the work however, I always feel extremely lonely. everyone talks to one another and I'm sat alone, not comfortable with anyone. it causes my anxiety to act up when I don't understand something because there's no one to help me when the teacher is busy.
English- English language is fine for me, English literature is where I struggle. I do have a friend in English, however the classes input on the work is not very helpful and is not to my level of understanding- I think I could understand more developed answers to help me more. I'm not confident with my work in literature and I don't think my teacher is the best way to get the help- I don't feel I learn as much as I should.
Science- the class is extremely disruptive and it takes too long to learn simple things. they make it hard for me to try and listen and learn, and i feel uncomfortable wherever I'm sat. I also feel like I shouldn't be there- for example, the teacher said he would be changing the seating plan as I couldn't see at the back. the girls I sit next to continued to complain about me and one called me a "bitch" to her friends- all because of a potential seating change. Some other boys were also complaining about me, I'm not sure what they said, but my name was said quite loudly. In practicals I work alone, I'm usually fine with that, except for the times we are required to work in groups. This one time (for the ruler drop required practical) we had to work in groups, however no one would have liked me in their group, so I sat alone doing revision on the past topic- I really just wanted to cry that whole lesson. Having to work alone and miss out on things worries me for any upcoming exams as I'm not confident I'll know what to put if any related questions come up.
I'm aware that simply having no friends is not a good enough reason for moving blocks, but it really feel strongly that I should move. I don't like having to work alone. I get too nervous to ask teachers for help a lot and having someone else to help me would really be great. It affects my level of work being next to someone that will be no help, we end up sitting in awkward silence when we're supposed to be working, and feel uncomfortable asking the other if they can flip a page in the textbook we share.
When it comes to science (as it is my main reason for moving), I feel I don't have any other options. I've already moved down from set 1 as the work was too difficult for me and I also did not have anyone to even speak to; I do not want to be moved back there. Set 2 is full so I cant move there, and set 3 is the lowest set I can be in because of my target grade.
I do enjoy school and learning, however being in block Y really puts me off of it, it makes me feel so lonely (which is not ideal when I'm trying to be enthusiastic about my work).
I do hope you consider allowing me to move, I've put off asking to since year 9 as I didn't think I'd be allowed- but its got to the point where I really dislike attending my lessons, solely because of the people and their attitudes to the lessons.
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