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Orbera Gastric Balloon
The Orbera balloon program is an effective weight loss solution that can last up to 12 months. It works by occupying most of the stomach space and thus reducing hunger. The balloon also reduces the amount of food consumed per day and means that a person will not experience constant hunger pangs. Patients are also given support from a support team that helps them modify their eating habits and nutritional intake. The brain is retrained to recognize when the stomach is nearly full, so the person will no longer feel the constant urge to eat.

In a recent update to healthcare providers, the FDA warned about complications associated with liquid-filled intragastric balloons. The update specifically focused on the Orbera gastric balloon and ReShape gastric balloon made by Apollo Endosurgery. While the number of complications is very low, some patients have died from them.

Although there are a few complications associated with the ORBERA Gastric Balloon, the risks are relatively low. The device is placed into the stomach through an endoscopic procedure through the mouth and filled with saline. In most cases, the balloon stays in place for six months, after which it is removed through a non-surgical procedure.

Complications can include bowel obstruction and perforation. These are all known risks associated with this type of procedure. These complications are often discussed without providing much detail. The primary risk factor for perforation is prolonged tissue ischemia.
Weight loss

The Orbera gastric balloon is an outpatient procedure that uses a single balloon to fill the stomach and reinforce healthy eating habits. The balloon is inserted into the stomach through the mouth and inflated using sterile saline solution. The balloon remains in the stomach for up to six months, creating the sensation of fullness. The procedure is typically done in the outpatient setting and requires about 20 to 30 minutes.

Patients may be placed on a diet for two to three weeks following the procedure. They are encouraged to eat slowly and thoroughly. They should also eat four or five small meals throughout the day. During the first couple of weeks, patients may experience rapid weight loss, but this will gradually slow. Patients must commit to a healthy diet for long-term results.

After the procedure, patients are given support by a team of professionals, including a dietician and psychologist. The team will ensure that they are motivated and able to overcome any challenges they may face during the weight-loss process.

The Orbera balloon is one of the most common gastric balloons, having been placed in more than 300,000 patients worldwide. It is placed via a minimally invasive procedure and stays in place for six months. The average cost of an Orbera balloon procedure is $6,925.

While the cost of the Orbera gastric balloon procedure is relatively lower than other types of bariatric surgery, it is still not covered by insurance plans. Unlike mommy makeovers, gastric balloons are considered experimental procedures and are therefore not covered by insurance. Since many types of gastric balloons are not FDA approved in the US, they are typically not covered by insurance. Although the price of Orbera gastric balloon is often not covered by insurance, many bariatric centers offer financing options and flexible spending accounts for patients to help with costs.

The cost of an Orbera gastric balloon procedure varies from patient to patient. Some patients have been able to save $2500 with this procedure. This type of weight loss surgery is relatively inexpensive, and is a great option for people who have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight. The procedure involves a single saline-filled balloon inserted in the stomach. It takes about 30 minutes, and there is no downtime, anesthesia, or recovery.

If you have been trying unsuccessfully to lose weight without success, you may be a good candidate for Orbera gastric balloon placement. This procedure requires less than an hour of surgery and can help you lose weight more quickly. However, you will need to limit your fluid intake for 24 hours after the procedure. It is advisable to speak to your healthcare provider about this matter to ensure you are a good candidate for the procedure.

The procedure itself is painless and takes only about 30 minutes. You will be sedated for a short period of time during the procedure, and most patients go home the same day. The procedure involves inserting a balloon through your throat into your stomach without making any incisions, stitches, or scarring. This is a minor, outpatient procedure that is accompanied by a diagnostic endoscopy to ensure your safety.

The Orbera balloon stays in the stomach for approximately six months, after which it is removed via the same procedure. It is important to follow a healthy diet and exercise regimen to maintain your results.
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