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How do you determine if it is a safe placement for an Nasogastric tube or Nasoenteric Tube, and its complications

To avoid injury or deaths, naogastric feeding tubes should be properly placed. The use of different techniques and modern technology could help reduce complications.Read more to understand why that may be the scenario.

Avoiding the Problems of Nasoenteric Tubes
A licensed medical professional must be able to safely insert an nasogastric/nasoenteric nas. Also, they must be exact. The nasogastric (NGT/NET) also known as nasal gastric tubes, are flexible tubes that traverse the nose, and into the stomach or small intestinal (respectively). It permits for adequate nutrition as well being a medical intervention for patients with serious illness or have undergone surgery. The tubes could cause problems, a Brazilian study proves. The early application of NGT/NET could reduce the chance of contracting an infection maintain the integrity of the mucosa in the gut and increase gastrointestinal mobility.

NGT/NET can also improve patient outcomes, improve healing of wounds, decrease disease severity and complications, shorten the length of stay in the ICU and even reduce the mortality rate. They are beneficial for older patients who are nearing the end of their lives..

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NG tube positioning The feeding tube NG/NE can be placed using a variety of methods, such as blind insertion, and guidance devices.

The malposition of the feeding tube can result in two major issues that are similar to those that are common with other tubes .

Aspiration pneumonia: The misposition of NGT/NET in the esophagus or the stomach of a patient who requires small bowel feeds significantly increases the risk of suffering from aspiration pneumonia. Nowadays the cause of pneumonia is 28 percent of malpositions of tubes.
Inadvertent misplacement of the lung 2 to 5% of NGT/NET are placed accidentally in the lungs, which results in the risk of an edema of the lung (pneumothorax). In rare instances, an incorrect placement of NGT/NET could cause the death of a patient.
Healthcare professionals need to evaluate the risk and employ patients' safety and high-quality care methods.

This article will present the symptoms of feeding tube misplacement, risks, and techniques for location verification. It will also introduce the ENvue technology, which assists medical professionals in properly navigating the tube for feeding to avoid any complications.

What are the signs and Symptoms of a Missplaced NGT/NET
Different signs, like coughs, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, as well as a higher respiratory rate, or decreased oxygen saturation could be a sign of an issue with the feeding tube. [1]

Healthcare workers are required to analyze risks and put in place safety-related procedures.

The most significant risk of improper feeding results from blind tube placement. Tube verification is essential to ensure the safety of patients.

If doctors suspect the tube has been misplaced, doctors should immediately stop feeding it. Different methods can be used to determine correct tube placement. However, the effectiveness of each method should be considered in relation to the particular patient's circumstance.

How to Determine if a Tub is Safe Enteral Tub Feeding
A evidence-based approach is required to ensure the proper placement of NGT/NET tubes before EN can begin. There are numerous reliable verification methods available that can be used, such as radiography, pH reading or capnography (ultrasound), and fluoroscopy.

An abdominal radiograph is used to confirm the position of a nasogastric, or nasoenteric tube. In this case, the tube's entire path through the digestive system is visible.

The Pennsylvania Patient Safety Reporting System (January 2017, from January 2017 to June 2020) discovered that 90.8 percent of the patients had reported the use of the xrays and pH aspirates. 9.2 percent of reports mentioned that they utilized non-approved methods for verification (e.g. injection or auscultation of the air bolus). It is worth mentioning that these verifications are performed only after the tube has already in place.

Nowadays, there are new technologies that aid clinicians with the placement of feeding tubes. They use sophisticated navigation methods, such as sensors and body mapping, to ensure secure and swift tube placement. NG tube positioning They provide more assistance to medical staff in the procedure.

ENvizion Medical introduces new technology for NGT/NET Navigation.
In the past few time, a new NGT/NET placement device known as ENvue(r) was released on the market. The system assists the clinicians in inserting a feeding tube securely inside the small intestinal tract.

The ENvue navigation device is outfitted with an electromagnetic (EM-) field generator that produces EM waves that penetrate the thorax of the patient and gastrointestinal tract. The EM field generator, when used in combination with a variety of EM sensors, generates the bodymap of a particular patient and provides accurate illustrations even when the patient moves.

The distal tip of a feeding tube has an embedded sensor that activates when electromagnetic waves enter it.

small bowel feeding tube The ENvue tracking system tracks the tube's sensor throughout your digestive tract and displays its relative position and the path of placement during the process of placement.

According to ENvue's data Each procedure starts with a basic registration using anatomical landmarks that connect the patient with the navigation system and ensures the most precise navigation.

The intuitive display of ENvue offers three simultaneous views (Frontal, Axial, and Lateral). The screen displays the contours of a patient , as well as the orientation and direction of the tube sensor in real time and without slowing down. In addition, the ENvue system alerts users whenever the tube's feed is not correctly directed to the airways, which could cause them to pull it back and then reinsert the tube.

There are many tools available for assessing the precise placement of NGT/NET, ENvue is different. This revolutionary technology blends the body map and built-in sensors, and continuously guiding the user. These capabilities have helped alter the process.

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