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66280:EPIC Dragonslayer Kayle, EPIC Snow Day Graves, EPIC Void Fizz, DEFAULT Cottontail Fizz, DEFAULT Runeguard Volibear, DEFAULT SKT T1 Ryze, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Zombie Slayer Jinx, DEFAULT Bewitching Morgana, EPIC Beekeeper Singed, DEFAULT Urfrider Corki, DEFAULT Resistance Caitlyn, DEFAULT Infernal Akali, DEFAULT Caterpillar Kog'Maw, DEFAULT TPA Shen, DEFAULT Commando Lux

68550:DEFAULT Headhunter Master Yi, DEFAULT Dino Gnar, DEFAULT High Noon Yasuo, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Hextech Singed, DEFAULT Toxic Dr. Mundo, DEFAULT TPA Mundo, LEGENDARY Storm Dragon Lee Sin, DEFAULT Ragdoll Poppy, EPIC Star Guardian Ezreal

66280:EPIC Arctic Ops Varus, DEFAULT Academy Darius, EPIC Arcanist Zoe, EPIC Program Soraka, LEGENDARY Dawnbringer Soraka, EPIC Papercraft Nunu & Willump, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, LEGENDARY True Damage Ekko, DEFAULT Sinful Succulence Morgana, DEFAULT Leopard Nidalee, DEFAULT Blood Moon Shen

55150:EPIC Praetorian Graves, EPIC Pool Party Lulu, EPIC Cafe Cuties Sivir, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Captain Fortune, EPIC Heartbreaker Vi, DEFAULT Hextech Anivia, DEFAULT Jade Fang Cassiopeia, DEFAULT Vandal Gragas, EPIC Arclight Yorick, DEFAULT Battle Bunny Riven

68540:ULTIMATE DJ Sona, DEFAULT Buccaneer Tristana, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Wild Card Shaco, EPIC Odyssey Twisted Fate, LEGENDARY Star Guardian Rakan, EPIC FPX Malphite, EPIC Bewitching Elise, EPIC Warden Gragas, EPIC Obsidian Dragon Sett

66260:ULTIMATE DJ Sona, EPIC Debonair Master Yi, DEFAULT Barbarian Sion, DEFAULT Dryad Soraka, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Conqueror Jax, EPIC Battle Principal Yuumi, LEGENDARY The Magnificent Twisted Fate, DEFAULT Officer Caitlyn, EPIC Resistance Yorick

65870:ULTIMATE Spirit Guard Udyr, EPIC Coven Ahri, DEFAULT SKT T1 Alistar, EPIC SKT T1 Syndra, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Guqin Sona, EPIC Pool Party Gangplank, EPIC Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank, DEFAULT Vandal Vladimir

65870:ULTIMATE Elementalist Lux, DEFAULT Riot Graves, EPIC Pulsefire Fiora, EPIC Dragonslayer Diana, EPIC Super Galaxy Gnar, EPIC Program Camille, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Mad Scientist Singed, EPIC Sentinel Riven, DEFAULT Sonoran Kog'Maw

65970:ULTIMATE Pulsefire Ezreal, DEFAULT Order of the Banana Soraka, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Arcana Lucian, DEFAULT Pentakill Sona, EPIC Lancer Paragon Blitzcrank, DEFAULT Blood Moon Elise, EPIC Dragon Oracle Udyr, EPIC Arclight Yorick

65960:EPIC Omega Squad Fizz, EPIC Santa Draven, DEFAULT Snowstorm Sivir, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Sir Kled, DEFAULT Pickpocket Twitch, LEGENDARY God Fist Lee Sin, EPIC Crime City Nightmare Akali, EPIC Sentinel Riven, EPIC Star Guardian Lux

65960:ULTIMATE DJ Sona, DEFAULT Major Ziggs, EPIC Santa Draven, EPIC Blackfrost Vel'Koz, LEGENDARY Firefighter Tristana, EPIC Papercraft Nunu & Willump, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Debonair Brand, EPIC Firecracker Vayne, LEGENDARY Porcelain Protector Ezreal

65960:MYTHIC Prestige Nightbringer Lee Sin, EPIC Blood Moon Jhin, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Ice King Twitch, EPIC PROJECT: Sylas, EPIC Old God Nocturne, DEFAULT Bilgerat Rumble, EPIC Space Groove Nasus, EPIC Warring Kingdoms Garen, EPIC PROJECT: Leona

68170:EPIC Spirit Blossom Teemo, LEGENDARY Dragon Trainer Tristana, DEFAULT Forsaken Olaf, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Marauder Ashe, DEFAULT Emumu, EPIC Taric Luminshield, LEGENDARY Solar Eclipse Leona, LEGENDARY Dawnbringer Riven, EPIC Pulsefire Riven

68130:ULTIMATE DJ Sona, EPIC Solar Eclipse Sejuani, EPIC SKT T1 Syndra, EPIC Bewitching Syndra, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, LEGENDARY Demonblade Tryndamere, DEFAULT Riot K-9 Nasus, EPIC Ruined Pantheon, DEFAULT Blood Moon Akali, EPIC Cafe Cuties Gwen, EPIC Withered Rose Talon

66010:MYTHIC Prestige Arcanist Zoe, DEFAULT Battlecast Xerath, DEFAULT Arclight Varus, EPIC Pool Party Lulu, EPIC Battle Boss Yasuo, DEFAULT Dryad Soraka, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Resistance Caitlyn, RARE Arcane Caitlyn, DEFAULT Rune Wars Renekton, EPIC Pajama Guardian Cosplay Urgot, DEFAULT Rumble in the Jungle, DEFAULT Dreadknight Nasus, EPIC Pentakill III: Lost Chapter Mordekaiser

66010:DEFAULT Reverse Annie, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, LEGENDARY True Damage Ekko, EPIC Guardian of the Sands Janna, EPIC Astronaut Corki, EPIC Sweetheart Rakan, EPIC Firecracker Vayne, EPIC True Damage Akali, DEFAULT Barbecue Leona, EPIC Arcanist Kog'Maw

66000:ULTIMATE DJ Sona, DEFAULT Samurai Yi, EPIC AstroNautilus, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Conqueror Jax, DEFAULT Vandal Twitch, DEFAULT Order of the Lotus Irelia, DEFAULT Jack of Hearts Twisted Fate, DEFAULT Sakura Karma, EPIC iBlitzcrank

66470:EPIC Pool Party Zoe, LEGENDARY Nightbringer Soraka, DEFAULT Pentakill Olaf, EPIC PROJECT: Jhin, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Pool Party Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Workshop Shaco, DEFAULT Sultan Gangplank, LEGENDARY Sentinel Vayne, DEFAULT Snow Bunny Nidalee, EPIC PROJECT: Akali

68670:DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT SKT T1 Zed, LEGENDARY Debonair Zed, DEFAULT Captain Gangplank, DEFAULT Deep Terror Thresh, LEGENDARY Final Boss Veigar, EPIC Dragonslayer Trundle, EPIC Lancer Rogue Blitzcrank, DEFAULT Traditional Lee Sin, DEFAULT Count Vladimir

66450:ULTIMATE Elementalist Lux, DEFAULT Darkflame Shyvana, EPIC Arcana Ahri, EPIC Infernal Varus, EPIC Bear Cavalry Sejuani, EPIC Heartpiercer Fiora, EPIC Blade Queen Lissandra, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Championship Ashe, EPIC Elderwood Xayah, DEFAULT Gothic Orianna, EPIC FPX Lee Sin, EPIC Sentinel Riven

68460:ULTIMATE Spirit Guard Udyr, EPIC Cosmic Blade Master Yi, EPIC Cosmic Charger Hecarim, DEFAULT Marauder Warwick, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Surprise Party Amumu, EPIC Cosmic Dusk Xayah, EPIC Cosmic Sting Skarner, EPIC Super Galaxy Nidalee, EPIC Arclight Yorick, DEFAULT Frozen Shen

67670:ULTIMATE Spirit Guard Udyr, EPIC Firecracker Diana, EPIC K/DA Kai'Sa, DEFAULT Warrior Princess Sivir, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Coin Emperor Tahm Kench, DEFAULT Masquerade Evelynn, DEFAULT Guqin Sona, EPIC Steel Dragon Thresh, DEFAULT Kitty Cat Katarina, EPIC PROJECT: Leona

67660:ULTIMATE Spirit Guard Udyr, DEFAULT Blight Crystal Varus, EPIC Arcade Hecarim, DEFAULT Infernal Alistar, EPIC Pool Party Zoe, EPIC Winter Wonder Soraka, EPIC Arclight Vel'Koz, EPIC SKT T1 Jhin, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, LEGENDARY Porcelain Protector Ezreal

67660:ULTIMATE K/DA ALL OUT Seraphine Indie, DEFAULT Boneclaw Shyvana, DEFAULT Popstar Ahri, EPIC Dark Star Varus, DEFAULT Uncle Ryze, DEFAULT Marauder Warwick, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC PROJECT: Ekko, EPIC Infernal Karthus, EPIC Astronaut Corki, DEFAULT Myrmidon Pantheon

67610:ULTIMATE Pulsefire Ezreal, DEFAULT Bioforge Darius, DEFAULT Lunar Goddess Diana, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Porcelain Amumu, DEFAULT Noxus Hunter Anivia, EPIC Lunar Beast Aphelios, EPIC Astronaut Maokai, DEFAULT Dragonblade Talon, DEFAULT Warlord Shen

67580:ULTIMATE Pulsefire Ezreal, LEGENDARY Sentinel Graves, DEFAULT Headmistress Fiora, DEFAULT Sweeper Alistar, DEFAULT Atlantean Syndra, EPIC SSG Taliyah, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC High Noon Twitch, DEFAULT Guqin Sona

66120:ULTIMATE Pulsefire Ezreal, DEFAULT Headhunter Rengar, EPIC Dark Star Varus, EPIC SKT T1 Zac, DEFAULT Marauder Olaf, DEFAULT Butcher Olaf, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Odyssey Malphite, DEFAULT Ragdoll Poppy, EPIC Debonair Leona

66120:DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Secret Agent Miss Fortune, EPIC Yuubee, EPIC Pulsefire Twisted Fate, EPIC Astronaut Corki, EPIC SSG Xayah, EPIC Odyssey Malphite, LEGENDARY God Fist Lee Sin, DEFAULT Arclight Vayne, DEFAULT Glaive Warrior Pantheon, EPIC Mecha Kingdoms Leona, DEFAULT Battle Bunny Riven

68390:ULTIMATE Elementalist Lux, DEFAULT Royal Guard Fiora, EPIC Heartpiercer Fiora, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Coin Emperor Tahm Kench, DEFAULT Sultan Gangplank, DEFAULT Fnatic Jarvan IV, DEFAULT Gothic Orianna, EPIC Underworld Wukong

66110:MYTHIC Prestige Pulsefire Lucian, EPIC Heartpiercer Fiora, EPIC Arclight Vel'Koz, LEGENDARY Firefighter Tristana, EPIC Pool Party Braum, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Divine Phoenix Anivia, EPIC El Macho Mundo, DEFAULT Mythic Cassiopeia, EPIC PROJECT: Leona

68120:ULTIMATE DJ Sona, DEFAULT Conqueror Varus, DEFAULT Poro Rider Sejuani, DEFAULT Justicar Syndra, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, LEGENDARY High Noon Senna, DEFAULT Commando Galio, DEFAULT Warring Kingdoms Katarina, DEFAULT Wicked LeBlanc

65360:ULTIMATE Spirit Guard Udyr, EPIC Reaper Soraka, EPIC Shadowfire Kindred, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Heartbreaker Vi, EPIC PsyOps Samira, EPIC SSG Rakan, EPIC Thunder Lord Ornn, EPIC Debonair Brand, DEFAULT Hillbilly Gragas

67580:ULTIMATE DJ Sona, DEFAULT The Thousand-Pierced Bear, EPIC Snow Man Yi, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, DEFAULT Nightmare Cho'Gath, EPIC FPX Lee Sin, DEFAULT All-star Akali, DEFAULT Sashimi Akali, DEFAULT Desert Trooper Garen

67350:ULTIMATE K/DA ALL OUT Seraphine Indie, DEFAULT Fisherman Fizz, EPIC Eternal Sword Yi, DEFAULT Pirate Ryze, EPIC Little Devil Teemo, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Battle Boss Qiyana, EPIC Battle Principal Yuumi, LEGENDARY Forecast Janna, EPIC Arcade Ezreal, DEFAULT Shadow Prince Malzahar

65380:ULTIMATE DJ Sona, EPIC Sun-Eater Kayle, EPIC Odyssey Ziggs, DEFAULT Wicked Lulu, DEFAULT Sweeper Alistar, EPIC Guardian of the Sands Ryze, DEFAULT Waterloo Miss Fortune, EPIC Championship Ashe, DEFAULT Groovy Zilean, DEFAULT Black Scourge Singed, DEFAULT Stinger Akali

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