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In this study we will pursue the origin of the English Jesus, and present evidence from both the Bible and secular sources revealing that the name given from On High was the Hebrew name "Yahshua, "the same name as the Old Testament son of Nun whom we know as Joshua. ! That is the same name given by the angel Gabriel to the mother of Yahshua before He was born. The concealing of the four letters of the Tetragrammaton (YHWH) representing the Name of the Father first began with the Israelite priests. Furthermore, there is not now nor was there ever an equivalent letter "j" in the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. One of these was the story of the Hebrews going into Egypt. The story indicates the "land" was Goshen, not the whole of the land area of what was called Egypt. The Genesis story tells us that Joseph's family - Jacob and his other sons and their families - were settled in Goshen. These names were lifted directly out of the Greek Septuagint with no consideration that they were Hebrew names (often having the ending "Yah,").

Even our English "j" is of recent origin, appearing in English only 500 years ago, when it often replaced the letter "i," usually at the beginning of a word. In their way of thinking, prohibiting the utterance of the sacred Name would eliminate the potential of blaspheming it. The superstitious Jewish scribes, aware of Leviticus 24:16 and other verses that demanded reverence for Yahweh's Name, decided the best way to keep from blaspheming His Name would be to invoke substitute titles instead of calling on the proper Name of Yahweh. Writing Yahweh's name in the Hebrew texts (hw,.hy.), Jewish Scribes (hundreds of years earlier) inserted a shewa ( . Nor did the Jews want in any way to associate Yahweh's Name with that of the Savior's, which might be seen as acknowledging His position as the very Son of Yahweh Who came in His Father's Name. In fact, the first vowel carried the sound of "e" as in met so the reader would read Yeh, and not blurt out even the short or poetic form, Yah.

For example, in Greek the masculine, nominative singular of our Savior's name ends in "s." This explains why we also have so many proper nouns in the King James Bible whose Hebrew has been changed to end in the Greek form "s," such as Judas, Elias, Jonas, Esaias, Zacharias, Jermias, Annas, and Silas. It is obvious that scribes went through the King James Bible and everywhere changed the true name of Yahshua to Jesus. One has but to look at Acts 7:45 and Hebrews 4:8 in the King James Bible where the hybrid "Jesus" erroneously appears. The question before us is, what was the Savior's name before there was a letter "j"? From the Babylonian captivity onward, the "o" sound was dropped, according to linguistic authorities, and by the time of the Savior's birth the name was no longer "YahOshua," but became Yahshua. Following the example in the Septuagint, Christian scholars did attempt to transliterate (bring across the sound of) the Savior's Name as it was written in the Greek.

Salvation comes through Yahshua the Messiah. To be sure, the person of Yahshua is important. According to Genesis 10, they dwelled at Mesha, in the foothills of Mount Sephar . Later we are told that the Hebrews had so increased in population that they covered the whole land. This involved some good details in the Genesis text about the settlement of Jacob's (Joseph's) family in Goshen (Genesis 46:28-47:26). I thought some background to that period would bring to life the events recorded there. Just as today the family name is passed on from father to son, we would expect Yahshua to bear the name of the Heavenly Father, AND come with his authority. The Savior Yahshua indeed came in the name of His Father, for His very name means "the Salvation of YAH." His name contains the sacred, poetic, heavenly family name Yah: YAHshua. The Greek has no "h" in its alphabet, only a rough breathing mark at a word's beginning that appears as a reverse apostrophe. They formed the 15th Dynasty and probably the 16th. By the latter reckoning, only 6 kings are considered Hyksos, ruling for a period of 108 years, about 1648-1540 BC. In my search for information on the political and ethnic situation of this period in Egyptian history, I found a good article discussing the Hyksos, thought by some to be the dynasty ruling Egypt at this time.

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