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Quick vent cause I never do lmao

I fucking hate boys, they're so ick. Like bro, can't you see I want you?? I used to say it to you all the fucking time and you still don't believe me. I called you handsome all the time and you still deny it like bro can you just take the compliment and believe me? Why would I say it if I didn't mean it? Use your fucking brain fr. Im trying to LOVE you. I just want you to love me back, and if you don't, tell me so I'm not sitting here wasting MY time on some fucking boy. You either want me or you don't, if you really did you wouldn't have to think about it lmfao. Think about that, why should you need or even want to think about dating someone? If you really wanted to you would say yes straight away right? (What I do/did) not sit there and be like "idk" or "I have to think idk" like bitch? Is that a no, cause if I'm gonna sit here for days walking around like a headless chicken, thinking this boy likes me when he probably has NO interest in me, but it's ok cause I'm giving him 'time to think' about it. Like no, if he wanted me he would've said yes, but he has to think on it? No lmfao, may aswell say no atp. Real shit, I'm losing interest really fast, you wanna waste MY time? You ain't gonna get anymore of it. I get it I messed up once, but don't we all make mistakes? What happened to forgiveness? I'm so done with putting my time into others when I get NOTHING back in return. If you show no interest, I'll show no interest. I tried loving you and you've just been dodging it for the past fucking week. Tell me you still want me fr lmaoaoaoa, when I still tried, and I texted you first ALL the time, gave you as much time as you needed to think, and you're STILL stuck in it, Gtfo 🤣. Anyways I'll still love ya as a friend even if we not tg, I'll just be distant that's how I am unfortunately 🤷🏽‍♀️.
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