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High Quality Halal Food Duluth
The Global Halal Food Market : Riding a Wave of Growth
Halal certification

The al pie de la letra meaning of typically the Arabic word 'Halal' is permissible. This is used throughout mention of the food plus drinks which are permissible for Muslims beneath Islamic Law, seeing that defined inside the Heiliges buch des islam. It lays lower instructions specifying precisely what food can be taken as well as the method of preparing, addressing mostly various meats items and animal tissue. For instance , the Islamic kind of slaughtering animals involves eliminating by a slice to the windpipe, carotid artery in addition to jugular vein.

Islamic consumers now bring about to an evergrowing demand for high good quality and varied Halal food. The Halal certification is a new concern for the 1. 6 billion international Muslim population due to the fact many Muslims reside in non-Muslim majority countries where Halal-certified food is with times difficult to find or even where the credibility of the documentation might be questionable.

Progress potential

What is definitely driving the speedy growth within the Halal food market?

Within Muslim population

According to research released in 2015, Muslims currently constitute about a quarter (23. two percent) with the global population. The study even more states that this rise in the Muslim population is credited to a young demographic - several Muslims are now living in countries with low average ages like Dalam negeri, India and Pakistan - and on-going improvements in infant mortality rates. Using the rise involving the Muslim consumer, food-service chains for example KFC and Nando's now have Halal outlets, while Pizza Express uses Halal chicken and supermarkets in Europe usually are stocking up in frozen Halal meals.

Chicken restaurant Duluth

Increasing income standards among the Islamic population are fuelling demand for brand new and differentiated Halal food. A raising Muslim population seeing that well as economical development in countries with large multitude of Muslims tends to make this a profitable segment to invest in. Intended for example, the put together disposable income associated with an American Muslim this year amounted to USD98 billion.

Growing awareness and demand

Typically the awareness factor is in play for both the Muslim while well as non-Muslim population. The previous is becoming more and more aware of their very own religious obligations while some experts feel that the latter are expected to change towards Halal foods as a result of rising concerns about unhygienic in addition to junk food. For occasion, Halal meat accounts for about twelve per cent associated with total meat revenue in the United Kingdom (2. 6 billion British pounds), which can be far larger than the proportion of Muslims within Britain (which is definitely approximately five each cent).

Non-food Halal market opportunities

Halal products are certainly not all relating to beef. The evolving lifestyle and embrace purchasing powers of Muslims mean that there is growing demand regarding products that adjust to Islamic diet laws. As being the Halal industry is constantly on the broaden beyond the meals market there are several industries that endure to benefit which contain:

Cosmetic and private care

More individuals are informed that cosmetics may contain alcoholic materials or products created from animals forbidden simply by Islam. According in order to 2013 data, typically the Halal cosmetics in addition to personal care marketplace is worth about USD13 billion with an annual growth level of 12 per cent.

Pharmaceutical and healthcare

Halal pharma and healthcare products are widely used not simply from Muslims but also from non-Muslims who value well being products that do not harm the particular body within the long lasting. That is the reason why industry players are usually willing to change ingredients and production methods to serve to this requirement. As at 2013, the Halal pharmaceutical market was estimated at USD34 million - and growing.


Recently attaining popularity, this sort of tourism pertains to hospitality products and services in accordance together with Islamic practices. Typically, Halal tourism has got been commonly related to umrah, hajj and even pilgrimage. The transforming preferences of Muslims for travel destinations, growing affluent middle-class consumers and rise in degree of interconnectivity make travel convenient. This puts the Halal tourism industry at USD137 billion dollars in 2014.


Fashion houses in Paris and Milan have noticed the particular commercial potential for Muslim women's apparel that respects spiritual sentiments yet includes elements of good taste and type. According to a review in 2012, the particular Muslim fashion sector would be comparable to USD96 billion if half of the Muslims' across the planet (1. 6 billion) spent USD120 about clothing annually.


Halal logistics furthermore has clear potential for growth. This involves paying close focus in the source chain where typically the integrity with the merchandise is maintained through the farm to the table in the buyer. An international Halal logistics standard is usually therefore crucial. Based on 2014 data, this particular industry is projected to grow at a Compound Total annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 12. six per cent to get to about USD539 mil.

Primary Halal markets

As the Halal market emerges while a new growth sector, an increasing consumer base and enhanced growth in various areas will give increase to more competitors. The key parts where growth potential is evident incorporate:

Asian countries

With nearly one billion Muslims or close in order to two thirds from the global Muslim human population, Asia is from the forefront with regard to Halal products. Asia's Halal market provides been mainly motivated by India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia in addition to China. With practically one billion Muslims or near to a couple of thirds of the global Muslim populace, Asia's Halal market continues to be mainly influenced by India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Indonesia and even China.

With nearly one billion Muslims or close to two thirds from the global Muslim inhabitants, Asia's Halal market has been mainly driven by Of india, Malaysia, Pakistan, Dalam negeri and China. This market may be worth around USD420 billion (in 2013) and is increasing rapidly. A few of the key element countries inside the Oriental region which were placing the direction for the regional Halal market are:


The country using the world's largest Muslim population is usually, unsurprisingly, an enormous Halal product market, estimated at USD10 million annually in 2013 and seeing annual growth of 7-10 per cent.


Malaysia's Halal marketplace was valued from USD1. 9 billion in 2013. A crucial contributor to the country's economical growth, the Halal industry is projected to contribute approximately 5. 8 % of the nation's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 2020, up from 2 percent in 2013.


Pakistan's present of the global Halal market in 2013 was obviously a dismal zero. 26 per penny of the USD440 billion total. Undoubtedly this is due to the fact Pakistan produces a great deal of its food domestically, without a lot of Halal food import and export. Nevertheless , Pakistan has great potential to turn out to be a Halal meals hub. This is due to the large Muslim human population as well as its strategic geo-economic position, which provides it access to 40 million Muslim consumers across the Main Asian republics plus Afghanistan.


Thailand has become typically the world's fifth most significant Halal food maker - excellent 5. 6 per cent reveal of the worldwide Halal food market, valued at USD5 billion annually. The Thai government's ongoing efforts to reinforce the Halal industry resulted in typically the establishment of typically the Halal Standard Start of Thailand inside 2003 to assure proper development and certification for nationwide Halal food. These kinds of standards comply with Islamic law and also worldwide food quality specifications. Thailand has become the earth's fifth largest Halal food producer.

Middle East

The Halal food industry in the Middle Eastern side was worth about USD20 billion within 2013. The Center East imports 80 per cent of its food requirements, which makes it a major part for global Halal food. Annual meals imports are projected to double by USD25. 8 million this year to achieve USD53 billion within 2020 - together with total Halal meat imports exceeding 1 million metric plenty annually.

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