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Wandschmiererei, Gangs, And (Your) Teen(s)
While walking by way of a neighborhood recently, I discovered some graffiti writing in the midsection of the road. I immediately considered to myself, "wow, do people CONTINUE TO draw graffiti these types of days"?... website was "nice", "quiet", and everybody very much kept in order to themselves. "So", I think to myself, "WHY would someone(s) intentionally target an avenue in an place like this?... unless, right now there is more to the story below.

Upon a very little further research, I discovered this may well have been left-behind traces of the unruly group. This made me wonder if this could possess been some sort of gang-like activity (sometimes I am a little bit of naive to things that are outside of 'my world'). As I carried on to ponder on this, it made me realize of which our teens are usually becoming a growing number of involved in troublesome actions and self-destructive affiliations.

My mother always said that existence is Packed with C-H-O-I-C-E-S.

The current occasions in the information show young guys (and women) investing countless years that will equal MORE than the RELAXATION of their lifestyles behind bars, mainly because of the selections they made earlier to join a gang. It saddens me to believe that they may NEVER have the opportunity to re-consider their own actions again.

While going home, I created my own checklist of explanations why we are losing our kids to "the streets", and violent task. Maybe this listing of reasons will attain at least a single parent, Youth Head, or even the teen who may well be able to complete to the loved one, a close friend, or someone special to them in addition to help them choose AGAINST joining a new gang or generating ANY potentially violent/harmful decision(s).

My list of why...

-- a sense regarding belonging. She or he may well not feel attached to his or your ex own family.

instructions this group may represent the JUST thing they acknowledge as a sense of community.

-- he or she may be BORED. Having nothing of interest to them to be able to keep them busy, or to positively impact their period

- he or even she might be seeking to fit within, feel accepted as a part regarding a greater crowd.

- they may always be HURTING, and browsing for SOMEone who understands them.

- it might be a be sad for help or perhaps attention that they may feel they will are not buying in your own home.

- he or she might have a NEED for an authority-type number, or anyone to seem up to found in their life.

instructions he or the lady may want to be able to be viewed as "cool", or stand out to their friends.

- his / her or her surroundings may not end up being very positive or perhaps productive, so they really may choose what exactly is "common" and available to them. Hence, falling into a stereotypical-type scenario.

- this individual or she may well not believe that that they have inner authority instincts, so these people might choose to follow typically the crowd (we have been taught to ALWAYS be some sort of leader... NEVER a follower)

- she or he may not always be much of a completely independent thinker, so these people allow others (and other things) to be able to influence their attitude and thought procedure.

I remembered studying an article inside a Teen Voices Journal on the facts of gang-life, in addition to how a new 16-year old girl discussed her story regarding how and precisely why she joined the gang. Her story was very insiteful, and REAL. She mentioned that your woman was searching, striving to fill the girl need for anyone to show her affection, and they loved and maintained her. She wanted to be accepted, protected, and recognized. She understood of which many kids sign up for gangs; believing that selling drugs, and so forth would eventually meet their inner desire for "fancy"cars, and nice(r) clothes. She stated that many feel of which it does not take ONLY way; not realizing the REALity of it all.

Bunch violence and acknowledgement is a part of our society today. This kind of issue is ALMOST NEVER addressed (until somebody is shot, harmed, or death occurs as a result). My deepest idea is usually that the RIGHT selections could be made in a teen's lifestyle, and it all starts with typically the RIGHT conversation. So, let's get talkin'.

Andrieka "AJ" Austin texas is Speaker, Creator, and EmPOWERment Contributer for Inspirational Girls Magazine's 'Better Yourself', Founder and Facilitator of Journey Girl, LLC ( ); devoted to women self-emPOWERment programming and even resources for young ladies and women.

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