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hey baby I am doing work at the moment so I will have to write this in small intervals so it may take a few hours I hope that is okay XD :$I love you with all my heart and soul and I always have and always will no matter what :$you are honestly so perfect and amazing and there is only very few things I can fault about the 'new' you which I will start with first just because by the end of this letter or paragraph (whatever you call it) I want you to be smiling and happy because I know you are feeling really down at the moment and I would really like to make this something you can re read when you are feeling down :* okay so there are a few things things bad okay so i will get these over and done with as quickly as possible okay handsome :$ 1- you used to show your emotion so much towards me and don't get me wrong you still do show a bitt of emotion but not very much anymore I don't know if its because you don't really love me anymore or the fact you are depressed but I really miss that side of the kyle I used to know :$ 2- you used to tell me everything weather it was good or bad and I really appreciated the fact you did that because it made me feel helpful and special because you trusted me with everything but recently ( especially the last 2 months) you have literally hidden everything from me and it really hurts because it feels like I cant be trusted and im not that important :$3- you maybe kinda like stopped everything sexual and don't get me wrong I definitely want cuddles and a future with you ALOT more than sex or making love but it kinda seems like all your sexual attraction towards me id gone like completely disappeared im just wondering what I did wrong and why this is happened but this is definitely not a major problem :$4- you get angry with what I tell you and then you get angry when I don't tell you anything (I know today that hasn't happened but it always seems to happen again and again and its actually kinda scary and makes me just eant to hide everything and pretend to be happy :$anyways handsome now onto the good things because I don't want to continute making you depressed okay handsome so this part will be very very very long as I have so much good dtuff ive always been wanting to tell you also I forgot to say at the start in this letterparagraph I am going to pour my heart out like and tell you everything okay so im sorry if it makes you sad I really never mean to make you sad because I love you so much and the fact you aren't here sitting next to me cuddling me makes my heart ache and makes me so sad but I know and I promise we have a future together with a little girl and a little boy and they will be little pieces of us and they will be the key to us being forver :$ and I also know that we are definitely going to get married and it doesn't have to be a big white wedding because I just want us to get married so I can say that I am finally married to the love of my life :$i love you to the moon and back a thousand times and more!!!!!! :$ nothing will ever change my feelings towards you as i am so deeply and crazily in love with you and honestly its almost unbelievable how much i love you because ive never felt like this at all ever and wow the feelings i get when i see your name pop up on my screen are astonishing; i get so many butterflies actually fuck butterflies there is whole fucking zoo inside me and i get all blushy and giggly and i start to smile to myself and everyone looks at me weirdly :$ the point i am trying to make is even the little things like a kiss on the cheek or a good morning paragraph make my day you kyle have me hooked honestly ive never ever been like this towards anyone i would do anything for you; i will be there for you through everything because nothing and i mean nothing will make me not love you :$ please rmember everything i say in this paragraph because it is all really true :$
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