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"A lot is made of keywords, but they're just a small part of who people are. People want to buy from someone they like." - Rodney Berman

seo, or search engine optimisation, is all about making sure that your business' website is ranking high in search results for the keywords you want it to rank for.

SEO is all about getting your business' website to rank high in search results for the keywords you want it to rank for. It's not just about having a great site, it's about getting people to it.

If you're not familiar with how search engine algorithms work, let me give you an example of what happens when someone does a Google search:

The first thing that happens when someone types in "seo" is the SERP (search engine result page). This is where all the websites that come up appear on one page. You know this because if I type "seo" into my browser and hit enter, my computer will display something like this:

Next up comes another screen called SERP Previews which shows each individual website's content (and what they have written). This can be helpful if there are multiple pages on your site or if some pages are related while others aren't—but we'll talk more about that later!

Only about a third of the people that visit a website will actually make a purchase.

The average person only has about eight seconds to decide whether or not they want to buy something. If you're trying to sell them something, this is a problem—you need enough time for your potential customers to read through your offer and understand it before making a decision.

Because of this, most companies focus on getting people onto their site as quickly as possible (which is why we recommend using our services). But if all you have time for is one-on-one conversations with customers and prospects? You'll want those conversations focused on what matters most: building trust between both parties and getting them excited about making a purchase from you!

That's the most important thing to remember when considering how you're going to present your business on the internet, and the keywords you'll use to get the traffic to your site.

The more people that visit your site, the more likely they are to buy from you.

The more people that visit your site, the more often they will return.

The more people who visit your website and then click through to purchase something from you again—or even just browse around before giving up and leaving—the better for business in general!

The more often customers visit your business site, the more likely they are to purchase from you.

If you want to make more sales, it's important to know how often your customers are coming back. The more often they come back and spend money on your business, the better chance you have of making a sale!

If they're never going to visit again (which is most likely), then don't do anything different than before. However, if they do come back frequently and buy things from you again—and maybe even tell others about how awesome it was—then that's great news for business growth!

There are thousands of keywords for which you can choose what direction your website should point and what kind of link text you should use in order to increase its chance of ranking highly in search results.

There are thousands of keywords for which you can choose what direction your website should point and what kind of link text you should use in order to increase its chance of ranking highly in search results.

If you don't know what to choose, start by reading some articles on SEO (search engine optimization). The most important thing is that the keyword must be relevant for your target audience. For example, if you want to sell sunglasses online then it would be better if you used the keyword "Sunglasses" instead of "Glasses".

Keep your content fresh and interesting by adding new articles regularly, keeping affiliates up-to-date with your blog posts and social media accounts and picking up popular trending topics in your industry.

Keep your content fresh and interesting.

Keep affiliates up-to-date with your blog posts and social media accounts.

Pick up popular trending topics in your industry.

This will keep visitors coming back again and again.

You can use this to your advantage by keeping your content fresh and interesting. Add new articles regularly, keep affiliates up-to-date with your blog posts and social media accounts, pick up popular trending topics in your industry, and make sure that everything is updated on a regular basis. This will keep visitors coming back again and again!

63% of online shoppers use their phones when looking for products online.

Mobile devices are the most common way for people to shop online. In fact, 63% of online shoppers use their phones when looking for products online. That's why it's so important that your website has a responsive design—so it looks good on all devices and operating systems!

Mobile devices allow customers to check out products easily and compare prices without having to go through an app or site-specific browser settings. They also provide information about what's available in stock; if you have any special promotions going on, these features can help drive sales even higher by enticing potential customers into making purchases now rather than later (or not at all).

A great place to start when considering seo is by checking out these tips for creating high quality content that's easy to read and understand

The first step to creating high quality content is keeping your message friendly. People are more likely to read and share content that they can relate to, so it's important to make sure you're writing in an engaging tone.

Another key point is making sure your content is easy for people who aren't experts on the subject matter of your website or blog post. If you want readers who aren't familiar with SEO topics, then there's no need for them to spend their time learning about different tools and techniques when they could instead use those resources as reference materials by simply reading something simpler like this article!

Now let' SEO Companies about how best practices should be used when formatting text for search engine optimization purposes:


#13: There are a lot of businesses that know nothing about SEO and how to market themselves online. Don't be one of them!

Takeaway: Once you've done the work to make your content easy to read, it's important that you use the right keywords in order to increase your chances of being ranked highly in Google search results.

In a friendly tone

Section: The standard way to do this is through effective keyword research.

Section: It sounds like a lot of work, but it's actually quite simple.

Takeaway: Use the tips above, add in some manual link building and social media promotion (if necessary) and you'll find that your website will start ranking remarkably well for all the right keywords.

Lightray Solutions - Orange County Web Design

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+1 (714) 872 9606
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