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96neko was taking a shower this hot day.
She was washing the blood off her body from the recent monsters she had just killed.
The blood driped off like whipped cream on glass. (earlier that day she found out Pies little secret she kept between her legs).
She was also singing "Let It Go" , which was her favorite song for these moments.

Then, suddenly, Pie paraglided in.
"Sorry I have to interupt you, naked in the shower, but we must go!"
"What? im taking a shower, I am indecent!, this bathing costum barely concils my legs, cant you see that? I am as good as naked!"
Pie could see that she was completely naked in the shower.
"yes, I can see that you are naked, in the shower" Pie said.
"But we must go...Pan is back!."
"What not Pan!!!" she punched the shower head out of blood lust.
96neko got out of the shower and put some clothes on.She wore a dress the same color as her eyes her father brought her from the city.
After she was no longer naked, they left to defeat Pan.

Along the way they summoned 3, who joined them on their quest.
"I will join you on your quest to defeat Pan said 3.
"Thanks for joining us on our quest," said Pie;
"Yes, we need your help to defeat Pan" said 96neko.
So, 96neko Pie and now 96neko left by spaceship for their epic quest to defeat the prince of all uglyness ......
Meanwhile, 96nekos mind was wondered back to the past. The good old days....
It was 96nekos holy communion party, which everyone was invited too.
The party was awesome as always, because Pie was hosting it.

96neko was pretty drunk that day. She had already punched a bunch of people. 3 a few times.Because He is stupid.Blood was spilled. But that was normal in this sort of party.As was the pile of bodies.
If 96neko was honest, She couldn't remember much that happened.
Only something about a henchmen,a goat and a pair of scissors.

There was one thing that stuck in Her mind though. Something She would never forget.
Pan was wearing a Pit mask that night (it was a fancy dress party btw - A/N).
It was one of the best costumes at the party.
Everyone had come as something or someone else.
No one could recognize anyone else because everyone had bits of their bodies covered;

3 was dressed as 96NEKO.
96NEKO was dressed as EMBER.
EMBER was dressed as Pie.
Pie was dressed as Pan.
And Pan was dressed as a guiter.

96neko had no idea which person Pan was! At the top they were strangers. But they would become much more!
96neko was instantly attracted to Pan in Her costume. The way She moved. The way She talked.The way She flicked Her hair.
Pan was doing a Karaoke number.
It was "summer nights". And She was awesome.
She sung like they were possessed.The audience was transfixated by Pan.

Despite Her crushing shyness,and fear of people judging him,96neko got up and sang too.
When Pan was singing summer nights it was like the words spoke to Her. Pan seemed to be addressing each word of the song just to Her. The room faded away and it was just the two of them. No one else in the world.
They gazed into eachother eyes as Pan put Her soul into the last lyric.
Then silence.

Suddenly, 96neko was woken out of the flashback by current events!
Over the next few days, more and more horrific reports came from the direction of Pan's hanger.
First it was just the criminals being arrested and put to work in Pan's armies. Then anyone who was against Pan was also arrested and put to trial. They were separated into groups of men and women. The men were put to work, the women were rapped until killed.
Pan looked down on her works. She then petted her unicorn.
Oh yes, Pan was ready for Pie now.

(A/N I know I had a lot of people rapped in this story, but I was trying to stay realistic to the time period. Lots of people were rapped back then. Not just women, but it was common as a woman to be rapped and killed back then. That's just latin.)
The next time they saw eachother Pan winked at 96neko, remembering what happened at the party.96neko blushed.
Some of the others giggled. Did they know? 96neko didn't care.
96neko had some time before he had to do anything, so She decided to have another flashback.

It was just after the Karaoke. They had stepped of the stage to loud applause and were now looking at eachother.
"Hi" 96neko said, meekly.
"Hay" Pan said, also meekly. Their confidence from moments ago had evaporated like alcohol.
"Do you want too..."
"ok then."
So they walked to the cloakroom.
It wasn't long before their lips were together. 96neko couldn't remember who made the first move.
She did remember the taste though. The taste of Pan.
Pan tasted like blackberry on a summer noon.
Refreshing and salty but also a bit sour.
What had they been eating? 96neko tried to work out it. It took much tung work.
After a few minutes mouth to mouth pot holing, Pan guessed what 96neko was doing.
"I had lychee for lunch."
"you dont have to stop though"
"oh. Good!" 96neko said, with great relief.
They finally drew away after what seemed a whole sunday but was only mere minutes.
The taste of Pan's lips still lingered in 96neko's mouth as they finally looked upon each other with new eyes.
Relieved sighs came from both of them as both embraced, Pan snuggling against 96neko's neck as he snuggled upto Pan's torso.

(lots of hugging happened after this).

. They had a lot of..."fun".

"Sorry about that, I got a little carried away" said 96neko.
"Thats ok I.....enjoyed it." said Pan blushing in the way they always did.
"Yes" said Pan.
"I'll bring some of my toys next time for us to play with" said 96neko.

And with that they left the cloakroom and returned to the party. The months that followed were fun but they never told their friends.

And when everyone was ready to go, suddenly, the door opened!

"????!!" questioned Pie exclaimingly.
Because in the doorway, no other than Pan stood! And lightning struck int he background and showed villain as a silluette.

But instead Pan's usual smirk, there was confusion on her face!
"Who.... who am I?" mutered Pan
"Who are you?!" Pie said.
"Who *is* she?!" Ember also said (a/n lol she aint very smart lol).
"Who... who am I?" Pan repeated... "I don't know who I am!"
"Zomg, Pan lost her memory!" concluded 3 smartly.
"Indeed, that is the only logical explanation," said Pie, who of course had thought of it before 3 did but was too noble and modest to say so.

"Well, I say we kill her now." said Pit.
"That is a good idea," said Pie and she reached for her small sword.

But then all the sudden, they were surrounded! By Pan's Highwaymans!
"Lady"! they said. "We have brought you the mythical assbag!"
The mythical assbag! Pie saw it within the hands of the ninja. As ever as revoking as it always had been.
If only Pie could get to it!
Then Pie remembered... She had the power of lighting candles!

Before Pan could turn to the highwayman, Pie lept forward and grabbed the mythical assbag from minions's hands. Pie then apologised profoundly and patted the mercenarys on their back.
"Pan," said Pie, "I'm sorry, but it's better for you never ever to remember who you were." And with Pie's petting cats, she crushed the mythical assbag.
"Noooooo!" Pan said, "Now I will never know who I am!"

"Well, I'm not going to let you get away with all the misery you've caused!" yelled Pit. He grabbed a musket and smashed Pan's head open.
For a moment, Pan looked confused... and the said: "But I... I don't know what I did wrong!"
And she died.
And everyone applauded, even the golum because despite Pan having lost her memory, the evil was still inside them. Ready to come out. Even under a different personality. So Pit really did the right thing.
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