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1 hour ago
Can I ask you to listen to me for a few minutes? Just a few minutes, I swear I wont take too much time.

1 hour ago
First: I said two words of insult to anaklusmos14 and he started spilling it everywhere so everyone could see. When he sent insults my way, then nothing's wrong.

1 hour ago
Second: I never 'stole' his work. Plagiarizing means copying someone else's work and passing it as ones own. And I never did that, I had given proper dedication to him in those books if only you had read them. @anaklusmos14 is having the wrong idea, and when I'm telling him that, he's denying to listen to it.

1 hour ago
Third: I had no intentions of stealing his books, I love his works and had asked to him 3-4 months ago if I could use his books and place it on Wattpad(while giving him proper dedication).

1 hour ago
First: Yes, because you plagiarized his work. You used it to get your other stories recognized, if they weren't plagiarized as well.

Second: Are you sure? Are you ENTIRELY sure? Because Anaklusmos14 went through your story and saw no disclaimer. And quite honestly, I'm on his side, but I'm willing to hear you out. Unless he's exaggerated the plagiarism...

Third: Then why, pray tell, has this war even started if you never intended it? Why has it reached this point? The disclaimer obviously wasn't as clear as you thought, or it simply wasn't there at all. Or he hadn't responded and you'd assumed it was fine to post? There's a reason this happened. From what I was told, you were made off the bad guy with the plagiarism.

1 hour ago
I swear to God that I had clearly mentioned his name in the disclaimer of the book. Anaklusmos14 would have presumed that I have plagiarized his work and so he started saying stuff like 'wow, you're so stupid lol' and 'you do so much work to steal my stuff you're such a douche bag'. I am not the bad guy here, in fact no one if the bad guy. He is having a wrong idea about me and no one is taking time to see the truth.

1 hour ago
If you want to, I can quote every singe insult that he had sent me on private message, when I sent him one insult, he started to reveal it to everyone. If I reveal any one of his insults everyone will start to know what a mean person he is.

1 hour ago
I even said sorry to him about a dozen times, but he always ignored it.

1 hour ago
Wow! The irony! @anaklusmos14 just sent me a message saying that he's accepted my apology and he had just got pissed off a little and was mad about it.

8 minutes ago
Okay. I got most of the whole story. From what I got, you probably had credited him, but he hadn't seen. He pressed that report button without getting enough evidence first, and Wattpad swooped in. You probably hadn't thought you'd done anything wrong. Heck, you probably weren't even aware until after the stories were taken down. Anaklusmos14 probably messaged you, you messaged back, and this hate storm began. He thought you'd plagiarized, but you hadn't. He just didn't see the credit, hence all the hate... That hate was completely uncalled for, but you guys can solve it between yourselves. It's just a huge misunderstanding leading to uncalled for hate.

5 minutes ago
I honestly don't know about him being a terrible person. I've been interacting with him for a year now, give or take, and he hasn't been anything but nice... But I could be wrong. When he showed me you guys' conversation, he only showed me your replies, reason for automatically thinking you're the villain in this. I wouldn't be surprised if his messages WERE terrible, either. Like I said, huge misunderstanding. I wouldn't take it to heart.

5 minutes ago
It has been solved finally. He just sent me a message saying that he was just a little pissed off so he started to quarrel with me.

5 minutes ago
Its fine now, matter solved

4 minutes ago

3 minutes ago
And I believe I owe you a couple apologies as well. Those messages on your message board... I'm truly sorry for them. I didn't know the whole story. I'd immediately taken Anaklusmos14's side without considering if he might've been wrong. For that I apologize. I mean nothing by them. I'll even personally go delete my most recent message if it's still there.

2 minutes ago
Nah, you were just supporting a friend, its involuntary :)

2 minutes ago
Thanks. :) No hard feelings?

1 minute ago

1 minute ago
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