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Pet Grooming for Monsoon

How often do you find yourself drowning in dog hair and coughing up cat fur? You're not the only one! Every pet parent struggles with bits that their furbabies leave everywhere they go. more info Now that the much-awaited monsoon season is just around the corner grooming your pet becomes more than just a problem solver. Monsoon showers can cause a drop in temperature, greener surroundings, and a cuddle-like mood. With constant rain, pets are at a higher risk of facing issues like infections, skin allergies, or parasitic infestations, and of course who can avoid the mud puddles on their long daily walks. Even though pets are more likely to get sick from this weather, you can still keep them happy and healthy by taking some precautions.

Take care of your fur

Pet grooming is a matter of personal preference. However, regardless of the type and condition of your furry friend's coat, grooming can be beneficial. Brushing longer-haired pets will keep them free from mats and tangles. Mats can be very uncomfortable and allow oil and dirt to build up underneath, allowing bacteria to grow. This can lead to skin infections. Shorter-haired pets don't get mats and tangles, but they benefit from regular brushing, nonetheless. For them, brushing helps keep their skin and coats in good shape, eliminates loose hair, and allows you to spot any problems (lumps or bumps on the skin, problems with the ears or eyes, etc) before they become serious.


Keep your pet up-to-date with their deworming and grooming routines. In monsoon long-haired breeds tend to get tics and lice, so trimming and shaping regularly will go a long way. 寵物店 online Shorter hair is easier to manage, which will help you save time and effort. Your pooch's fur attracts worms and can become a breeding ground of bacteria and germs in moist weather. Regular baths are a must. It is recommended that long-haired dogs bathe every five days, while short-haired pets should bathe once per week. The mighty cats can solve this problem by themselves.

Keep your pet dry

Ironically every pet hates baths but loves the rain, in the monsoon season your pet is very likely to get wet in the rain. Make sure you keep them dry and try to avoid a lot of exposure to the rain. If your pet says wet for a long time they will start to stink and are more likely to lose their fur. Use a towel to dry your pet's fur. Excessive rubbing can cause fur to become loose and even endanger their health. Use a blow dryer to dry fur as gently as possible. Cold blow-drying works just as good as hot blow-drying and it does not damage the fur.

Pay attention to paws

If you take your pet for a walk, it is impossible to avoid getting their paws wet. All the dirt and muck on the ground will get to the paws. You can prevent infections and infestations by trimming the fur around the paws and washing them after each walk. While water is fine, it is not necessary to use pet-friendly antiseptic shampoo. Make sure you moisturize your paws after drying them.

Eyes, nose and ears

Regularly cleaning your pet's eyes and noses is important. Use a cotton ball or a cloth to clean sensitive areas. Warm water is used to warmly wash the area. This is the most important area to clean in this weather, as ticks and other leeches often attach to ears. Ear cleaning drops can also be used. After you are done cleaning gently pat these areas dry.

Monsoons can be difficult, but we're here to help. Make sure your pet does not eat anything that has been sitting in its bowl for too long. Thunderstorms can be a positive experience for your pet. To avoid infection, boil water instead. You can make up for the short walks by engaging in indoor activities. Remember to take your pet along when it rains.

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