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Sometimes I wonder what is the reason I am still alive and I keep coming back to the same thing for her but mostly my dad, On December 28th 2022 my dad passed away from sarcoma cancer and it was really hard to understand he was gone and I will always be sad because of it but my dad would want me to be happy and I try my best to. Last year I did the worst thing I could have ever done I broke up with a girl named Angelina I was in love with just because all my friends hated her and I was more afraid of losing all my friends then to break her heart and mine. After I broke up with her I was good and then I got with a boy named Chris which I thought I liked him until a couple weeks later I realize I was still in love with her and I regret everything then I broke up with Chris and. Then met Ally at a dance in 7th grade I fell for her right away four days after the dance we started to date and I thought she felt the same way I did for her but she broke up with me a month late and she said that she wasn't allowed to date and she was scare her parents where going to find out but months later I found out she just never loved and cared about me and that broke my heart we didn't talk for like three months In 8th grade we started to talk more. I dated Angelina a month after 8th grade stated we dated for a little and then she boke up with me because she didn't think I loved her but I loved her more then anything or anyone but she still didn't believe me but that's ok a couple weeks later we dated again only for a little but then we broke up and stopped talking for a while. I started to date this girl cat I loved her but I think she hated me because she was mean and said a lot of aggressive language but I broke up with her because I didn't think it was healthy for my mental health. That's all of my relationships in 7th's and 8th's I like my friends my Best friend is Andrew I have known him since I was three my favorite memory with him was probably last year in the begging of 8th grade we went to the park and my crush and my ex was there other then that we played catch and watched a soccer game and ate food it was so fun I wish I could go back to that day I would. I have a lot more friends but mostly hangout with him. I love school but hate it at the same time I love it because I have a lot of my friends in my class and I have great teachers especially Mis. Rei she's the best she gives my candy and lets me be on my phone and that's me cuss and a lot of other things. The reason I hate school is because of one teacher I hate her so much she makes me want to kill myself and I would never let her win in a argument her name is Mis. Andreozzi. My mental health sucks but I work my way around it but its hard to do it when I'm upset I think about things that make my happy like my dad or Angelina. I just want to thank the people that were in my life I don't know if you guys and girls even cared about me put I cared about you guys and girls so much. I just want to thanks my parents for taking all my bullshit all these years I loved you so much and I loved you to Jacob even though I hated you so much in a loving way. I also want to thank all of my friends for being there for me when I needed you. I want to thank Angelina for loving me and care about me and always sticking up for me and always being the for me please don't kill yourself just because I'm gone I will always love you and forever. I just want you to know that no one is the cause of my death I just think I don't belong in this world and I might think I'm so happy I'm not I am just good at hiding it because I don't want you to worry. I have wanted to do this for a long to but never had the balls to do it but I do know an I just everyone to know this is not the way to go but I just can't take it anymore it is to much don't do want I do. I will always love you guys and girls I hope you have a great life I love everyone so much Bye

love, Abby Rose Maldonado
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