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Illegitimate - Not For the First Time
I. Prior to Columbus

Long prior to there was a great America, the trick of infiltration plus takeover was the old tale in Mexico.

Before Columbus landed, there was 2 major cultures inside what is right now called Mexico, plus one about what was after that called Arizona, which often included many methods from the particular Rio Grande to be able to southern California. Within southeastern Mexico existed the Mayans, beginning slide into fall. In the middle west lived typically the Toltecs, whose culture was vigorous and flourishing. North associated with them, inside the Az territory, lived the Pueblos -- primarily the Navaho.

All of these cultures had domesticated pets, agriculture, weaving, pottery, stonemasonry and a few metal-working: gold, silver precious metal and copper, at least. All involving them were well written; the Mayans plus Toltecs had alphabets in which these people wrote on clay surfaces, leather or stone, and the Pueblos had a remarkable abece of knots linked in string. They will worshipped various gods, goddesses and state of mind of natural causes, but did certainly not commonly practice human sacrifice. The Toltec god from the sun and enlightenment, Quetzlcoatl, would occasionally inquire his worshippers to shed a modest amount of their very own own blood as proof of typically the dominance of the mind over the body, but at most of which. These cultures had been all relatively tranquil, and traded regularly with each other.

Down and up the far east coast of South america wandered the Chichimecs, an extremely different form of people -- possibly linked to the fierce Caribs, who else gave their name to the Caribbean Islands after wresting them from typically the peaceable Arawaks. The particular Chichimecs had art and weaving, although no literacy. They didn't bother along with farming or domesticating animals, but existed on hunting, sport fishing, gathering -- and raiding their neighborhood friends, for the Chichimecs were cannibals. That they worshipped bloodthirsty gods like Chac Mool and Tezcatlipoca, which demanded the refreshing hearts of individual victims, so that will the Chichimec worshippers could then take in the rest of the bodies in addition to use the cases for leather. Typically the Chichimecs were not really nice people, and even in an extremely real sense they will deserved what Cortez evenually did to them. The Chichimecs waited until the particular Toltecs were destabilized by civil conflict and plague, plus then began the effective strategy associated with infiltration.

The Breach

By twos and threes, posing as easy merchants dealing inside of forest bird-feathers in addition to hides, Chichimecs moved into Toltec area. The Toltecs, usually willing to buy and sell, saw no hurt in this. The problem is that individuals Chichimec "merchants" don't go home again, but settled found in Toltec territory. Little by little they took more than outlying villages, in that case larger towns, and even finally the towns, until the entire Chichimec population has been settled in Toltec lands.

Just exactly why the Toltecs don't realize their risk, or act in it until also late, is anyone's guess. Perhaps that they were flattered that this Chichimecs wanted in order to live among more civilized folk. Perhaps they thought typically the Chichimecs were keen to become fine Toltec citizens. Possibly they liked the availability of inexpensive Chichimec labor. Perhaps they'd been therefore badly weakened by simply civil war and plague which they could not unite from the intruders.

In any circumstance, when enough regarding them were satisfied in Toltec lands, the Chichimecs produced their bid intended for power.

You will find quite few surviving information of that cure, so all we all know for sure is that will it ended using a Chichimec king around the formerly Toltec throne, and the relax of the Chichimecs were the fresh nobility ruling a new Toltec underclass.

Once in power, the particular Chichimecs began cleansing up their standing. They inaugurated some sort of propaganda campaign professing that they were really a department of the Toltecs, rewrote the current record books, and changed their name to be able to Aztecs for making on their own look respectable.

We all do know that the Chichimec/Aztec takeover was thorough plus ruthless. They forbade the use involving the Toltec vocabulary in public, making the Aztec language the state tongue. They were happy to make make use of of the Toltec alphabet, but used it only to the Aztec language, as a result that today typically the archeologists have little idea of merely what the first Toltec language was. They were also pleased to make use of the skills involving Toltec craftsmen, but put them in order to work only providing and glorifying typically the new regime. These people destroyed or re-carved most of the particular old Toltec ancient monuments, so that right now precious few associated with the originals are present. And of study course they changed the particular official histories to be able to say that typically the Aztecs had already been the original inhabitants of the Toltec lands, and acquired merely returned to claim what was rightfully theirs.

Will any one of this seem to be familiar?

II. Before and After Cortez

After the takeover the Aztecs reordered the area religion, wrecking or emptying the particular temples of the particular old Toltec gods and putting up typically the cruel Aztec gods in their place. The worship in the Aztec gods involved state-sponsored holidays of which involved mass human sacrifices and cannibal feasts afterward. The particular Aztecs made standard raids on their outlying neighbors, not necessarily only to keep the neighbors frightened and even obedient but in addition to get prisoners in order to be sacrificed -- and eaten. Though they were pleased to let their Toltec underclass farm and raise food for these people, the Aztecs were not about to give up their practical and profitable cannibalism.

One god to whom they left within power was Quetzalcoatl. He had not only been a major god of the Toltecs, but right now there was also the legend that this individual had once went among the Toltecs in human web form and had promised to come back someday. If How To Speed Up Your PC says "I'll be back", it's prudent in order to listen. Even therefore, the Aztecs changed his worship to be able to include mass individual sacrifices -- plus feasts.

Despite, or pehaps due to, the ruthlessness of Aztec rule there are continual revolts on the list of Toltec underclass and outlying tribes. Though these types of revolts were dependably put down -- and the rebels captured, and enjoyed -- Aztec rule left a regular resentment on the list of survivors. Cortez made good use of this particular later.

The Aztecs repeatedly tried in order to conquer the Tribu lands, but in no way succeeded. The Pueblos were a pacifistic people, but they knew the wilderness well and made good defensive utilization of this. Their favorite strategy was to appeal Aztec troops out in to a stretch of desert, where the particular only available drinking water was well concealed, and leave them there to perish of thirst. Eventually the Aztecs stopped trying.

The Aztecs never conquered the particular American southwest.

That land remained inside the hands involving the Pueblo Indians, and was never truly owned by simply Mexico in any kind of from the incarnations.

In that case came Cortez. He or she had for the most part 600 men, 16 cannons, and 18 mounts, but he walked right into the legend of Quetzalcoatl's return. This had been excuse enough intended for the outlying Toltec tribes to sign up along with Cortez, swelling the army by thousands, in hopes involving overthrowing their were unsatisfied with Aztec masters at last. The rumor that will Quetzalcoatl had went back, and was extremely displeased, traveled ahead of Cortez and used the Aztec rulers into a faith based panic.

We all know the rest of the story. Cortez conquered the Aztecs, murdered their particular rulers, stole their particular treasure, and devastated their society. The particular Spanish priests he'd brought with him or her destroyed as numerous Aztec temples since they could plus burned a lot of the Aztec books, primarily due to the fact they found that those temples hosted mass human sacrifices, and those books -- hundreds of thousands of them -- had been written on individual skin. The Spanish language conquistadors also, really unconsciously, spread smallpox throughout Mexico in addition to thereby killed an additional third of the particular population. All this specific is ironically seite an seite to what typically the Aztecs had completed the Toltecs.

Cortez then laid claim not only in order to Mexico but for all the lands from the New World, by the Russian funds in Alaska straight down to Tierra delete Fuego. The reality that he by no means set foot that far north or perhaps south was beside the point; they claimed it just about all for Spain, to be able to which the ruler of Spain contentedly agreed. The rulers of other Countries in europe contested this -- which is exactly how Portugal got control of Brazil, and even Engliand and Portugal and Holland obtained settlements in far eastern America -- nevertheless Spain got the lion's share.

South america was just an additional Spanish colony in the New Entire world. Mexico did not own California, Tx or the Az territories; Spain did.

But Spain's guideline was not overall. In 1586 Friend Francis Drake -- a genuine "Anglo" -- destroyed the Speaking spanish military outpost plus ended Spain's concept in Florida. Dutch, English and People from france settlers gained footholds in eastern The usa in addition to the Carribbean. Russian explorers put claim to large areas of Alaska.

In addition to in 1680 the particular Pueblo tribes, possessing learned all they needed through the conquistadors, overthrew Spanish concept in the Arizona territory. They organized the revolt by the use of their unique knot-alphabet, that the Spanish did not recognize as albhabets. If the revolt had been over, Spain owned or operated only Tucson, Albuquerque, Santa Fe, some sort of few silver mines, and whatever their own guns were directed at for your instant. The Spanish viceroy in Mexico City kept sending punitive forces in the Illinois territory until 1697, meanwhile sending optomistic reports back in Italy. He dared not admit that however lost so much land to mere Heathen Savages; that will possess earned him a quick return to be able to Spain and a new quicker visit to typically the cellars from the Speaking spanish Inquisition. Instead they claimed that however put down the particular rebellion and typically the land was nevertheless under his principle -- just not quite productive, and therefore not sending much cash to the treasury. Succeeding viceroys performed little more compared to continue this polite fiction, establishing some sort of few missions and the garrison of Tubac in 1752 to protect settlers -- of whom there were not several. The Pueblos don't care, because the vast majority of the land was theirs in reality. The last of the The spanish language mines and flights in Arizona were abandoned in the particular aftermath of typically the war over The state of texas.

In other phrases, Spain lost typically the Arizona territory -- towards the Pueblo Indians -- long ahead of Mexico was an independent country. Mexico itself never genuinely owned Arizona or perhaps New Mexico.

3. After Spain

South america, as distinct through Spain, never held as much involving America as its propagandists claim.

As soon as 1685, Robert Sieur para LaSalle established Fortification St. Louis and claimed Texas regarding France. He in addition to his colony passed away, but French plus English settlers continued to move directly into Texas. Although Italy established towns plus missions throughout The state of texas, it accepted non-Spanish settlers for both their own skills in blacksmithing and as the hedge against the local Indian people, especially the Apaches.

The particular US did not "steal" Texas from Mexico; Texas rebelled on its own, and for perfect reasons.

Found in 1807 Napoleon bitten Spain, which got destroyed Spain's hold on the particular New World colonies, and those colonies began freeing themselves from Spanish concept. In 1812 typically the Guiterrez-Magee revolt tried to pry The state of texas free of Italy, and in 1817 Jean Lafitte resolved Galveston Island. Mexico broke free of Spain in 1821, and continuing the Spanish insurance plan of inviting inside of "civilized" settlers -- especially trained blacksmiths. In 1823 Sophie Austin received permission in the transitional govt in Mexico to settle a colony on the Brazos river. Mexico alone didn't gain a constitution until 1824. In other phrases, when Mexico grew to be an independent region there were English and French and even American settlers previously well-established in Texas.

In 1830 the particular new Mexican authorities, under Santa Bêtisier, began flexing its muscles at Texas. It forbade most further "foreign" migration, added special taxes, and finally required that the settlers all become Catholic and speak little or nothing but Spanish. This is what established off the Arizona War of Freedom, which ended along with Texas becoming a great independent republic in 1836. Mexico continuing the war right up until Texas joined the United States in 1845, and after that made war in the united states until beaten in 1847.

And even the US would not "steal" Ca, either.

After Cortez' conquests, and following Juan Cabrillo mapped -- and said -- the sea-coast as much as Santa Barbara, Spain waited even more than 200 years before trying really to develop Ca. Other countries we hadn't been so very lazy. By 1769, whenever Spain began preparing military forts and church missions in order to "civilize" the Indians, settlers from The european union and America experienced already established foule there. Although The country offered land-grants to attract more, the settlers didn't care overmuch for Spanish guideline -- and the Indians died under it. This is when and where the legend of Perspicaz began. In 1777 the settlers came up with the first independent area with a municipal government in San Jose, and various other free towns followed.

In 1808, whenever the Spanish navy blue withdrew to fight Napoleon, more ships from England, Italy, Russia and the US were ready to trade using the free towns, and even more immigrants came to be able to settle there. Any time Mexico became independent in 1821, the fresh government encouraged overseas trade and provided more land-grants to be able to immigrants -- supplied that they have been or became Catholics and spoke nothing at all but Spanish. This also broke up the missions in addition to gave their area towards the settlers -- a lot of whom today originate from Britain, Europe along with the US. Mexico's insistence that these types of settlers become Catholics caused considerable chaffing, as did typically the Texas rebellion, in addition to by 1845 Mexico stopped trying to be able to send Mexican governors to rule Florida.

In 1846, whenever Mexico expanded their war with Tx to include the ALL OF US, the California settlers rebelled and formed the California Republic. A month after that, California joined the and likewise signed up with the war towards Mexico. The war ended with Mexico's defeat, a 12 months later.

In each case, the inhabitants from the southwestern claims -- Indians or even White settlers -- rebelled against Spanish after which Mexican principle. They later joined america primarily in order to improve their defense against Mexico. The particular US "stole" nothing of it.

IV. Explanations why

Mexico began being a far richer nation than the US ALL, with milder weather, vast tracts involving arable land, incredible mineral wealth, and even an advanced native world. It may have progressed steadily to come to be one of the particular wealthier countries about Earth. But what happened?

First, the Chichimen/Aztecs: an abolute armed service and religious tyranny, with the inclusion of cannibalism, will not create a healthy culture. The particular number of rebellions among the Toltec underclass, plus their own willingness to sign up for the army associated with a foreign conqueror, shows just just how much the general populace hated their professionals. The legendary Malinche, the native slave-girl who became Cortez' mistress and helped him defeat the particular Aztecs, is at truth not "betraying her own people"; the lady was a Toltec, together good explanation to hate the Aztecs. The necessity of such treachery, associated with hiding their intentions through the Aztec ruling class, made individuals generally secretive in addition to habitually criminal.

Second, the conquistadors: late-medieval Spain was not really a wholesome culture possibly. Government corruption, full feudalism, shameless nepotism and favoritism, very rampant sexism and racism were business because usual, as well as the Spanish language Inquisition has not been a joke. On the particular excuse of hunting out hidden Jews and heretics, the particular church actively motivated individuals to spy on -- and record any misdeeds associated with -- their friends and neighbors. As an end result, the sole people one could trust have been one's own family, plus not always them all. All this made a culture associated with paranoia and get ranking opportunism, with some sort of glazing of religious odio.

When these nationalities collided, the outcomes were certainly not happy. The residents who survived the conquistadors' plagues and pillagings found typically the new ruling class an improvement inside of only several ways; it imported brand new breeds of domestic animals, new crops, new construction techniques, dureté and iron-working -- and it do not practice cannibalism. Otherwise, the same kind of cruelty and corruption won. The ideas associated with the Renaissance plus the Enlightenment didn't get to Mexico until okay into the 19th century, and perhaps then were recognized only by the particular intellectuals -- not by the general human population, and definitely not by simply the government.

The Spanish government inside Mexico tried very hard to set up old-fashioned medieval feudalism, using the Spanish settlers as aristocrats and the native lenders as serfs. Typically the king back The country gave land-grants and aristocratic titles in order to his cronies, in addition to the viceroy throughout Mexico suggested cronies of his own, whom the king usually agreed in order to ennoble -- for the right selling price. Spain at typically the time was the, not constitutional, monarchy.

After Spain had been immoblized by Napoleon there were a number of rebellions that tried to liberate South america, but them all were defeated from the colonial federal government. Then in 1820, with Napoleon safely and securely gone, an open-handed revolution swept Italy -- demanding, among other things, a new constitution and a new constitutional monarchy. This specific upset the se?orial conservatives in South america, and they also broke apart from Spain inside 1821 under typically the leadership of General Iturbide -- that had, ironically, directed the troops of which put down the past revolt. This tends to make Mexico the just ex-colonial nation within the New Entire world that rebelled throughout order to make a government that was no more liberal yet more conservative when compared to the way its former ruler's.

Once by itself, South america started over a cheerful cycle of structure revolutions. Iturbide had been ousted in 1822, by a rise ? mutiny that tried in order to establish a republic and made Guadalupe Victoria its first president. Victoria seemed to be overthrown in 1829 by Vincente Guerrero, who was assassinated in 1831 in addition to replaced by Anastasio Bustamente, who seemed to be overthrown and changed by Antonio para Santa Ana found in 1833. Santa Spicilège "centralized" the us government, reported himself dictator-for-life, and even began to "get tough" with the settlers in Tx.

Besides not looking to give way up their religion, typically the settlers in Arizona had another conflict using the Mexican authorities: slavery versus serfdom.

A Spanish-style serf, or "peon", differed from an American-style chattel slave in numerous ways: 1) he or she could not be sold separately from the land they tilled for his / her master, but proceeded to go with the area as a package deal deal; 2) a new peon was merely the agricultural worker, plus could not become rented to the skilled craftsman or learn some other trade; 3) he could not necessarily under any instances be taught in order to read or write; 4) a peon could be separated only by specific dispensation from the particular king, the viceroy, or -- afterwards -- the chief executive of Mexico.

The particular few settlers in Texas who had been rich enough in order to afford slaves treated them in the American fashion: 1) a slave could be sold or even rented separately coming from his master's stretch of land; 2) slaves have been often rented to skilled craftsmen, in addition to learned skilled investments which put into their particular value; 3) a master could offer his slave a great education as planning for freeing him; 4) a slave could be freed by the simple published declaration by the master, at the master's own discernment.

Even after the particular liberation, the government in Mexico Metropolis was disturbed simply by the presence regarding slaves who were cell phone, not associated with land, could learn experienced trades as well as a new real education, and may be freed on the whim of their own owners'. To Santa claus Ana and their cohorts, American-style captivity was too tolerante for them; they feared it may possibly supply the peons hazardous ideas. So, typically the Mexican government tried to force the particular Texas settlers in order to adopt Mexican serfdom instead, which is definitely another reason why Arizona rebelled.

When typically the dust had completed, in 1853, America owned Texas, Florida, New Mexico in addition to Arizona -- and another rebellion ousted Santa Ana throughout 1854. By then the particular political lines were drawn, involving the old feudal aristocracy plus the new liberals who wanted an actual republic. Then, inside 1861, France penetrated Mexico and owned the liberal authorities -- and it is president Benito Juarez -- into hiding. France established Archduke Ferdinand Maximillian as "Emperor of Mexico" in 1864, plus it wasn't till 1867 the Juarez government managed to destruction French rule.

Maybe because of his status as the patriotic hero, regardless of various revolts Juarez managed to stay in office until they died of normal causes in 1872. When his replacement, beneficiary Sebastian de Tejarda sought re-election, the particular loser -- Porfirio Diaz -- directed a revolt that will made Diaz master in 1877. Diaz ruled until 1911, when he has been forced to decide by followers regarding the liberal Francisco Madero.

Diaz introduced 20th-century industry to Mexico, usually simply by selling or leasing big tracts of oil-rich and mineral-rich land to Nederlander, British and American businesses. These international businesses then constructed mines, oil water wells and refineries there, and hired residents for labor with better wages as opposed to the way they'd ever seen before. Madero, though he made many 20th-century reforms, was resented by various other political factions who wanted the Philippine government to grab the wells, fosse and refineries about land that Diaz had sold or perhaps leased to "foreigners".

Madero was overthrown and assassinated inside of 1913 by Standard Victoriano Huerta. Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata and Venustiano Carranza then made war on Huerta, and even forced him in order to resign in 1914. Carranza took power, and Pancho Rental property promptly made battle with him. The just thing Carranza and Villa could agree on was that they both resented the United States; in 1916 Villa led a new raid on a town in New Mexico, and once the particular US army sent General Pershing in order to chase after Property, Carranza made great efforts not to help. Even therefore, Carranza was overthrown and assassinated found in 1920, and Alvaro Obregon was chosen president.

Obregon persisted until 1924, whenever Plutarco Calles seemed to be elected. Calles manufactured land reforms plus political reforms, ousting many of typically the old feudal land-barons and taking personal power away from the Catholic House of worship, for which the particular conservatives hated your pet. In 1928, Obregon was re-elected, and even then assassinated by simply a religious fanatic.

Two provisional presidents followed, and Lazaro Cardenas was selected in 1934 on the "progressive" platform, which meant the passageway of an expropriation law which officially allowed the govt, in 1938, to confiscate the oil and mineral position that Diaz had leased or distributed. From 1911 to be able to 1938 the Philippine government had tried to get again those lands -- and the mines, wells and refineries that will the "foreigners" experienced built with their unique money -- but the one tactic this never seems in order to have tried seemed to be buying the countries and businesses overall.

Confiscating the water wells, mines and refineries did not instantly make Mexico wealthy; it seems like to have got killed the gold goose. The government-run oil and mining companies had issues getting the products out, and more difficulties selling all of them. One reason they sold badly was because their good quality was so weak.

In 1940 Manuel Camacho was chosen and, seeing the location where the money was, joined the US found in the Good Neighbor Policy -- which involved commercial in addition to military alliances. During World War A couple of and afterward this agreement brought considerable American industry plus money into South america -- as in that case, no Mexican presidents have been assassinated or overthrown. But despite this connections, Mexico's economy carries on to be poor -- to typically the extent that nowadays an average of 500, 000 Mexicans per season immigrate illegally to be able to the US.

What this grim background reveals is some sort of culture which simply does not understand such concepts as equal rights, the Rights associated with Man, the principle of law, or even sensible economics. This kind of is a lifestyle which sees the globe as an Actually zero Sum Game: of which wealth is minimal, and the simply way to find it is simply not to be able to create it although steal it coming from somebody else. It is also the culture that has no respect with regard to the literal real truth, especially when is situated and propaganda will certainly better serve their immediate politcal stops.

As evidence of this, note that will the political gang known as Una Raza was founded back in the 1930s by agents of Nazi Germany, who anticipated to raise the Mexican war from the US that would likely distract America by fighting Germany. Typically the Nazi hope failed because America simply bought out South america with the Good Neighbor Policy, but Una Raza survived. It continues today, recommending Mexicans to immigrate illegally and "take back" everything but the New England states, lying blatantly about Mexican and even American history, and even of course stressful many special hommage for Mexican foreign nationals, legal or not really.

This is not necessarily a culture of which we want in the United Says, and the those who live by it is generally not people many of us want here both.

V. Answer

Thus we find themselves in the location in the Toltecs any time the Chichimec/Aztecs started out moving in. So what can we do regarding it?

Plenty, it turns out -- yet we have to be firm.

First, regardless of Democrats' expectations for cheap ballots and the Republicans' hopes for inexpensive labor, we need to expel the illegitimate immigrants. Irrespective of foot-dragging by the government, we must finish the border wall structure and patrol this regularly. We need to then, neighborhood simply by neighborhood, city by city, state by state, gather the particular illegals and give them home.

Simply by all means, allow them maintain the snacks they got in addition to the money they made here inside of Goody-Land; they'll require decent grubstakes if they make contact with Mexico. Perhaps we have to in addition give all the women illegals a parting gift: a sturdy revolver, a cleaning-kit, several boxes of ammunition and an instruction book -- with simple created instructions, printed throughout Mexican Spanish. Perhaps, armed with expertise and guns plus money, they'll end up being capable of alter Mexicon's culture for the particular better.

Under not any circumstances whenever they be allowed into typically the United States.

Second of all, america must cease propping up the particular government and economic system of Mexico. Want a third-generation Well being case, Mexico will not ever change its harmful culture or build-up its own economic system or give on its own a well balanced government as a result long as it could leech money from the United States. We must repeal COMBUSTIBLE, close off the borders and shut off the foreign-aid spigot.

There's nothing "undemocratic" regarding these methods; the majority of People in america want illegal immigrations stopped and typically the illegals gone. This is certainly lawful to deport folks who, by coming in this article illegally, have determined one crime currently -- and that they usually commit a new few more along the way. There's nothing "cruel or unusual" regarding sending unwelcome visitors home again, especially if they go back richer than these people left. There's undoubtedly nothing requiring the particular United States to be able to support some other authorities or population in order to the detriment from the own people.

In fact, a country of which cannot or may not defend the own borders will eventually be overrun. It has happened here before -- in case we don't want to go the method of the Toltecs, we must keep it from happening again.

To learn more, search "History of Mexico" on the Web and at least read the first hundred articles. For more rants and raves by author, proceed to
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