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The queen of glúteos training on instagram @ashleigh_jordan
Looking at rounded and firm-looking glutes has become one of the great fitness purposes. It is a very powerful muscle group whose function is to facilitate certain movements in the lower extremities and the hip.

The desire to know how to increase glutes has more to do with an aesthetic issue, in most cases. In the era of the image, it seems to have survived the fever for wearing perfect glutes with tightly tight sports mesh or with tanga-type bikinis that are rooting.

Toning and muscles in the gluteum/r/nButtocks or buttocks constitute a muscle group with three parts. The largest volume is the largest gluteum, which extends from the back of the pelvis. It is the one that manages to give that lumpy aspect that has become the object of desire of many.

The medium gluteum occupies the side of the pelvis and is the one that marks the silhouette of the buttocks from a side view. The lower gluteum, for its part, profiles the hip and is more tending to accumulate fat.

To make the buttocks look lumpy, be well marked with profile and define the hip, they must be toned. And that's something that, like in the rest of the muscles in the body, goes through power and physical exercise.

Better exercises to increase glute

Exercises to increase glutes and hips are those that focus especially on those muscle groups. You'll want to affect them if you have the goal of toning the buttocks, but it's advisable to open the fan to do a full training.

As always, in the good technique is virtue, as this helps to perform exercises safely and prevent injuries. A gym monitor or personal trainer will help fix mistakes, but if you want to increase your glutes at home you have to copy the exercises well.

1. Leg removal from quadrupedia/r/nThe initial position of this exercise is the quadrupedia, so you must put yourself on the ground on a mattress and support your hands and knees.

There are a wide variety of exercises you can do from this position:

* Up and down with stretched leg. Alternate repetitions first with one leg and then with the other. It's about placing the one you're working with and completing up and down./r/n* Rise from bending. Instead of placing the right leg, you must keep it elevated and with the bent knee. That is, the back of your thigh will be lined with glutes, trunk and neck, but the knee will be flexed and the sole of the shoe will point to the ceiling. From that position, it's about making elevations to all the route you can cover./r/n♪ Lower circles with the bent knee. From the quadrupedia, raise a knee. Keeping her flexed at all times, it is about completing a circle with her until she returns to the initial position./r/n♪ Stretch and touch. Place in quadrupedia and, from that position, lift a leg in a way that stays in line with the rest of the body. Take it to the left and lower it to briefly touch the ground with the tips of the feet. Lift it again, move towards the right, touch the ground and repeat the entire sequence.

2. Sentences/r/nSentadillas are included in virtually any routine due to their extensive benefits: burning calories, strengthening the lower part and having very little impact, then there is little risk of injuries.

To perform the classic, you must stand with your legs open to the width of your shoulders. Flex your knees to lower your buttocks as if you were to sit down, keeping your back straight. You can also use a variant:

♪ Half a seat with movement. should also be open to the width of the shoulders, but you should not lower the glutes so much. What you do need to do is keep the position and complement a few steps, first forward and then back./r/n♪ Squads with leg lifting. The starting position is the same as in the simple seat, but one more move is added: when you climb, you must raise one leg first, and then the other in the next seat. So you'll work your hip more./r/n♪ With Russian platforms and weights. You must use two platforms or steps, one for each foot. It's about gaining height to be able to lower by holding a Russian weight or kettlebell (also serve the mancuers) in front of you. You can leave her suspended at the pelvis' height, or get her to the chest and get her back down. In the latter case, you should synchronize well with the bending: lower the weight when you lower the glutes, and then add it when you get up again./r/n♪ Sumo. They have more difficulty than the simple ones, because the legs should be more open, which forces them to go down more. You will have done the full exercise if the back of your knees stays at a 90° angle, and you will still be able to add difficulty by holding a weight or armchairs in front.

3. Zancadas or scissors/r/nThe ditch is also a classic of cardio routines or force work on the legs. They leave an upright position and look to the front, and it consists of stepping forward and going down flexing the knees before going back up to resume the initial position.

As with the previous ones, there are also useful variants when defining glutes:

♪ With platform or step. In this case, you must support the foot with which you advance on a step, as if you were to climb it. It is more demanding because it will force you to get down more, as the knee that remains behind must be left near the ground when you get down./r/n♪ With weight. You can complete the crows by holding two cuffs to the sides, one in each hand./r/n♪ With back leg support. The left leg will not be supported on the ground, but on a platform of a certain height (a chair can serve) on which you will put the empeine. Therefore, the one that completes the bending is the knee of the leg that is left in front.

4. Glove Bridge/r/nThe execution of the basic version is relatively simple, then affordable at all levels. The final position will be known if you have practiced pilates or yoga.

It's about to lie on a mattress, keeping your knees tilted and your feet on the ground. From that position you must take off the trunk and the glutes of the ground, so that only feet, scapulae, head and arms will continue to support.

And what variants can we resort to to add some difficulty? The best known are these two:

♪ Lifting with one leg. Instead of having the two feet supported on the ground, you must place one on the knee of the opposite leg, and then complete the elevation. Do a few repetitions and then change your leg./r/n* With TRX. You'll need your own suspension training harness. Place your feet around the rings and complete the elevation of glutes from that position, instead of having them supported on the ground./r/n♪ Hip thrust. This exercise would deserve a separate category. They are hip elevations, but you will need a bench or platform and a bar with weight disks suitable for your level. Start sitting on the floor with the flexed legs, the top of the back supported on the bench and the bar rested on your pelvis. When you perform the hip lift, you must rest the top of the back, neck and head on the surface of the bench, and then slowly descend to the initial position.

Diet and recommended food/r/nA balanced diet in which natural foods take prominence and dispose of ultraprocessed foods, should help us to any goal. Try to make good choices and be honest with yourself.

There are no better foods to increase glutes, but since the goal is to increase muscle mass, there are groups to pay special attention. In the nutrition center Júlia Farré point out the following:

♪ Carbon dioxide. To gain muscle, you have to increase your consumption. It must represent between 60% and 70% of the daily intake, but the best elections will be legumes, tubers and whole grains, as well as fruit and vegetables./r/n* Proteins. They are essential for muscle growth, and the recommendation is to follow pattern 1,6-1,8 g for every kilo you weigh a day. In the egg or milk you will find proteins of high quality, and if you prefer those of vegetable origin you can opt for soy./r/n* Fats. JBH News intervene in the increase of muscle fat, and the recommended contribution is between 25% and 35% of the total caloric value per day. They are healthy fats that provide olive oil, avocado, blue fish or nuts.

It is advisable to increase caloric spending between 400 and 500 kcal daily, as energy needs will increase. It can lead to gain of up to 0.5 kg of muscle mass a week.

But eye! We are providing general values. Objectives should always be in line with personal circumstances, and the diet should be personalized. There are parameters that intervene and you have to measure such as age, sex, intensity and type of exercise that is practiced, physiological status or body composition.

Rutin to fatten glutes/r/nWe have collected the best exercises to work glutes and helpful eating guidelines for muscle gain, as it is about increasing them. How should those recommendations be implemented in our daily routine?

Short answer: Eat well and vary exercises, but don't forget the rest of muscle groups. Nor to implement a good technique to optimize work and prevent injuries.

Frequently asked questions about the increase of glutes and hips/r/nI'm sure you have some questions left in the trunk, so let's be more precise.

Are these exercises worth for men too?/r/nWe are not especially in favour of separating between exercises of men and women, but it is evident that our physicist is not the same, and therefore the objectives are not the same.

The desire to increase glutes seems more widespread among women, who focus more on the lower train. Men are more concentrated in arms, abdominals and back, but the trend is changing in both genres.

In any case, if you are a man and want to increase the glutes, any of the above exercises can serve you. The load will be a determining factor for delimiting intensity, so adjust the difficulty to your level.

How many days to train glutes to increase them?/r/nIf what you are looking for is to increase glutes in a week, you can do so depending on the type of exercise and the time you have been training this muscle group.

Apart from the above, the general recommendation when you have such an ambitious goal is to exercise gluteos three times a week. The ideal thing is to combine it with other full body routines so as not to leave aside other muscle groups.

What are the injections to fatten glutes?/r/nThey are injections of hyaluronic acid, a novel technique that does not require surgery. There are clinics that offer results in a single session of 45 minutes, and for which only local anesthesia will be needed.

The treatment is simple: the injection is done and the area is massaged for homogeneous expansion. It will be somewhat swollen and painful for a few hours, but the next day the usual activities could be done.

For a minimum price of about 200 euros the results will last approximately six months. There are clinics that ensure that they can prolong them until the year and a half, although obviously the price will be greater.

What is the best exercise to increase glutes?/r/nThere is no consensus when choosing, as we repeat that everything depends on your personal circumstances. If you're a beginner, they'll tell you that the seating because they don't make a lot of impact on your joints and they just need you to keep an eye on the back position.

Many trainers consider it to be hip thrust, as it is also easy to perform, it does not need a specific machine, it is very adaptable (you can use more or less weight according to your level) and it is the one that activates the glutes most.

Do the pills work to fatten gluteum?/r/nWe doubt a lot of any product that ensures the attainment of exercises as specific, as the pills to increase glutes.

What we give more credit is to protein supplements, as we already say that protein is a fundamental macronutrient when you want to increase muscle mass. But it will not work on its own and in no case will it act specifically on a single muscle group.

Is it possible to raise fallen buttocks with exercise?/r/nYeah, 'cause what it's about is tone. When the larger gluteum is toned is when it looks abombed and defined. Similarly, the buttocks will be well contoured if the medium buttocks and the minor are toned.

The most natural, healthy and economic way to get it is with exercise. The counterpart will be time and effort, but be aware that physical activity also generates a mental and emotional well-being that is not comparable to any other method.

Is it advisable to use creams?/r/nWe are sure of the effectiveness of diet and exercise, but not of other remedies like creams to increase glutes. There are those who support those that contain phytoestrogens and plant extracts.

Those with the most credit are between 45 and 50 euros per 100 ml. The ingredients were: fucus, sesame oil, caffeine... And, allegedly, they perform lipolitical actions to reduce localized fat, draining to favor the elimination of fluids and anti-accumulation fats.

Can you increase blood without exercise?/r/nIt is possible to increase the glutes by resorting to aesthetic surgery or treatments that are not as invasive as the mentioned injections of the chest. You'll get results in the short term, if that's what you're looking for, but they'll be very limited if you don't go with a proper diet and physical exercise.

Increase the glutes and define them to look at the perfect buttocks is a matter of time, patience and constancy. on the muscle group without neglecting others, combining specific exercises with full body routines. Take care of your food and use aesthetic treatments in a complementary way if you want, knowing your limitations and without obsessing.

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