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1220 Wargame

1.Choose country,colour,historical name and 5 provinces to start
2.All players start with 50 monyz
3.Do not swear(too much) (u cant call robert rapist each turn but once at 2 turns :D )
4.No rage
5.3 provinces/turn expansion .
6.Have Fun!

Tech Groups(and soldiers) :

Nomadic +40% cost (From Manchu to Crimea)
Steppe warrior 1 strike 2 shock
Steppe archer 3 strike 6 shock
Muslim +10% cost (Former Ummayad states ,no caucasus)
Muslim Khinjar 2 strike 1 shock
Cataphract 3 strike 4 shock
Byzantine +20% cost
Pronoiaroi 2 strike 1 shock
Archontopulai (byz cataphract) 3 strike 4 shock
Slavic +20% cost (eastern yrop,caucasus)
Slavic infantry 2 strike 2 shock
Medieval hussars 3 strike 5 shock
Western +30% cost
Western swordsman 2strike 1 shock
Western cavalry 4 strike 3 shock
Chinese +0% cost
Chinese crossbowman 2 strike 1 shock
Mounted warrior 3 strike 3 shock
Japanese +0%cost
Samurai 3 strike 1 shock
Mounted Samurai 5 strike 3 shock
Indian +10%cost
Indian Swordsmen 2 strike 1 shock
Indian cavalry 2 strike 5 shock
Scandinavian +20% cost
Viking axemen 5 strike 2 shock
Viking cavalry 5 strike 2 shock
Catapult:for sieging :helps at sieging provinces
Balista:for battles :5 strike 3 shock

Technology (base cost plus technology group cost modifier):
agricultural reform (+20% forcelimit) 200G
manufactories (+20% income) 200G
trade imrpovement (+20% trade income) 200G
ironworking development (+20% strike dmg) 300G
chain armor (-20% strike dmg) 300G
gunpowder : (+1 strike +1 shock) 750G
colonists : (allows u colonise at max 3 squares distance an extra province) 250G

Trade :no trade agrements.each province belongs to a trade node and if u have most provinces you get most moneys from trade.each trade node has a base value of 20 can send merchant to collect money or transfer trade power,u have 3 merchants.You must own at least a province in the node.Transefring money and colecting in home node has no penalties but colecting in foreign nodes reduces power by 60%
Province income : 10 per province
Cities : Cost 20 gold to build and gives extra 5 income per province
Expansion: Now for expansion you need to pay 5 gold per taken province
Navy :
Light ship - 40 canons ,protects trade, costs :10G,3g maintenance
Galley :25 canons , x3 bonus inland seas , costs :7G,2 maintenance
Heavy ship : 75 canons,costs : 15G, 5G maintenance

Forcelimit : 2per province owned (if u have 10 rpvinces u can have 20 regiments)
Cost : 5g for Infantry 10g for cavalry 20g for siege units
Maintenance : 1g for inf 2 for cav 5 for siege units
Battles : Terrain penalty for attacker (0 to -4)
Random general spawned for each country (stats ranging from 1 to 6)
Shock dmg is caracteristic to cavalry ,it is for speedy raids
Strike dmg is caracteristic to infantry,it is for frontal battles
Will be calculated total fire and shock for infantry then for cavalry,then modifiers and final result will be posted in next turn
U cannot have more than 50% cavalry except if you are nomad
Only Defending sides can ambush
All u have to send to me is a image that shows the way are you attacking or defending (small circles for armies arrows for movement path).For terrain i'll look on a map . If both sides move armies but they don't meet(lines are not intersecting/lines go around circles) it means no battle , land will still be ocupied and it takes a turk till it can be annexed.

Alliances : The person that u want ally with must say "I accept" under your comment.(Tag him to be sure he answers)
Wars: No wars till turn 3 . U can't attack new countries in first turn u msut wait 3 turns after their creation)
No Trade agrements.
Teritorial conflicts: you have to solve them before next turn else you get random provinces assigned by GM.
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Regards; Team

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