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France and Waddles were entering the room.

"Hay Waddles" said France
Waddles was looking unhappy though.
"Bad news France. We are broke"
"Hu? But after our last adventure we were rich"
"Yes, but after tax's we are broke. In fact we owe money now because taxes are high for rich people"
What will we do?" said France to Waddles
"We need to make a lot of money to pay of the tax else our cave in which we live will be repossed!"
Just then, the TV which was on all this time changed to a news announcement.
"..And the world reading hentai championship final starts tomorrow. Aside from the coveted trophy, The prize this year will include 2million euro...In other news, a war..."
Waddles shut the tv off.

"Of course!" said France
"Reading hentai! Why didnt I think of that!"
"Yes reading hentai - the sport of kings!"
France nodded in agreement.
"We can make lots of money doing that and pay of the tax that we owe"
"YES" screamed Waddles getting excited.
"But we need a 'in' else we wont be allowed in"
"Dont worry! I know someone who can get us into the finals!"
"Oh thats good"

And with that they got into the finals!

Later, once they were alone and away from the others, France met with Oce in a nearby hut
They had been meeting like this awhile now, often in the evenings or at night.
A deep friendship had struck up after their previous adventures, but they kept it hidden as they didn't know what the others would think.
They often did some talking, some reading hentai, maybe a few board games.
They were quite close friends by now.

This particular night they were shearing secrets with eachother. Telling eachother things neither had told anyone else before. Things that not a single soul knew.

"Then there was that time I...Destroyed Pies book!"
"oh, France! thats positively evil! and I should know!"
They both laughed. The night had been full of stories like this. The time Oce blackmailed a a Coder. Or the time France fooled a Director into thinking it was the end of the world.. Endless stories shared just between them and no one else.
It was making them closer.
Closer then France had ever thought possible.
As France was telling another story, She thought She saw Oce examining Her. Looking with..was that longing?
nah...couldn't be.
The moment was over and they departed eachothers company.
France felt something had changed that night, but wasn't sure what.
The next day, France was nervous.
She was good at reading hentai, some would say the best. But was she really the best? The best at reading hentai on 333? France was about to find out, as the contest started soon.

France thought back to a few years ago.
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