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Stomach Balloon
Orbera(tm) is an endoscopically (scope through the mouth) placed saline (salt-water) filled device

The Orbera(tm) Balloon is a medical device that is endoscopically placed in the stomach. It is made to help people lose weight and improve their digestive health. It is designed to last up to six months, but patients must follow a specific diet and exercise program to see the best results.

The device is best for patients who are severely obese or have a Body Mass Index of 30 to 40 kg/m2 and have tried unsuccessfully to lose weight with diet and exercise. In this case, ORBERA can help. The patient's weight loss and exercise goals will be monitored by the doctor.

The procedure typically requires a short hospital stay and is very safe. The balloon is inserted into the stomach using an endoscope and is filled with saline (salt-water). The balloon remains in the stomach for up to six months. In the first few weeks after the procedure, patients should practice eating slowly and chewing their food thoroughly. They should also eat four to five small meals per day. The balloon can cause heartburn and belching, so patients should drink water after every meal. As time passes, people can eat more foods. It is also important to maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine to help with recovery.

An Obalon stomach balloon is a small, inflated capsule that is placed in the stomach. It is placed using a micro-catheter and is safe to swallow. After placing the balloon in the stomach, the physician will inflate it with gas, then remove the catheter. The procedure is painless and takes less than 10 minutes. Patients are awake during the procedure and are not required to be sedated.

The device is designed to help patients lose excess weight without surgery. Because Weight Loss is noninvasive, it can be performed by a physician trained in the technique. Post-treatment, patients should follow a diet and exercise plan recommended by their physician. In addition, they should continue to exercise to maintain the results of the procedure.
Orbera is a gastric balloon

A stomach balloon, also known as an intragastric balloon, is an inflatable medical device designed to help patients lose weight if diet and exercise have not worked. This procedure is not for everyone, however. In fact, it is not recommended for people who do not wish to undergo surgery. If you have excessive weight and are concerned about your health, a stomach balloon may be the right option for you.

The procedure is not dangerous and can help you lose up to 50 pounds. ORBERA is approved by the FDA, and has been used on over 200,000 patients outside the US. The balloon is placed into the stomach, filled with saline, and sealed to help regulate food intake. The first few weeks after the procedure are filled with side effects, but these are short-lived and can be resolved with proper diet and exercise. The balloon is easily removed two weeks later with a simple non-surgical procedure.
Side effects

The most common side effect of stomach balloons is vomiting, and the majority of patients who experience it will do so for one to three days after the procedure. Vomiting may be difficult to control, but antacids can help relieve the discomfort. Patients should consult their doctors before taking any medication after the procedure to minimize the risk of side effects.

There are also a number of side effects that may occur as a result of a balloon puncture. These include stomach pain and blue coloured urine. In severe cases, the balloon may cause gastric ulcers. It may also obstruct the intestines and require additional surgery to remove it.

The cost of a stomach balloon can vary greatly depending on the procedure and your location. Some providers even include nutritional coaching as part of their price. The cost of the balloon can also vary depending on whether you have to undergo lab work and other procedures unrelated to the balloon. Your surgeon can provide you with information about any possible savings opportunities.

The experience of the surgeon is a good indicator of his or her skill and the likely outcome of the procedure. If you choose a doctor who has little experience, you risk an unsatisfactory outcome and will have to pay more for the procedure. In Weight Loss to this, you want to avoid having a physician perform an unqualified procedure using outdated equipment. In Weight Loss , choosing a high-quality surgeon will ensure the procedure is safe and effective, and will reduce the cost of subsequent visits.
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