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Greetings GuruTheQ,

This is Anthony's mother writing in now.

First thing I would like to cover, my son has Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, and Microaggression. I know I asked him to send the first message to Riot support because I thought Riot would accept a heartfelt apology, but I knew that he didn't like sharing about his disability and outside life to others. The time that he got banned was a very rough time for both him and our family, as his younger brother, recently passed away from covid because of his already pre-existing lung issues. During school, he would be called names on zoom through the direct messaging option, with people saying things like "moron, wheelhead, sped," and worst of all, "retard." With these words being passed around in front of him in breakout rooms and chat messages, he was incredibly hurt and built up with anger. Not only was he already suffering from the loss of his younger brother, but he was getting pelted with insults over distance learning. I did bring it up with his teachers, but there was only so much they could do to people over online measures. He would enjoy playing your game every chance he had after he completed his homework and I checked up on it. I really liked it because he seemed to really enjoy it. He was incredibly sad when he got permanently banned. He brought it up to me first, and I talked to him about what he said in-game, but at the same time, it was understandable considering the bullying he's gone through. Because of the Cerebral Palsy, Anthony can't get much exercise in and has a few extra pounds on. All the insults that he said in game are all insults that got hurled at him during class and outside of League of Legends. Covid was just a very unbearable time for us and I guess Anthony snapped during that game. Now, he is attending a different school in-person, and has been treated very nice since. I feel that it was very unlucky that he was playing League of Legends during the peak of his anger, because I know Anthony, and he would not say those words to anybody, and now that we are better off, he should get another chance. He refuses to play on any other account because of the sentimental value that his original one holds. I feel that it is very unfair that he has been permabanned because all of the things that he said during that game has not only been said to him in the outside world, but in League of Legends as well. While Anthony has been playing, I have seen countless times people calling others "fat, dogshit, retard," but have rarely gotten report feedback from them. You said in your response "League of Legends treats all its players equally," but I find it hard to believe since my son received this permanent ban. Please consider my son's difficulties. I feel that that small period of depression and anger should determine if he plays League of Legends or not for the rest of his life.

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Regards; Team

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