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For this assignment work individually to create a poster depicting and explain an experience you had over the summer and how it relates to science. any experience you had can be related to science in some way be creative! ex, after a trip to the beach you could create a poster explaining what tides/why they occur. pick a topic is interesting
1: experience that you had this summer. It could be from a vacation, a day trip, or from hanging out in your backyard. What details do you remember? Why was this experience memorable? What questions do you have about the experience?

2: Write a summary of you experience. Try to be as specific as possible! Include observations & details. Date, time of day, and location etc.

3: research topic.answer questions you wrote down from Step 1. take notes so you clearly explain the science behind experience. what branch of science experience fall under. chemistry-The science that deals with the composition, properties, reactions, and the structure of matter.

4: Write paragraph explains science behind experience. explanation should be basic enough for classmate to read/understand + detailed enough show u have learned something new after topic.

5: Collect pictures may use own family photos or cut pictures from a magazine/news paper, or print pictures off web that relate to activity.can use both.diagram from web that depicts how tides are created.

6:large construction paper (12” x 18”).summary and explanation (Steps 2 & 4) typed and proofread.Plan layout poster before gluing pictures.title! colorful, creative, and neat! PUT NAME, CLASS PERIOD, and STUDENT # ON BACK BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER OF POSTER!!
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