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dear diary
today I woke up in the freezing cold. I stood out of my cave, and I saw a fresh woolly mammoth.......
after that I went out with my fresh meat and tried to put up a fire but with the amount of snow that felled last night it will be hard.
I went out and I found a few Twiggs. I put up a fire, but it kept blowing out and then after a few tries it worked.
I finally ate after a few days as it is hard to find proper food when everything is covered in snow and ice as you could probably guess it was freezing. after I had a proper feast, I could smell something not so delicious it was ......... me. Well not exactly me I had a bath a month ago it was my clothes I hadnt washed them in nearly a year but then my mind went to the wholly mammoth I killed today its skin will make a lovely warm cloak and that's what I did. I tried to put the cloak together next to the warm fire I put up this morning. I try to keep my home warm as possible as I don't want to die with frost bites, but it is hard, but I manage. anyway, my beautiful cloak was ready and just in time for my afternoon hike. I figured that if I would walk everyday my body will be making its own warm energy and by now, I do this on the regular but today I have a big warm cloak that I will where so that I don't have to cut my trip short. As I walked, I couldn't see much but snow and large blocks of ice but even if the world is covered with ice, I still need to take care of myself or I will just die with nothing to hold on as memory. When I walked on my mind was amazed of seeing the huge land scape that's build up overtime there were hills everywhere I went, and I was just wondering around. But then snow started to fall well this wasn't a good thing because if the snow fell then would cover up the traces that i made to get home so I started to run and run as I could just see the light of my home, I fell into the snow................
but as you could of gest i am alright as of if I wasn't then who would have written this well if you were wondering what happen I fell into the snow and the cold just put me back onto my feet and I ran home when I reached home, I collapsed onto the floor and passed out (fell asleep) .... goodnight diary.
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