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Hemp Depot Turns to Hand Sanitizer to Keep Employees Working
Investing in Public Cannabis Companies Cannabis and COVID-19: How the Pandemic Will Influence the Future of the Cannabis Industry Survey Results: Cannabis Dispensaries Report Increased Sales During Pandemic CBD Medical Cannabis Research Charlotte Figi, Namesake of Charlotte’s Web CBD Cultivar and Subject of CNN ‘Weed’ Documentary, Dies Due to COVID-19 Symptoms Coronavirus and Cannabis Hemp Depot Turns to Hand Sanitizer to Keep Employees Working Illinois March Adult-Use, Medical Retail Sales Up Over February Products & Services CBD Regulations Cannabis Industry Cannabis Cultivar Selection Products & Services Cannabis Cultivar Selection Coronavirus and Cannabis Investing in Public Cannabis Companies Hemp Depot Turns to Hand Sanitizer to Keep Employees Working

In the long-term, the cannabis industry may emerge from this crisis with more mainstream acceptance and with stronger and financially healthier market participants. Investors may consider a distinction between a cannabis company’s relative stability compared to small and mid-sized enterprises in other industries from a target company’s share price being attractive under the circumstances. Historic trading activity does signal a greater susceptibility of emerging industries to decreased market capitalizations compared to legacy industries’ resilience.

“Vice” industries, like alcohol and tobacco, have demonstrated a tendency to weather economic downturns without losing sales and, in some circumstances, by increasing sales. Rodosevich saw that one of the immediate market demands was for more hand sanitizer. When The Hemp Depot, a vertically integrated hemp and CBD company based in Denver, Colo., saw its revenues decrease dramatically in late February and early March, CEO Andy Rodosevich knew something was coming.

Rodosevich saw that one of the immediate market demands was for more hand sanitizer. So, The Hemp Depot began working with current supply chain partners to collect ingredients Mct Oil & CBD Oil – A Happy Partnership and packaging needed to manufacture hand sanitizer. Focusing on the company’s existing strengths allowed The Hemp Depot to go from concept to deliverable in only 7 days.

Investing in Public Cannabis Companies

This recognition can bolster the movements to legalize medical cannabis in states without such programs and to expand the programs in states that have limited programs treating few conditions with limited forms of cannabis. Smaller industry participants’ ability to continue operating gives them a fighting chance at cbd and hemp tea remaining going concerns. Without the “essential” designation, many of these operators would have faced uncertain futures almost overnight, as companies are experiencing in Massachusetts. Counter-cyclical (or non-cyclical) businesses or industries maintain demand for products or services during economic downturns.

Despite sales boost, dispensaries report other challenges amid COVID-19 outbreak, according to a recent survey of Cannabis Dispensary readers. Jushi has also “put X's on the floor” to assist customers and patients with practicing social distancing and is asking curbside pickup customers to stay in their cars, Perlman said. Meanwhile, medical retail sales increased from about $24.8 million in February to about $30 million What is HHC? in March, according to news releases from the Illinois Department of Public Health’s Medical Cannabis Patient Program. Seeing that the COVID-19 pandemic was going to have an immediate and lasting impact on the business and its employees, Rodosevich set two goals for the company. Two was whether we could keep our staff busy and we weren’t in a situation that we were going to have to lay anybody off,” the CEO says.

Cannabis and COVID-19: How the Pandemic Will Influence the Future of the Cannabis Industry

This was in 2012, and by that point medical cannabis was not fully accepted by American physicians. The Figi family was told to continue on with other medication, but soon her father found a video of a young boy in California with Dravet Syndrome. When asked for other thoughts on how COVID-19 will affect the industry, some responded that navigating the ever-changing policies has been difficult and confusing, while others are concerned about delta 10 gummies no cap the risk of coronavirus transmission through products and packaging. In Sauget, Perlman said Jushi staff see adult-use patients in a separate room of its store as medical patients, who see other cashiers and whose transactions run through separate point-of-sale systems. Illinois adult-use cannabis retail sales in March totaled $35.9 million, according to a news release from the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation .

No business, including those in the cannabis industry, are immune from the effects of COVID-19. Consumer facing cannabis businesses will have to adjust to circumstances that may impact sales, such as sales by delivery only, curb-side order pick-up, limits on the number of customers in stores and the reduction in interstate travel that affect their customer-base. Dispensaries located in central business districts, in locations frequented by tourists or that rely on foot weed pen traffic, for example, may temporarily or permanently close depending on how long self-isolation orders persist. These essential businesses still face challenges that existed prior to the pandemic. In H and Q1 2020, aging accounts receivables already threatened dozens of companies large and small. Now, additional challenges arise surrounding employees feeling safe at work as not to be faced with the difficult prioritization of their safety over continued employment.

Survey Results: Cannabis Dispensaries Report Increased Sales During Pandemic

"Given our family’s month-long history with illness and despite the negative test results, she was treated as a likely COVID-19 case," her mother, Paige, wrote on Facebook. “Honestly, business has been great,” one respondent wrote in an open comment section. Some of that traffic came to multi-state operator Jushi Holdings’ two stores under The Green Glow Bar London Solution brand in Sauget and Normal, Ill., which it acquired in January and plans to convert to its Beyond / Hello brand. "I didn't hear her voice at all, just her crying. I can't imagine that I would be watching her making these gains that she's making, doing the things that she's doing . I don't take it for granted.

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When The Hemp Depot, a vertically integrated hemp and CBD company based in Denver, Colo., saw its revenues decrease dramatically in late February and early March, CEO Andy Rodosevich knew something was coming. Hemp seed sales, which ramp up in March before spiking from April through June, were all how much cbd should i take but halted. Customers who placed bulk orders were calling to have those orders put on hold. Eighty-two percent live in places that are under a stay-at-home mandate, but 81% said their businesses are considered essential, and more than 73% said their businesses are still providing normal services.

Charlotte Figi, Namesake of Charlotte’s Web CBD Cultivar and Subject of CNN ‘Weed’ Documentary, Dies Due to COVID-19 Symptoms

Adult-use cannabis retail sales in the state rose between February and March by nearly $1.1 million, according to news releases from IDFPR. Our aim is to provide our clients with flexible solutions to aid asset life extension and to provide engineering services to the oil & gas and renewable energy industries. After meeting Charlotte, the Stanley brothers further honed their unique plant and named the cultivar Charlotte’s Web. Their company is now called Charlotte's Web outright, and the Stanley brothers have gone on to develop new hemp-derived CBD products. CEO Andy Rodosevich looked for a market need to keep his company going despite losing 40 percent of bulk manufacturing sales.

Coronavirus and Cannabis

Those with the resources to manage the economic downturn while optimizing operational efficiencies will be well-positioned to lead the industry into its next phase and may see opportunities for consolidation. The future may see continued consolidation through merger and acquisition activity that focuses on gradual growth, cash flow neutral or better How To Avoid Vaper’S Tongue When Vaping CBD E-Liquids companies, depth rather than breadth through regional clustering and a hyper-focus on lowest cost production. There very well might be operators ready to throw in the towel after years of teetering on or near the cash flow positive line who will be candidates for cashless mergers in order to get some compensation for their years of hard work.

Hemp Depot Turns to Hand Sanitizer to Keep Employees Working

In addition, demand for cannabis shows signs of being inelastic, suggesting that the industry may be resilient to economic downturns. sugar free hemp gummies will exacerbate existing liquidity issues as investors go into safety mode. For example, cannabis sales in Illinois dispensaries were reported to be up by 13% in March. Caution should be exercised when drawing comparisons between cannabis and vices or cannabis Exploring CBD: What Makes The Best CBD Gummies? and pharmaceuticals. Justifications for cannabis use can be akin to a bad habit but strong evidence exists surrounding the health and wellness reasons for consuming cannabis. Whether Adult-Use cannabis is compared to a regulated vice like alcohol or Medical cannabis is compared to pharmaceuticals, the comparisons are to industries that tend to fare better than most during economic downturns.

Illinois March Adult-Use, Medical Retail Sales Up Over February

No industry is recession-proof and history cannot be drawn upon to evaluate the cannabis industry because it was too young to have been significantly impacted by the last recession that began in 2008. The fact that cannabis businesses have been deemed essential suggests that cannabis has demand characteristics that would help the industry be recession-resistant and that sales could remain steady. However, the positive characterization of cannabis businesses as “essential” by numerous states is likely to have a positive effect on the industry long after this terrible pandemic ends. Massachusetts is the only state that has both medical and adult-use cannabis but choose to deem medical, but not Adult-Use, businesses essential. Calls have gone out to Massachusetts’ Gov. Charlie Baker to reverse the decision and allow adult-use cannabis businesses to reopen. To date, the calls have landed on deaf ears while thousands are threatened by unemployment and revenues have dropped by draconian measures— all the way to zero for adult-use-only facilities.

Products & Services

A small number have actually increased staffing levels during the pandemic (3%) and 5% indicated they have hired more people. Others reported on open comment section that employees have been calling off, either because they are sick or from fear of contracting COVID-19. Others noted the surge in sales but worry about the industry’s long-term viability with supply chain soothe winter stiffness with cbd topicals and other challenges. When asked, "How much of an impact has the COVID-19 outbreak had on your supply chain?" 19% selected "a great deal," 10% reported "a lot" and 25% indicated "a moderate amount." These economic circumstances arising from the pandemic are potentially causing an acceleration of the industry shake-out that was building before the virus emerged.

CBD Regulations Cannabis Industry

An employer’s failure to provide employees with facts, compassion and purpose can allow fear and negativity to predominate, which will weaken their workforce. The difference between mediocre and great management is currently being illustrated across the industry by the call-out levels ranging from 5% to 40% of entire workforces calling in sick or simply quitting. One of the most significant developments for the cannabis industry to arise from this pandemic is the growing recognition that cannabis businesses provide vape pens important services to citizens of legal cannabis states. This recognition is evident in governors’ (and the District of Columbia mayor’s) decisions regarding which businesses are permitted to stay open and which non-essential businesses are ordered closed. Despite social distancing measures and, in some cases, moving partially or exclusively to online and delivery services, about 40% reported no staffing changes. However, 27% have had to temporarily decrease staffing levels/hours and 8% have had to lay off staff.

Smaller operators unable to survive the downturn, rather than being acquired by multi-state operators as they were in the past, will fold and have creditors to deal with without the ability to avail themselves of bankruptcy protections. For staff that are able, companies also indicated they are allowing employees to work remotely (47%). Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced a statewide stay-at-home order that became effective March 21. This followed his declaring cannabis businesses as essential and allowing curbside pickup at medical dispensaries. The consequences of the pandemic will test the operational expertise and soundness of many companies.

Products & Services

“Vice” industries, like alcohol and tobacco, have demonstrated a tendency to weather economic downturns without losing sales and, in some circumstances, by increasing sales. On the heels of the 2008 Recession and during a time of high unemployment, sales of alcohol increased by as much as 10% according to one report. Consumers may opt for less expensive brands or consume alcohol at home instead of in bars or restaurants, but history suggests they continue their consumption habits. Interestingly, many of the current stay-at-home orders likewise deem liquor stores essential and allow restaurants to sell alcohol only on a carry-out basis only. Pharmaceuticals are also considered by some to be non-cyclical or recessions resistant. Most medical and adult-use cannabis businesses have initially been deemed “essential businesses” by states with regulated cannabis programs that have also issued emergency orders.

Cannabis Cultivar Selection

Consequently, not all cannabis businesses, from cultivation to dispensaries, will be capable of weathering this storm without assistance. And no assistance will be available for the cannabis industry from the recently enacted Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act because of the federal illegality of cannabis. Concurrently, the downturn may accelerate the demise of some companies, while creating opportunities for stronger companies and risk-loving private investors. Unfortunately, those small to mid-sized private companies who saw institutional-level where to buy cbd oil in st helens uk capital availability on the horizon will be competing with 20-40% discounted blue-chip stocks with 3-6% dividend yields for attention in the eventually rebounding capital markets. Repriced former line-leaders whose previous valuations set the bar for private companies, will now be used to a comparative detriment to those raising capital in a pinch. The majority of respondents indicated that they operate either a medical cannabis dispensary, (25%), an adult-use dispensary (25%), both (22%) or are vertically integrated (16%).

COVID-19 has affected every person and every business in the U.S. in some small or tragically large way. Further, the virus is likely to upend efforts in several states looking to legalize cannabis through ballot measures in the 2020 election cycle by hindering signature gathering and diverting focus away from this issue. cbd disposables “We expect big things, and those will be adult-use stores when they do open up their doors, so we are excited about that,” he said. While not every extractor, processor or manufacturer will be able to convert operations to produce hand sanitizer at scale and cost effectively, Rodosevich says everyone can get creative.

“This has been the easiest and quickest way to get ramped up and start being able to fill those orders and keep our staff busy and working full time,” Rodosevich says. The company started hand sanitizer production in March, and already has attracted government customers. The Hemp Depot’s main customer, currently, is the Regional Transportation District , a regional public transportation agency operating in Denver and surrounding counties. RTD already has received 5,000 2-ounce bottles and gallon refills from The Hemp Depot, Rodosevich says.

Many companies expanded too quickly and thinly across geographies without growing their existing businesses with a focus on internal capitalization, making a shakeout in the industry inevitable. Following this pandemic, hopefully, a more mature industry will emerge with more efficient Natural CBD Oil Versus Synthetic Alternatives companies focused on organic growth and accretive deal-making. The novel coronavirus pandemic has greatly impacted cannabis retailers, cultivators, processors, suppliers and other industry representatives, according to a recent survey of Cannabis Dispensary readers.

At the same time, to address the health of patients, customers and employees, Jushi is taking numerous actions, Perlman said. For instance, it’s giving an hour to patients and customers who are 50 years or older to shop at its Illinois stores each day before it allows other Is HHC Legal In Europe? Where to buy HHC in Europe. customers in. COVID-19 is disrupting nearly every aspect of personal lives, business and government. However, the cannabis industry finds itself in the unanticipated position of being deemed essential—proving its importance in many U.S. citizens’ daily lives and activities.

Only time will tell if the cannabis industry can avoid significant declines in demand and/or prices caused by the current crisis. There are both challenges and opportunities for businesses that can remain open and have adapted during the outbreak. Responses were mixed when asked about how sales have changed during the pandemic, but more than half (54%) reported sales were up, consistent with anecdotal reports of customers stockpiling cannabis in both medical and adult-use markets, while 26% said they have decreased.
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