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Best Comparison Website to Find Affordable Hair Transplants in Turkey
Istanbul is an ideal place to undergo hair transplants. In fact, there are a lot of places to visit for the procedure at affordable cost. Also, you will need to pay taxes and other costs. Luckily, Turkey is quite inexpensive and is easily accessible from any part of the world. It also hosts some of the best conditions for hair transplants so it makes sense to visit Turkey for this procedure.

Cost of hair transplants in Turkey

Turkey provides great deals for those who wish to have hair transplant surgery. The cost ranges from $300 to $400 per graft based on the type of procedure you choose. These prices also include cost of travel and flights. Turkey's medical tourism sector generates $1 billion annually in revenue. This money is used by the government to create healthcare services and invest in hair-transplant services.

Turkey's hair transplant costs are considerably lower than the costs in other countries. A full head of hair can cost around EUR 6,000, and four thousand grafts will be equivalent to 10000 hair strands. The average price for a package in the UK, Germany, and Spain is EUR 6,500. It's about EUR 5,300 in Poland and Spain.

Turkey Taxes on Hair Transplants

Because Turkey has low manufacturing costs taxes for hair transplants are lower in Turkey than in other countries. The majority of medical equipment is made in Turkey thus avoiding the need to pay import taxes and duties. Many clinics in Turkey offer hair transplant services. They all aim to keep their prices as low as possible to draw clients. However an experienced doctor and a reputation for excellence could charge more. To make hair transplant turkey that the doctor is skilled and experienced, it is important to review testimonials from previous patients.

Turkey is a fantastic location to have hair transplant surgery because it is among the top 3 medical tourism destinations in the world. The majority of clinics in Turkey offer very affordable prices, with all-inclusive packages. Do not pick the most expensive clinic since it could cause other issues. It is essential to conduct your research on the clinic, read the reviews of patients, and see before and after photos before you make a decision. Avoid being scammed or disappointed.

Get a free report on hair loss

Turkey is a top destination for hair transplants. The demand is so high for the procedure that clinics are popping up like rabbits. Some clinics might not be accredited or qualified to perform these procedures, which could cause higher costs for patients. Some clinics even make a mistake by hiring inexperienced staff to cut costs.

Turkey's hair transplant clinics are not often monitored. Some clinics perform surgery without a medical license. Some of them are even run by taxi drivers as well as refugees. This large number of hair transplant surgeries result in thousands of unsuccessful transplants, and also medical complications.

Locating a clinic for hair transplants in Istanbul

If you're thinking about having hair transplants in Istanbul it is recommended to choose a clinic which specializes in the procedure. Istanbul is home to some of the best clinics in the world. They provide the highest quality of care, and you'll be in safe hands. Here's a list Istanbul's top clinics.

Before selecting a clinic, be sure to check for testimonials and credentials from previous patients. Also, make sure to check out their before and after photos. The doctor will determine how severe your loss of hair is and decide on the proper amount of grafts required to achieve the most effective results. After determining the exact amount of grafts required, the surgeon will begin the surgery.

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