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Lot pokémon kaarten:

- Oude generatie:
1 Moltres
1 Articuno
2 Raikou
1 Kingler (NL)
1 Gastly
4 Sandshrew
2 Metapod
3 Ponyta (NL)
4 Venonat (1NL) (3ENG)
4 Diglett (NL)
2 Seel (1NL) (1ENG)
2 Paras
2 Staryu (1NL) (1ENG)
4 Mankey
1 Dark Magneton (blinkend)
1 Dark Arbok ( blinkend)
5 Kakuna (3ENG) (2NL)
1 Fearow (NL)
3 Rattata (2NL) (1ENG)
5 Abra (4NL) (1ENG)
1 Kadabra (NL)
1 Porygon (NL)
1 Jigglypuff
1 Hitmonchan (blinkend)
1 Cyndaquil
1 Cubone
1 Hoppip
2 Growlithe
4 Pikachu (NL)
1 Raichu
3 Magnemite (2NL) (1ENG)
1 Flaaffy
1 Squirtle
1 Wartortle
1 Kabutops
1 Machop (Rocket)
4 Machop (3NL) (1NL)
4 Machoke (3NL) (1ENG)
1 Poliwag
2 Pidgey (1NL) (1ENG)
1 Oddish
1 Golbat
1 Ledian
1 Ledyba
1 Bellsprout
1 Weepinbell
2 Ivysaur (NL)
4 Bulbasaur (2ENG) (2NL)
2 Exeggcute
5 Weedle (2NL) (3ENG)
3 Koffing (2NL) (1ENG)
1 Caterpie (50HP)
2 Caterpie (40HP)
2 Eevee (NL)
3 Charmeleon (2ENG) (1NL)
5 Charmander (2ENG) (3NL)
1 Dratini (NL)
3 Staryu (1ENG) (2NL)
6 Starmie (2ENG) (4NL)
1 Gastly
2 Haunter (1NL) (1ENG)
2 Unown I
1 Unown U
1 Igglybuff
1 Aipom
2 Teddiursa
1 Persian (NL)
1 Dark persian (Rocket)
3 Raticate
1 Dark Raticate (Rocket)
1 Dragonite (Kids WB Presents Pokémon First Movie)
1 Tyrogue
2 Nidoran (male)
2 Nidoran (Female)(1NL) (1ENG)
1 Pineco
1 Hoppip
1 Grimer
1 Nidorina
1 Tangela
1 Scyther
1 Chikorita
1 Corsola
2 Onix (1NL) (1ENG)
1 Jynx (NL)
1 Goldeen
1 Magikarp (NL)
1 Seadra (NL)
1 Drowzee (NL)
1 Voltorb
2 Vulpix (1NL) (1ENG)
1 Venomoth
1 Larvitar
1 Nidorino (NL)
1 Exeggutor
1 Hitmonlee
1 Hitmontop
1 Pupitar
1 Butterfree

-Gym leaders oude generatie
1 Sabrina's Gastly
1 Sabrina's Abra
1 Brock's Sandslash
1 Giovanni's Nidoran
1 Erika's Oddish
1 Erika's Jigglypuff
1 Koga's Grimer
1 Koga's Ekans
1 Koga's Koffing
1 Misty's Cloyster
1 Blaine's Ponyta

- Speciale (alle generaties)
1 Palkia lv. X
1 Palkia lv 67
1 Absol (2004)
1 Zapdos Lv. 45
1 Registeel Lv. 50
1 Mesprit Lv. 50
1 Latias (delta species)
1 Kyogre Lv. 47
1 groudon Lv.45
2 Dialga lv 68 (blinkend) (ze verschillen een beetje)
1 Jirachi
1 Regigigas lv 48 (blinkend)
1 Manaphy lv 20
1 Lugia (2005)
1 Lugia Lv 43 ( blinkend)
1 Deoxys (delta species) (blinkend)
1 Latios ex (blinkend) (2003)
1 Groudon (ex emerald) (2005)
1 Groudon ( 2005)
1 Lucario Lv X
1 Gardevoir ex
1 Gastrodon
1 Meganium ( blinkend) (delta species) (dragon frontiers)
2 Feraligatr Lv 53 (blinkend) ( ze blinken allebei anders)
1 Electrivire LV 50
1 Hariyama LV 38
1 Dusknoir Lv 47
1 Skuntank lv 40
1 Snorlax Lv 35
1 Kabutops Lv 56 (blinkend)
1 Infernape Lv 46
1 Lickilicky Lv 46 ( blinkend)
1 Sceptile Lv 52 ( blinkend)
2 Scepttile (2005) (1 blinkend)
1 bibarel lv 29
1 Typhlosion Lv 46 (blinkend)
1 Ursaring Lv 38 (blinkend)
3 Chansey Lv 31
1 Camerupt Lv 41
1 Hariyama Lv 38 (blinkend)
1 Blastoise (2006) (delta species) (blinkend) (Ex Crystal Guardians)
1 Blaziken (2007)
1 Pidgeot (Delta species) (blinkend)
1 Breloom Lv 40
1 Bastiodon Lv 51
1 Drapion Lv 41
1 Gastrodon West Sea Lv 44 (blinkend)
1 Gengar Lv 39
1 Hippowdon Lv 45
1 Donphan Lv 48
1 Torterra Lv 47 ( blinkend)
1 Nidoqueen Lv 50 (blinkend)
1 Slaking Lv 56 (blinkend)
1 Walrein Lv 51 (blinkend)
1 Empoleon Lv 49
1 Meganium Lv 48 (blinkend)
1 Blissey Lv 44 (blinkend)
1 Exploud Lv 58
1 Swampert (2006) (blinkend) (Ex crystal guardians)
1 Hippowdon Lv 44
1 Cradily (2007)
1 Kabutops Lv 56
1 Gardevoir (2007) Ex power keepers
1 Vespiquen lv 40
1 Luxray Lv 48
1 Rhyperior Lv 61
1 Espeon ex (2005)
1 Feraligatr ex (2005)
1 Torterra (2007)
1 Torterra Lv X (2007)
1 Metagross ex (2007)
1 Mewtwo Golden star

- SP cards:
Hippowdon Lv 52 (Elite four)
Flareon Lv 55 (Elite four)
Houndoom Lv 52 (Elite four)
Ambipom Lv 40 (Team Galactic)
Aerodactyl Lv 62 (Gym Leader's Pokémon)
Machamp Lv 64 (Gym Leader's Pokémon)
Froslass Lv 44 (blinkend) (Gym Leader's Pokémon)

- Blinkende kaarten (Er zijn er nog maar die staan tussen andere lijsten)
Milotic (2005) (8/106)
Wormadam Sandy Cloak Lv 37
Shieldon Lv 26
Doduo Lv 18
Bulbasaur (Ex Chrystal Guardians)
Jigglypuff Lv 23
Bronzong Lv 40
Minun (2006) (6/12)
Plusle (2006)(6/12)
Mawile (Ex power keepers)
Burmy plant cloak Lv 10
Unown P Lv 17
Unown I Lv 16
Turtwig Lv 10
Spheal Lv 17
Murkrow Lv 10
Grotle Lv 21
Glaceon Lv 46
Abra Lv 8
Bellsprout (Ex Legend Maker)
Smoochum (Delta species) ( Ex Dragon Frontiers)
Magby Lv 5
Munchlax Lv 8
Xatu (Ex Unseen Forces)
Banette (Ex Chrystal Guardians)
Bayleef Lv 28
Magneton Lv 40
Raticate Lv 29
Metang Lv 24
Cranidos Lv 24
Lucario Lv 30
Forretress Lv 43
Graveler Lv 34
Probopass Lv 46
Electrode Lv 42
Roserade Lv 40
Nidoran female (delta species) (Ex Dragon Frontiers)
Delcatty (Ex Legend Maker)
Dugtrio (2006) (5/100)
Shelgon (2005) (45/107)
Combusken Lv 24
Clefable Lv 37
Leafeon Lv 42
Leafeon Lv 40
Swablu Lv 16
Altaria (2007) (2/108)
Kabuto (Legend Maker)
Smoochum Lv 6
Jumpluff Lv42
Gabite Lv 32
Slowking Lv 41
Hoothoot Lv 7
Plusle (2005) (44/107)
Silcoon (2005) (46/107)
Dustox (2003) (6/109)
Growlithe (2003) (65/100)
Medicham (2004) (10/101)
Electrike (Ex Chrystal Guardians)
Spinarak (Ex Team Rocket returns)
Dark Magneton ( Ex Team Rocket returns)
Dark Ariados (Ex Team Rocket Returns)
Exeggcute Lv 12


* Rare:
Torkoal (27/92)
Carnivine Lv 32
Jynx Lv 30
Sableye (22/108)
Sableye (23/107)
Zangoose (25/108)
Wobbuffet (24/108)
Mawile (17/108)
2 Sudowoodo Lv 22
Relicanth (24/101)
Lapras Lv 47
Papinox Lv 34 (frans)
Chimecho Lv 21
Drifblim Lv 40
Staraptor Lv 54
Bellossom (3/115)
Grovyle (Delta Species) (19/100)
Seadra (Delta species) (22/101)
Manetric (7/106)
Elekid (23/115)
Electabuzz (22/115)
Houndoom (7/115)
Houndoom (12/144)
Flareon (5/115)
Vaporeon (19/115)
Crawdaunt (6/107)
Ninjask (13/107)
Shedinja (14/107)
Jynx (28/115)
Purugly Lv 44
Octillery (10/115)
Glalie (13/106)
Dugtrio Lv 46
Ariados (2/115)
Whiscash Lv 41
Chansey (19/112)
Toxicroak Lv 39
Shedinja Lv 34
Murkrow (30/115)
Sunflora LV 35
Altaria (1/107)
Sunflora (16/115)
Loudres (23/100)
Swellow (32/113)
Rhydon (19/106)
Medicham (25/100)
Furret (22/109)
Dusclops (14/108)
Aranine (15/100)
Seviper (22/108)
Magneton (16/108)
2 Wigglytuff Lv 46
Rotom Lv 37 (blinkend)
Dugtrio Lv 50
Arbok (Delta Species) (13/101)
Yanmega Lv 47
Lanturn (15/108)
Jolteon Lv 39
Glalie Lv 43
Salamence (19/97)
Igglybuff (21/100)
Cleffa (21/115)
Weezing Lv 42
Minum Lv 24
Kricketune Lv 38
Ninetales (19/108)
Raichu (12/108)
Delcatty (8/108)
Banette (4/108)
Milotic Lv 47

Dan nog ong 182 Uncommon (ruiten) cards erbij en
+ - 440 Common (circle) cards erbij

- nog andere:
Team Magma's Zangoose
Team Aqua's Corphish
Dark Houndoom
Dark Dragonair
Team Magma's Houndoor
Team Magma's Rhyhorn
Dark Golduck
3 Unown E Lv 18
2 Unown M Lv 15
Unown R Lv 16
Unown N Lv 16
Unown Y Lv 15
Unown O Lv 12
Unown L lv 18
Unown I lv 16 (rare)
Unown H Lv 12 (rare)
Unown G Lv 17
Unown C Lv 18

-------- Trainers -----------

- oude generatie trainers:
3 super potion ( 2 nl 1 eng)
2 professor Oak
7 bill ( 3 nl 4 eng)
5 drankje (potion 5 nl)
2 verdediger (2 nl) (defender)
2 windvlaag (2 NL)
4 Energy removal (1 NL 3ENG)
8 Switch ( 4NL 4ENG)
2 Pokédex (1NL 1 ENG°
1 Energy search
2 Poké Ball
2 Full Heal (1NL 1 ENG)
2 maintenance
1 ruin wall
1 professor Oaks dubbelganger ( nl)
2 pluspower (1nl) (1eng)
1 energy retrieval
1 energy ark
1 super energy removal
1 Pokémon Flute
1 pokémon breeder
1 hyper devolution spray
1 gokker (nl)
1 challenge!
1 Blaine (blinkend) (speciaal)

- Normale
7 energy search
11 potion
2 double full heal
3 switch
1 Energy Removal 2
1 Energy switch
1 dual ball
1 warp point
2 Old Rod


3 night maintenenance
3 Plus Power
1 Night Pokémon Center
1 Super Scoop up
2 Energy Search
2 Warp point
1 Energy Restor

Poké balls:
1 Rocket's Poké Ball (blinkend) (3 dollar)
1 Master Ball
1 Team Aqua Ball
1 Premier Ball
3 Quick Ball
4 Dusk Ball

1 Root Fossil
1 Root Fossil (blinkend) (Legend maker)
1 Skull Fossil
1 Helix Fossil
3 Mysterious Fossil
1 Claw Fossil

- Supporter:

4 Wally's training
2 Professor Cozmo's Discovery
3 Professor Birch
4 bebe's Search
3 Mom's Kindness
1 Fieldworker
1 Steven's Advice
1 Tv Reporter
1 Professor Oak's Visit
1 Felicity's drawing
1 Celio's Network
1 Professor Rowan
1 Lucian's Assignment
1 Looker's Investigation
1 Flint's Willpower
1 Bertha's Warmth
1 Underground Expedition
1 Fossil Excavator
1 Aaron's Collection
2 Team Galactic's Mars
1 Team Galactic's Wager
1 Team Aqua Schermer
1 Team Aqua Conspirator
1 Team Magma Conspirator

1 Rocket's mission

- Stadium

1 Magnetic Storm
1 Speed Stadium
1 Drake's Stadium
1 Gaint Stump
1 Team Aqua Hideout

- Pokémon Tool

1 Oran Berry
1 Amulet Coin (blinkend)
1 Mysterious Shard (blinkend) (ex Chrystal Guardians)
1 Chrystal Shard (blinkend) (ex Chrystal Guardians)
1 Chrystal Shard (normaal)
1 Cessation Chrystal

- Andere speciale

1 Technical Machine TS-1 (Technical Machine) (2.44 dollar)
1 Ancien Technical Machine (steel) (Blinkend) (Technical

1 Copycat (blinkend) (supporter) (Ex Team Rocket Returns)
2 bebe's search ( blinkend) (Supporter)
1 Mr. Stone's Project (blinkend) (supporter (Ex holy phantoms)
1 Team galactic's intervention G-109 SP Radar (trainer)

1 Dusk Ball (blinkend) (trainer)
1 Moonlight's Stadium (Stadium) (Blinkend)
1 Potion (blinkend) (trainer)
1 Switch (blinkend) (Ex Delta Species)
1 Rare Candy (Blinkend) (trainer)
1 Rare Candy (Ex Holy Phantoms) (Blinkend)

(176 kaarten)

- 23 vuurenergie + 8 oude generatie
- 33 bliksemenergie + 1 speciale blinkende (108/110) + 24

oude bliksemenergie
- 15 grasenergie + 18 oude generatie
- 14 oog paars physic energy + 21 oude gen. + 1 speciale blinkend (109/110)
- 12 bruin/aarde energie + 20 oude gen.
- 42 water energie + 5 oude gen.
- 1 metal energy
- 2 darkness energy

Special energies:
1 heal energy
1 darkness energy (special)
2 warp energy
1 cyclone energy
2 multi energy
1 rainbow energy
1 scramble energy
2 aqua energy
1 R energy
1 Boost energy
2 Metal energy (special)


+ - 1482 kaarten in totaal
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