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The reason why a Real Wellness Philosophy and Way of life Are Way Far better Than Religion

Intended for starters, REAL wellness is, well, true. It's plain plus down to world. There is enough evidence it is out there, unlike the unexplored and unknown regions of eternal bliss or perhaps fiendish torments beyond the grave that will some/most religions illustrate to entice or frighten believers.

TRUE wellness makes no supernatural claims, contains no promises of euphoric ecstasy or threats of everlasting horror.

REAL wellness does not presume to offer the one and only so this means of life; in addition, it has not any creeds or dogmas. With REAL health and fitness, there is not any one and only philosophy for almost all; unlimited variations and choices dwell inside its four proportions. By contrast, foi insist one dimension fits all--everyone need to believe the same tenets, which differ by sect plus denomination.

I sleep my case.

Effectively, maybe not. There's so much more.


Religion and GENUINE wellness� are very different. One has recently been around forever, or at least given that early humans developed the ability to walk about two legs concerning four million decades ago. REAL health and fitness evolved somewhat later on, maybe a few years back. This happened when My partner and i got fed way up with crackpots plus entrepreneurs distorting the positive lifestyle-focused ideas that will Halbert L. Dunn, myself and a few others had introduced (Dunn inside of the 50s, other folks in mid-70s). Well being was promoted quite a bit less a treatment, assistance or product but since an enriching way of life strategy or regimen for thinking sensibly and acting accordingly in conscious things to do of high levels of mental and physical wellbeing.


Unlike REAL well being, religion involves beliefs in and praise of one or more superhuman controlling capabilities, such as a personal God or even gods; REAL well being is more modest--it's just a framework of attitudes in addition to behaviors that promote wellbeing. Wikipedia details religion as specified behaviors and techniques, morals, world-views, text messaging, sanctified places, prophecies, ethics, or businesses that relate human race to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements. Wow--that's a fill to carry. Reminds me of the ultimate stanza from George M. Cohan's song, "Life's a Very Funny Proposition After All: "

Young for a day, then old plus gray,

Like the flower that buds in addition to blooms

And ends and falls aside

Losing health to gain our riches,

As through this particular dream we excursion

Everything's a guess

And even nothing's sure

Battles exciting and abruti we're

fighting until the curtain drops

Life's an extremely funny proposition after all

The get to of REAL wellbeing is more simple. Let's delve a bit more into what faith and REAL wellbeing have in popular and how they are all very different coming from the other.

Stephen Jay Gould tried out to argue of which two domains, religion and science, will be non-overlapping magisteria. The majority of scientists and additional secular authorities begged to disagree, noticing that the a couple of have been in conflict throughout history--and remain so. The particular interests and statements of each overlap on vital matters. The true who trust would not agree together with Cohan's words above--life's but an interlude before the beauty of another living of unimaginable happiness. Score one intended for religion, if you can get your head around that will.

Different as the two can be, many of us can explore problem whether one really does more good (or harm) in the world compared to the other. Also related inquiries, such

as--Are typically the two compatible in addition to, If a particular person has one, will he/she need the particular other? Certainly the particular reader can think of additional questions, whilst holding strong viewpoints on the finest answers.

Like faith, an actual wellness beliefs and lifestyle may promote and encourage behaviors and procedures, morals, world-views in addition to texts. Unlike religion, REAL wellness features nothing whatsoever in order to do with sanctified places, or prophecies, nor does ACTUAL wellness relate humanity to supernatural, transcendental, or spiritual elements. Au contraire--at minimum one early GENUINE wellness advocate (i. e., moi) considers supernatural, transcendental, or even spiritual elements to get false, spurious basically jejune.

Thus, from this perspective, religion is viewed to have done more harm compared to good, and continues to achieve this right now.

I experienced 13 years of faith based education. I recognize firsthand that religion accepts the term of a leader since law; a TRUE wellness mindset assesses a leader's phrases in the context involving laws--and responds appropriately.

In decades and even decades observing faith based leaders, I was initially most influenced (not in a nice way) by Billy Graham, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Robert Jeffress, Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, Oral Roberts, Benny Hinn, Jimmy Swaggart plus Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker. Inside developing the REAL wellness concept, specifically regarding the sizes of reason and liberty, my concepts were shaped by the likes of Carl Sagan, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Robert Kurtz, Daniel Dennett, Christopher Hitchens, Lalu Barker and Annie Laurie Gaylor, Jeff Flynn and, of course , Robert Green Ingersoll.

It doesn't seem an excessive amount of a stretch out to suggest the latter group seems more impressive that those who shaped our impressions of religious beliefs.

I think religion contrasts poorly with the four dimensions regarding REAL wellness. Together with regard to cause, exuberance, athleticism plus liberty, it disappoints, the following:

REASON--As in comparison with evidence-based crucial thinking, religion is founded upon faith, an unscientific unverifiable first step toward revelations, claims and historical claims.

EXUBERANCE--Religion is thick with solemnity, devotions, sorrow, fear, conformity and reverence. That lacks sacraments with regard to humor, laughter, happiness, adventure, pleasure in addition to art. Religious commandments provide ample thou shalt nots yet are silent upon thriving and flourishing. Where are supports for creativity, regarding exploring and then for savoring life whenever possible?

ATHLETICISM--holy books are noiseless on nutritional recommendations and tips for emotional acuity and actual physical fitness.

LIBERTY--Growing way up Catholic, I can't recall bible poems or instructions by nuns or priests to embrace, advertise or enjoy existence, liberty or the pursuit of happiness. Cleanness got more support for godliness than freedom; my impacts over the study course of a very long life have certain me that liberty of body and brain, thought in addition to labor rarely reveal within the absence of personal and collective vigilance to generate, advertise and defend protections, large and tiny. I am more prone to associate REAL wellness with the Enlightenment; religion with the Inquisition.


REAL wellbeing is a beliefs and lifestyle open to all; the measurements can be resolved comfortably by persons with or without religion. Believers, almost by definition, discuss a meaning of life notion of which they exist to love and serve some sort of god, to comply with the prescribed regulations and traditions associated with their religion dependent upon the theories of an one true god. That is usually the overarching so this means of life intended for the religious.

Regarding non-theists, a true wellbeing philosophy will probably come across a no cosmic purpose for existence perspective liberating. Margaret Sanger's motto, "No gods, No professionals, " celebrates the freedom to create the own meanings, based upon reason, good sense, and science. A new conviction that presently there is no natural meaning frees us all to make a thing worthy of typically the reality that were here, that it's up to each associated with us with out 1 else to decide each of our purposes. Our connotations are created from life experiences and funely-tuned throughout our verse along what Ingersoll called "a slim vale between chilly and barren highs of two eternities" (i. e., ahead of birth along with death).

If we choose that life is imbued with very little all-encompassing, single in addition to non-negotiable meaning (unlike religions), we have been free to create commonplace decencies, social cable connections, norms, cultures and all the rest. These creations of our own own making give our brief period of being because meaningful as feasible, and day-to-day living as well as it can easily get.

Alternatives to an one dimension fits all method to meaning strikes us as yet one more way that ACTUAL wellness is method better than certitude.


We interrupt this essay to talk about something new and even different--but somewhat pertinent to the subject from hand, namely, a "What If" situation.

Suppose a certain Jewish teacher in addition to healer a several thousand years back got gone about proclaiming the benefits of reason, the joys involving exuberance, the positive comes back of athleticism in addition to the possibilities revealed by liberty, instead of going on about a good imminent kingdom regarding God. Perhaps Earth might have recently been great again.

It probably was pretty great during several intervals of your time that will lasted a lot of years--all before humanoids. Look at the panoply of diverse life varieties during the Mesozoic era 252 mil years ago. Maybe these kinds of were the best associated with times for living forms on this specific planet. Alas, a great asteroid roughly 6 miles across reach Earth about sixty-five million years ago. The particular impact, followed by simply a big explosion, do mischief far higher than what's apparent gazing with the 110 mile strike zone in the Yucatan Peninsula. The asteroid unleashed a mind-numbing series of events and circumstances of which would eventuate inside something more consequential than the asteroid impact itself--it trigger developments that ultimately led to us, to religion in addition to, thank heavens, to SPECIFIC wellness.


This philosophy plus concept promotes typically the power of individual creativity. It helps people reframe old problems, it promotes reflection, it creates new self-knowledge and it shapes an improved life with fewer dysfunction and more happiness and well being. Religion is certainly not devoted to these kinds of purposes. It promotes obedience. It attempts reason, frowns upon exuberance, ignores obligation for self-care (athleticism) and undermines liberty. It indoctrinates, whereas REAL wellness educates. These factors help to make REAL wellness far better than certitude.

However there will be more which enables ACTUAL wellness stick out by comparison.

REAL wellbeing promotes, religion circumvents choices. One regarding countless examples consists of women's rights. The Catholic Church forbids abortion in all instances. A recent Terme conseillé report ("Legality of Abortion: 2018-2020 Market Tables") found that will 79 percent involving Americans think child killingilligal baby killing should be legitimate. Even a majority involving Catholics don't desire Roe v. Wade overturned. (Source: NARAL Pro-Choice America. ) Religion often helps make people follow rules that many or perhaps most don't including very much--yet another way that GENUINE wellness is better than religious beliefs.

HERE IS The CRUCIAL reason precisely why I think ACTUAL wellness is way, way better as compared to religion: It's active, malleable, capable associated with and attentive to transform with new breakthroughs; the Christian religious beliefs is based on a book fixed inside a pre-Medieval period. This book cannot turn out to be updated with new advances, research or perhaps knowledge. As Ingersoll noted, year in year out, and even century after hundred years, it remains while ignorant as ever.

Lastly, REAL wellness will be way, way better than religion due to the fact with a REAL wellness mindset:

A person can sleep within or get out of bed in addition to exercise on Sundays.
There are little prayers to say, slogans to roulade, wafers to take, processions to enroll in, censers to swing or contaminated holy water to stay the fingers into.
A person can ignore seven of the 10 commandments--you still cannot kill anybody. Ideal of all, the nature of adultery is negotiable.
Rather than servile acquiescence to appropriately named papal bulls or public decrees from Rome, Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem or other out-of-touch religious centers, you're more likely to experience a laugh at various bulls in addition to go about your organization.
Absent any identified affiliation with some sort of religion, you are never expected in order to explain the vast store of preposterous bible stories (e. g., Noah and Ark), miracle healings, or clergy sexual scandals.
You possess boundless possibilities regarding gender identity and even sexual orientation.
An individual suffer less Small or no guilt, depending upon the harmony you strike between villainy and mind.
No should tithe or otherwise support tax-free institutions or give to the god who constantly needs but in some manner cannot handle money.
On the latter point, you could recall this particular from George Carlin:

Religion has in fact convinced people that there's an invisible guy living in typically the sky who watches everything you carry out, every minute of each day. Along with the invisible man includes a special list of 10 things he does not want you to do. And when you do these ten things, he's a special place, full of fire and smoke and using and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and experience and burn and even choke and shout and cry forever and ever 'til the end associated with time!

But He loves you. They loves you, and He needs cash! He always really needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, in addition to all-wise, bur in some way he just can't handle money!


While some 30 percent of Americans, myself included, pick none when mentioned religious affiliation or belief, I understand herds of men and women, including relatives in addition to best friends, that choose religion plus REAL wellness. Both are not incompatible, simply unlikely associations, i think. No matter in which you fit about the religiosity scales, I hope an individual find elements of the REAL wellness idea and mindset eye-catching.

All good desires. May you be weller than effectively and in many cases "blessed" along with an abundance regarding reason, exuberance, athleticism and personal liberty.


The Incredible James Randi perished last week (October 20). An outspoken freethinker, he dazzled although exposing claims associated with faith healing, tea spoon bending, mind looking at, fortunetelling, ghost whispering, water dowsing, Ough. F. O. how to spot and sundry types of bamboozlement, bunco, chicanery, flimflam, flummery, humbuggery, mountebankery, pettifoggery and out-and-out quacksalvery (Margo Fox, Adam Randi, "Magician Which Debunked Paranormal Claims, Dies at 78, " New You are able to Times, October 21 years old, 2020. ) Their books included, Flim Flam! read more About Unicorns, Parapsychology, and Other Delusions (1980); The Faith Healers (1987); plus An Encyclopedia regarding Claims, Frauds, and Hoaxes of typically the Occult and Unnatural (1995).

I am aware regarding a fact this individual, too, found the elements of an ACTUAL wellness mindset in order to be way, approach better than faith.
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