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Pink Himalayan Salt
Unlike ordinary table salt, Pink Himalayan salt contains a pinkish tint that is a result of trace minerals in the rock. It is commonly used as a food additive in place of refined table salt, but is also used in cooking, decorative lamps, and spa treatments. Read on to find out more about this rock salt.

Health benefits

Pink Himalayan salt is said to be lower in sodium than regular table salt. Although both salts are 98 percent sodium chloride, the difference is primarily in the shape and size of the crystals. In Himalayan Pink Salt , pink salt has a more distinctive taste. The small crystals are similar to regular salt and tend to be less salty than the large crystals.

While salt is important for regulating many important processes in the human body, too much salt can cause high blood pressure and heart disease. However, recent research has cast doubt on this traditional belief. Several people have made the switch to pink Himalayan salt because of the numerous health benefits it offers.


Pink Himalayan Salt is a rock salt from the Himalayas that has a pinkish color due to the presence of essential minerals. It is used as a food additive as well as for spa treatments and artistic lamps. Despite the hype, there is no scientific evidence for the health benefits of this salt. Hence, it's important to know the facts before buying it.

The mineral content of pink Himalayan salt is almost 80 percent higher than that of regular table salt. This is due to the fact that it is extracted by hand. Hence, it is less processed than normal salt. Because the salt is hand-harvested, its natural minerals are preserved. Many claim that pink salt contains up to 84 different types of minerals. Iron is the main mineral responsible for its pink color. The amount of molybdenum present in this salt has not yet been studied.

Place of origin

There is some controversy surrounding the place of origin of pink Himalayan salt. Although most of the salt consumed globally comes from Pakistan, some historians argue that the salt was originally mined by local communities. The Mughal emperor Akbar is credited with bringing standardized mining to the area. During Akbar's reign, Himalayan salt became a traded commodity. Later, British engineers developed modern mining techniques and increased harvesting. Although these practices have changed the way the salt is mined, the process continues to be conducted by skilled workers who employ time-honored methods.

Despite its pink color, Himalayan salt does not come from the Himalayas. In fact, it is a rock salt found in Pakistan. This rock salt is a remnant of sea salt that was deposited there over hundreds of millions of years. The name Pink Himalayan salt is based on its pink color due to iron oxide content. Other minerals in the salt also contribute to its color.
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