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World of Warcraft: Shadowlands Gets a Smooth Launch a Week after The The Release

Blizzard has enjoyed a rather smooth release to their most recent expansion, World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. One week after the launch the content is not perfect, but players have been pleasantly surprised by how smoothly the launch been.

The game's title isn't flawless There are many who will highlight this. Some spawns are not working certain quests aren't working, and some items aren't working as properly as one would like.

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The launch itself and the game's playability has remained rather steady throughout the course of. In light of the past history of Blizzard's content not being very playable recently, players were happily surprised for this.

In the past, during the prepatch release, players were irritated to find the game barely playable. The game was almost impossible to play once servers crashed and changes were lost.

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This was a bit of an echo when the Scourge Invasion event began, which saw servers knocked down as well. While a smooth launch compared to the prepatch but the event was not flawless.

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Many were afraid for the same thing this week. However, Blizzard has stood tall. Blizzard kept their momentum despite having the most popular title release in recent years.

Some servers were shut down, but a lot of servers with high-population, like Wyrmrest accord and Moon Guard - both well-known for their large populations of Alliance and Horde players, had no problem staying in operation.

Overall, Blizzard has been able deliver a fantastic experience for technical users. Although there are still some issues but the developers have demonstrated amazing ability to keep things moving.

The work is being completed! There are still issues however Blizzard is knocking more and more of them out every day. Hotfixes are released regularly which eliminates the remaining issues.

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Frankly, no one expected there to not be issues with a launch this massive, holding this many content flawless and error-free launch would have been astonishing, if even possible. Given that the issues are (mostly) rather minor, many are impressed to see how many issues Blizzard has sorted out.

Given that the last two releases have gone poorly many were worried that there could be a repeat of the expansion we've been waiting for to become unplayable. Instead, Blizzard surprised their players again by presenting a wonderful launch that complemented some amazing content.

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